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Chroma, The New Dragon Frame (Teased In Devstream 45, 46, Tennolive) Anticipation Megathread


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That attitude has never worked out in the entire history of Warframe, and it will not work out now either. Especially when it is the fan's fault that they had sky-high expectations for him to look like a pallet-swapped Rhino.


That's funny, most of the people I see complaining aren't upset that DE didn't use the fan concept design. They're just upset that we got an anteater. Generally when they DO mention dragino it is as an example of something DE could have done instead.


Yes, I'm sure we'll be able to get a whole frame remodeled then.



Enjoy your warning points. 

What warning points? I haven't broken any rules.

Not sure how I failed to notice that warning points bit wasn't aimed at me.

Edited by SquirmyBurrito
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First, I agree with what many have mentioned that Chroma is more related to colors instead of light.


2nd, I think the design deliberately not directly referring to an actual dragons of any culture, because they don't want to have a dominant cultural references. And also the fact that many people had complained a too obvious reference on previous designs eg. Limbo. Thus they decided to make it subtle and take inspirations from others thing like seahorses. (although, in this sense, the seahorses and anteater references isn't quite subtle)


3rd, - though it's only my interpretation - I think they combine colors and dragon themes for a reason. As there are a lot of different kind of dragons in many cultures, colors actually symbolize the harmony of mixing different cultures and races. It is also reflected in his skills that different colors do different kind of effects. And Chroma is the possessor of the multi-culture (different colors). 

Edited by climatiseur
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Yes, I'm sure we'll be able to get a whole frame remodeled then.



Enjoy your warning points. 

One post because I called someone a moron. (Terrible reason in my opinion but I digress.) 


This is not about me, this is about the lack of a dragon theme on our dragon frame, or do you prefer attacking the people that only express their opinions instead of attacking their arguments? 

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That's funny, most of the people I see complaining aren't upset that DE didn't use the fan concept design. They're just upset that we got an anteater. Generally when they DO mention dragino it is as an example of something DE could have done instead.

Most people only watch that godawful picture with the name on it, where you can't see the horns, whiskers, faceplate, wings or anything worthwile, really.

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Did the devs create Chroma?  Are the devs the ones releasing Chroma?  I don't care if the dev team was only 10 people, they created it, and they are releasing, if they didn't like it, they wouldn't have made it that way.  I'm sorry that their design doesn't please you.  I'm sorry that there are others who don't like it.  At the end of the day, they created this new frame, with the design it has, because it fits what THEY thought it should be.

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It's not even a sea dragon. Stop shifting the argument around about what it is. It's the dragon frame DE designed for us.

It doesn't have leafy anything, its snout isn't so narrow to call it the seadragon, nor is it so simple to call it anteater's.


This is what's known as knee-jerk overreaction. You're taking someone's artistic interpretation of an ambiguously dragon-focused space ninja and yelling that it doesn't look like the mythical creature turned humanoid space ninja in your head.

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Did the devs create Chroma?  Are the devs the ones releasing Chroma?  I don't care if the dev team was only 10 people, they created it, and they are releasing, if they didn't like it, they wouldn't have made it that way.  I'm sorry that their design doesn't please you.  I'm sorry that there are others who don't like it.  At the end of the day, they created this new frame, with the design it has, because it fits what THEY thought it should be.

They had made it based off of fan requests for a dragon theme. What they gave us was a bacon wrapped anteater at worst and a seahorse at best. Either way it is not what the community requested. Not at all.

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It's not even a sea dragon. Stop shifting the argument around about what it is. It's the dragon frame DE designed for us.

It doesn't have leafy anything, its snout isn't so narrow to call it the seadragon, nor is it so simple to call it anteater's.


This is what's known as knee-jerk overreaction. You're taking someone's artistic interpretation of an ambiguously dragon-focused space ninja and yelling that it doesn't look like the mythical creature turned humanoid space ninja in your head.

I don't know about you, but to the majority of us it deviates so far from the theme and looks so mutated that we question it.

It's like trying to criticize modern art at this point.

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Most people only watch that godawful picture with the name on it, where you can't see the horns, whiskers, faceplate, wings or anything worthwile, really.


The gif doesn't make him look much better, it just hides how stupidly long and thin his snout is unit near the end of his animation. The faceplate theory is just a theory at this point until DE confirms it to be true. Seeing his 'wings' was actually a bad thing since they're stumpy and attached to his shoulders.


That was aimed at the other guy.


Noticed that after it was too late.

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They had made it based off of fan requests for a dragon theme. What they gave us was a bacon wrapped anteater at worst and a seahorse at best. Either way it is not what the community requested. Not at all.


I'm glad we didn't get the jagged edge Rhino fan art that was making the rounds.  

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They had made it based off of fan requests for a dragon theme. What they gave us was a bacon wrapped anteater at worst and a seahorse at best. Either way it is not what the community requested. Not at all.

What the fans wanted was something that doesn't belong in the Warframe universe at all. Be it a Dragon-Rhino or an actual humanoid dragon, neither would fit the design of the other Tenno. Most, if not all Tenno look warped or wrong in some way with inhuman physiology and would be quite unnerving to behold IRL thanks to the uncanny valley effect. The Rhino-esque fan-art looks too human while a literal western dragon would probably be derided for being too on the nose and be "yet another sign of DE's bad character design". A number of posts prior to Tenno live did in fact not want a obvious dragon design and if they got what they wanted is not possible for me to know, but whatever happened, happened and if you are going to use the Frame against your own wishes, then you will have no-one to blame but yourself.

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Well, since you say it like that;




You say youve studied dragons from all over the world, you should know which one this is.


That is a little something that us experts like to call a non-anteater dragon. This term was coined back on March 6th of 2015 during the great Chroma debacle.

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Sigh same discussion as what, a year and half ago? Frost prime and excali prime look awful they need a remodel, we all want a remodel, look at the votes on this poll bla bla bla... DE's answer:  we'll never redesign a warframe, they are what they are, get used to it.

Edited by Fugpo
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I don't have anything against this frame's design, per se.. but I think they made a mistake referring to it as the 'dragon' frame. They should've just referred to it as the 'prismatic' or 'chromatic' or even 'elemental' frame. Using the word 'dragon' naturally creates certain expectations of the frame, which were clearly not met by it's aesthetic design.


It looks more like an ancient to me. Regardless, interested to see how it plays.

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Sigh same discussion as what, a year and half ago? Frost prime and excali prime look awful they need a remodel, we all want a remodel, look at the votes on this poll bla bla bla... DE's answer:  we'll never redesign a warframe, they are what they are, get used to it.

People put too much faith in user-made polls nowadays. it's like those silly petitions you hear about on the internet from time to time.

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What the fans wanted was something that doesn't belong in the Warframe universe at all.

How do you even define that ?

All we wanted was a badass ninja frame that had some dragon qualities to it. It didn't have to be rhino skin v2. There is nothing stopping DE from making more warframes like the originals, excal, volt, loki. You know, the perfect mix of human silhouttes and futuristic armor that made them look like dark and troubled superheroes fighting against the world.They just choose not to for some reason. Now we got our first mutant and i just can't believe you guys are happy with it.


It's simply the assumtion of Chroma supporters that the "haters" wanted another rhino buff boy with spikes and edgy JRPG armor, it's far from the truth.


Keep telling yourself that "this is good, well done DE" so you can sleep at night because it's not a rhino v2 skin(that you have a phobia of for some reason), but it never was supposed to be.


We knew full well that DE changes their designs from chosen concept art, we had accepted that it would be slightly different from the concept, like zephyr and mesa and we perfectly trusted DE to adjust the design to fit in with the rest of the frames(mostly) and WF universe. However we got something completely different, it was so far from the concept art the only thing it shares is the word "dragon" when you look at it.


That, is not ok.

Edited by kiteohatto
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You know, the perfect mix of human silhouttes and futuristic armor that made them look like dark and troubled superheroes fighting against the world.


That's a pretty serious amount of fabrication you're doing there.

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