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Chroma, The New Dragon Frame (Teased In Devstream 45, 46, Tennolive) Anticipation Megathread


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ok why do people complain about the name 'Chroma' ? I thought the name was one of the strongest things about it. Chroma sounds like a fantastic name for a dragon and has a cool reference to Chromatic dragons from DnD.

Because it sounds like a girls name and dat thing dont have beeewwwwbs

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I think it would be better if his feet was like ancients one because when i see something that huge with those tiny legs it is so funny . But yeat it is bad however his snout reminds me a kubrow nose anyone else sees that ?

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there is nothing dragon-esque about Chroma apart from the fact that he breathe's fire,


...and the narrow snout seen on some dragon imagery such as viking long boats.

...and the horn long protrusions to the back of the helm like the antlers of eastern dragons.

...and the details on the knees reminiscent of the wisps of fire or fur seen on the limbs of many fantasy dragons.

...and the slouching pose similar to that of a komodo dragon.

...and the powers dependent on colouration like D'n'D and early Warhammer dragons.

Edited by Katinka
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...and the narrow snout seen on some dragon imagery such as viking long boats.

...and the horn long protrusions to the back of the helm like the antlers of eastern dragons.

...and the details on the knees reminiscent of the wisps of fire or fur seen on the limbs of many fantasy dragons.

...and the slouching pose similar to that of a komodo dragon.

...and the powers dependent on colouration like D'n'D and early Warhammer dragons.


I'm sorry, where do you see a komodo dragon slouching?

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I care less about the name. It's just text. But I can't play an ugly frame.


Yeah, the way the name sounds girly might be a language thing (it does too in my native language). Plus names don't even get mentioned in-game, just text in Arsenal.


Looks on the other hand...

Edited by tisdfogg
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Its a Male Frame with a female-ish name. that's why. it just annoys me. hate was too strong a word for this i admit.

Doesn't sound feminine to me at all. "Chrom" is a pretty strong phonetic sound..


The name sounds mystical, magestic. Very fitting for a legendary beast.

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give it like a week

offtopic:what's the point of letting your hair down if you're just going to sweep it back into place @_@


Her hair was first pinned and too tight. She let it loose and let it go so that its more comfortable. Yehh

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It's probably never going to happen, but, let's say DE makes a poll to determine wether or not to delay the release of "Chroma" (awful name, but meh) so they can rework the design, based on the feedback given by the community, so as to make him less of an anteater or a sea horse or Lephantis Junior and more like an actual draconic Warframe.


Would you vote to keep him as is, or to change him? This is a "beta", after all, so our feedback, wether positive or negative, should supposedly mean something.


Personally, I'd rather they change the design, this time following the concepts some artists in the community took the time to create.

I agree. I think it would be well worth redesigning Chroma because as he stands (or rather slouches) at the moment is horrible. He does not give the impression of a dragon frame. He gives the impression of an infested enemy. Like the concepts from the community though? Eh, maybe. I would prefer it to be original but as long as it looks like a dragon and gives the impression of a dragon I would be happy.

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Doesn't sound feminine to me at all. "Chrom" is a pretty strong phonetic sound..


The name sounds mystical, magestic. Very fitting for a legendary beast.

Aren't you forgeting an "A"? That makes a world of difference. Just Chrom would be awesome though.

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Aren't you forgeting an "A"? That makes a world of difference. Just Chrom would be awesome though.

no, because the A is what adds that element of mystique to it. Chrom by itself sounds like a name you'd give to a viking, or the hero of a tactical RPG game called Fire emblem: Awakening.

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