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Mesa in relation to Valkyr


Elements exist that suggest close similarities.


Mesa's abilities power roles, the CC of Lasso, the damage reduction of shatter shields, and power weapons of their 4th ability; Valkyr can do these same things, however more fierce.


More impotently, their default helmets appear to be identical. The larger half of Valkyr and Mesa's behind the bandanna.


Also both have a direct connection to Alad V.

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In light of the Year of Quality, I'd like to ask what the plans are for long term sustance of the game. I know at the moment the older players mostly stick around for the new things coming every update, but even that can get old. there is almost nothing to ensure the survivability of the game and i'd be really sorry to see it fade away. The content drive of this game, to me, seems unsustainable, and that there needs to be some sort of way to mix up gameplay.


My first thought to do this would be "challenges" i.e. where youcan go and turn off abilities, or only use a melee weapon, or only use unmodded gear. maybe this would give extra rewards, to make it seem like and actually useful feature.


Also perhaps add some way for user created content like quests, to suppliment the game with inlets for new, easy content


Actual question: What is planed for long-term survivability of the game?


TL:DR too bad, read the whole thing

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I have only one question, and it may be touched upon lightly or heavily, just as you see fit. 

Is there anything in the pipeline with regards to producing or introducing some sort of initiative for veteran players to stay and keep playing the game? I have seen so many people just fade away into the abyss never to be seen again - and when asked "why?" - no real reason could be given except that there was not that spark that they felt when playing the game in its earlier stages. 

Thank you for considering - if not  - thank you none the less :-) 

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Would it be possible to change the AI of the sentinels and have them attack arc traps, security cameras, door sensors, etc..? If not, at least put out a mod that gives us the option. It can mess up the pace a bit when you want to go pure melee in a mission.


Speaking of door sensors, some of them are really placed in very tight/obscure places in the Grineer ships, any thoughts about getting this fixed/changed?


Lastly, would it be possible to add a mission search feature, wherein you input the <Enemy> <Mission> <Level> and even <Resource>. Sometimes I just want to run a Survival mission against the Grineer, but can't find any node that has players in them. I am then forced to search through all Grineer occupied planets and click on every Survival node. I think this would also be beneficial to players who are new and would want to farm for certain resources.

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When we see more Archwing mission?

Excavation? Or somthing new.


Will we see "crossower mission"?

Run as Tenno + Archwing in a single mission.

Like Invasion when you start mission in Greener ship, exterminate Corpus enemy. The ship is hit, you are sucked out into space and you continue mission using Archwing.


Whether we will see Corrupted/Dual Stats mods for Archwing?


Do you plan to buff some Archwing mods?

Like SystemReroute. On lv10. he cost 16 energy and give only 27,5%.


Do you plan to change daily login reward system?

Now we have 0-2, 3-6 and 7+  witch random reward. What if we have "diffrent" reward (or small prize pool like 10'000 credits and 50% chance for "platinum discount") for each day, from day 1 to 100 or even further.




Will we see new rooms in Dojo?

Especially shooting-range and room where we can train mele combo.


PS: i'm sory for my bad English.

Edited by peger
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'Will there ever be an ability to use Archwing in orbit (i.e. not in space)? Seems plausible since there is already ''gravity'' in Archwing (inasmuch at least as there is an ''up'' and a ''down'', for all intents and purposes). If so, could we be seeing situations in which we use our normal weapons with Archwing? I think that would be swell. 

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1.Will the melee charge attacks be weapon based or stance based?


2.Any plans on polishing or changing melee animations?


3.When can we change the metal color on older primes?


4.Any chance that mod slots will be broken down to categories? like example: aura mods

 warframe: defence slots: hp , shield , armor

                  ofence slots  : power dmg , power eff , power limit etc.

                  utility slots     : master thief , maglev....


this also for weapons:  barrel mod slots

                                     holder mods slots

                                     ammo mod slots:  


5.Cloth cosmetics - hoods and scarfs

Edited by Shaden73
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With the addition of new Primed variants for flow, continuity, and the future addition of streamline, many within the community feel unsure of Warframes future diversity of gameplay style.


Has your stance on the energy loophole exploitation changed? Or is there some method to the madness of furthering power play that ties into future developmental changes?

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I Have always wondered about the possibility of having a sparring room either on the ship or in a dojo where in tenno can practice on holograms, try out new weapons and/or abilities, or explore companion AI.  Would this be a possible addition to the Warframe universe? 

Also could we get more of that mysterious Tenno lore?? :o Ideas race around my curious mind..

Edited by Trooper7567
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- Could you please, please, change the way the void trader works? This is less so on the subject of him appearing every two weeks and more to do with the fact that his additions seem lazy and rarely thought out. In the first week we had a warframe mod that was suitable for lategame players playing lategame, A shotgun mod that has no place, since it would have just been better to buff the original, and a superior detron that almost invalidates any work we've put in. (we also had the first of many cosmetics that force us to abandon energy colours) The week after we again had a fitting warframe mod and then a mod that should simply have been buffed (in the context of the current system, which many fondly criticize for being entirely damage focused) Or maybe we could have got a genuinely good shotgun balance pass instead? It's lazy, and we had the prime armour parts separated just to make it look like we had more. The last trader had a reload mod (nothing gamebraking, though the original could have been buffed) and a primed heavy trauma; The original was fine, and this is a very niche mod. Were you just going to choose any mod with five ranks to make legendary? Was the only thought put into this 'we need more credit sinks'? Could you please step in and put a quality check on what the void trader has to offer? 


- Will you ever buff the single-stat status chance mods. Such as sure shot or shotgun savvy? They've been criticaly useless since damage 2.0, and the only thing you've done to make status chance is release dual stat mods. 


- Will you change Elemental/physical damages in the foreseeable future. 


- Will you make attempts to ballance weapons in the near future. Even though Boltor prime requires the same amount of effort to build as other prime weapons it is much easier to use and offers far more killing potential. Whilst weapons like the reaper prime are weaker than those in it's cost range. 


- Will you ever move weapon modding away from just adding more and more damage? Currently Almost all builds involve +damage,+ multishot, +elemental damages and possibly +Crit chance/damage (for more damage) and this is both harmful for build creativity in the late game and to players who play a variety of difficulties (who need to run to the back of the liset to change things so that they don't one-shot everything with a full auto weapon. )


- Will we at some point get utility slots on warframe so we have a place to put things like intruder, maglev or master thief. Perhaps warframe augments too, Since some of them aren't so useful that you'd sacrifice a slot for them (or should have been innate) 


- When will past event mods be available. 


- Sigils. I'm experiencing the following shortcomings

I want to wear a syndicate sigil because it looks cool and i've earned it, but I don't want to earn rep points for that faction.

I can't wear two syndicate sigils from the same faction.

Sigil has an awesome effect on a design i don't like, or vice versa.

Cool sigil doesn't have the best bonus i can get. 

Can't wear a sigil on anywhere but front/back

I have loads of badges i will never use. Can i use them as sigils and vice versa 

Sigil glows too much, I'd like it to not contrast so violently against myself.

Any plans to fix any of those?


- Will you at some point change the size of players back to normal in archwing


- Will some archwing only items (dregs, rangers, the trench run tiles and so on) be moved into normal gameplay (and are those ospreys placeholders?)


- Why didn't you just buff point blank, rather than add a primed version. 


- any news on the customisation of prime parts on a prime warframe? For example If I didn't like gold rhino-skin or all of his prime-attachments, could i take them off? Will I get an additional colour channel should you PBR them?


- If you can pbr things now, Will you go back and make changes to items that have no colour customisations (vandals,phased and rubedo etc) 

Edited by Innocent_Flower
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You've revealed on the forums last week that the Ember warframe will receive a buff in her stats and abilities. Any updates regarding this?

Also, you said her Prime would get more armor. Does this mean that Frost Prime and Mag Prime will eventually get a stat upgrade as well?


Like always, keep up the good work.



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Another voice calling for some Rotation C commentary.


Also, Sabotage Caches.  Getting an exploit-proof way to restore Sabotage missions to the reward level they were originally designed and balanced for is something that really should have happened the first update after the holiday but still hasn't; I'd really like some assurance that this is going to be addressed in time to make it into the next console build.

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As a former game designer and developer, it's mind boggling to see such great disparity between firearms and melee weapons. With firearms, there's a lower risk and greater reward. With melee, it's the exact opposite. For players looking for a weapon to to inflict damage in high level content, melee is no longer a viable option and this trend is likely to continue into 8-player raids. In a nutshell, going into melee offers lower overall DPS and it becomes a liability to both the user and the team. Unfortunately, the game heavily favors ranged playstyles.


For many, melee mostly serves as a mobility tool (coptering) and the occasional health restoration via life strike. Will we ever see something to address this long time issue? Perhaps Melee 2.5.


A possible solution, channeling. The foundation is already there. For starters, channeling could offer some sort of CC resistance to knockdowns and damage reduction (possibly raised through the combo meter). How about we get rid of channeling penalties of some of  the mods such as Quickening, True Punishment, Warrior's Grip, Second Wind, and Enduring Strike. Because let's face it, high-end players won't use them as they are now.


DPS wise, melee needs a boost, badly. At this moment, it needs every bit of help it can get.

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