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[Mini-Boss Idea] Derf Anyo, Son Of Nef [The Immortal Megathread]


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This is brilliant. Everything in game is excessively gritty and serious. we need some comic relief and we need some sort of proof that every faction in the game isn't just some mindless fascist regime bent on conquering everything solely for the sake of conquering with no civilians or free living individuals, just new tools for their government to use as they see fit.


Seriously DE. the storyline is wrist slitting levels of depressing once you think about it. Add this.

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I solemnly demand that the "Clumsy Slashdash" will infact be in walking speed, and he will simply swing his blades around real fast all over the place trying to hit stuff (including other corpus) before tripping down and faceplanting.


Brilliant concept, Brilliant illustration, well done.



Also, everyone who mentions seriousness, remember that we had grineer with bunny ears for Easter.

"Leave my mother out of this!"

Edited by Feam
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I would love more events like Stalker but with their own little style. 100% up for a random Derf fight.


Since people are shoving ideas about how he acts.


■ He probably should act like a deranged Power Ranger knock off. Poses and all when he arrives in a puff of small lasors and smoke!

■ Clumsy Slashdash seems fantastic! Lets add a silly value for him to smack the wall with it.

■ How about another move? He'll do "Super Jump" and land it in a "Radial Blast" (Rhino). Though instead of landing fist in the ground all cool like make him do his trademark faceplant!

■ Since he's dual wielding fancy Skanas lets have him spin around like an idiot for a special move?

■ When he gets defeated/retreats he has tiny fake explosions around him acting like he's going to explode! Then realizing that he's not exploding at all and it's a hologram while you can half see a very bad cloak running out of the room slowly becoming more invisible until he just despawns.

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Some quotethoughttanking by me. Feel shame at the amount of references I tried to squeeze out.




Ooo! Ooo!

Can I has your autograph!?!'


'My name is Derf Anyo Montoya.

You killed my father.

Prepare to die.'



Do you like my... wait.

Aw crap! Wrong fanfic!'


'Awesome! Tenno are here!

Hey, what ya doing? Can I come along? Huh? Huh?

...Wait. Why are you looking at me like that?'


(If a Rhino is present)

'Rhinos. RHINOS.

Our enemies hide in metal boxframes! The cowards, the fools!

We... We should take away their metal boxframes...'


Battle Quotes:


'I like swords.'

'Man, all my friends were telling me you guys were just something that people told to kids to make them scared!'

'Do you think love can bloom on the battlefield?'

'I wonder if your helmets could be made from styrofoam...'

'Yay, it's fighty time! Fighty time! Fighty time!'


Clumsy Slashdash


'HACK SLASH HACK SLASH HACK SLASH! Ha! And they say fighting is hard!'

'That's it! FIGHTER-DOKEN!!!'

'I'll catch ya this time! TENNO AWAY!!!'

'Stop running! LEEROOOOOOOOOY-!!!'


Ash's Teleport


'Telehpoart Mareho!'

'BAMF! Cool, ain't it?'

'Don't ya wish you could pull THIS off?!? Wait, ya can? Aw hell...'





'A momentary setback! I will return to haunt you again!'

'Wow, I wonder if the Stalker ever feels like this...'

'If you strike me down, I will become more powerful then before! ...Ow. Asprin...'


'It's not a retreat! It's a tactical withdrawal!'


'I-I promised I wouldn't cry... *sniff*'

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Some quotethoughttanking by me. Feel shame at the amount of references I tried to squeeze out.




Ooo! Ooo!

Can I has your autograph!?!'


'My name is Derf Anyo Montoya.

You killed my father.

Prepare to die.'



Do you like my... wait.

Aw crap! Wrong fanfic!'


'Awesome! Tenno are here!

Hey, what ya doing? Can I come along? Huh? Huh?

...Wait. Why are you looking at me like that?'


(If a Rhino is present)

'Rhinos. RHINOS.

Our enemies hide in metal boxframes! The cowards, the fools!

We... We should take away their metal boxframes...'


Battle Quotes:


'I like swords.'

'Man, all my friends were telling me you guys were just something that people told to kids to make them scared!'

'Do you think love can bloom on the battlefield?'

'I wonder if your helmets could be made from styrofoam...'

'Yay, it's fighty time! Fighty time! Fighty time!'


Clumsy Slashdash


'HACK SLASH HACK SLASH HACK SLASH! Ha! And they say fighting is hard!'

'That's it! FIGHTER-DOKEN!!!'

'I'll catch ya this time! TENNO AWAY!!!'

'Stop running! LEEROOOOOOOOOY-!!!'


Ash's Teleport


'Telehpoart Mareho!'

'BAMF! Cool, ain't it?'

'Don't ya wish you could pull THIS off?!? Wait, ya can? Aw hell...'





'A momentary setback! I will return to haunt you again!'

'Wow, I wonder if the Stalker ever feels like this...'

'If you strike me down, I will become more powerful then before! ...Ow. Asprin...'


'It's not a retreat! It's a tactical withdrawal!'


'I-I promised I wouldn't cry... *sniff*'

Cannot stop laughing...this is perfect!

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 Pouches are cool. He keeps various candies and replica figurines handy. Also his inhaler.


Maybe he can drop random warframe capsule toys that players can collect.




I would love more events like Stalker but with their own little style. 100% up for a random Derf fight.


Since people are shoving ideas about how he acts.


■ He probably should act like a deranged Power Ranger knock off. Poses and all when he arrives in a puff of small lasors and smoke!

■ Clumsy Slashdash seems fantastic! Lets add a silly value for him to smack the wall with it.

■ How about another move? He'll do "Super Jump" and land it in a "Radial Blast" (Rhino). Though instead of landing fist in the ground all cool like make him do his trademark faceplant!

■ Since he's dual wielding fancy Skanas lets have him spin around like an idiot for a special move?

■ When he gets defeated/retreats he has tiny fake explosions around him acting like he's going to explode! Then realizing that he's not exploding at all and it's a hologram while you can half see a very bad cloak running out of the room slowly becoming more invisible until he just despawns.


Good ideas, adding them to the pool.

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Maybe he can drop random warframe capsule toys that players can collect.


With the addition of Dojos, the 'toys' could be used as display pieces here and there :3



Also, a few more ideas to fit the 'Comic Relief but still deadly' archtype -


Bait and Slash




Derf does something so insanely crazy that it causes nearby Tenno (very close, naturally) to be stunned in surprise. Derf takes the opportunity to do a (very clumsy) Execution attack which involves him bapping one of the stunned Tenno with his replica Skanas. Only a 'skilled' Derf would have access to this ability (either limited by level 20+ when spawned, or in 'Stalker' territory of encounter, 5+ level Warframe.)




'*Fangirl Squee*'


A leap attack by Derf occasionally if he's out of range and the Tenno is stationary. Upon connection, Players take decent damage and are knocked back, ala Leaper attack.


Ranged Combat


"I heard you guys can dodge bullets! Let's find out!"


For ranged, Derf will have a Aklato (painted in Vandal colors, because teal chrome is cool) and a Snipetron. Occasionally during the fight, Derf will teleport a long distance away and attempt sniping, and when in standard melee range he may sometimes do some artistic flips while firing the Aklato wildly, causing a very dangerous situation of flying bullets all over. Much like Bait and Slash, Derf won't actively try to snipe and do his acrobatics unless his foe is also skilled.

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Ranged Combat


"I heard you guys can dodge bullets! Let's find out!"


For ranged, Derf will have a Aklato (painted in Vandal colors, because teal chrome is cool) and a Snipetron. Occasionally during the fight, Derf will teleport a long distance away and attempt sniping, and when in standard melee range he may sometimes do some artistic flips while firing the Aklato wildly, causing a very dangerous situation of flying bullets all over. Much like Bait and Slash, Derf won't actively try to snipe and do his acrobatics unless his foe is also skilled.

Will he drop his guns entirely and squee in excitement if you block his bullets? :P

Edited by Quetzhal
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If someone actually has Block keybinded and knows how to use it, I expect his reaction to suddenly go 'AW CRAP! NOT AS PLANNED NOT AS PLANNED!!!' as he panic fires until you close to him :P

Wait... Block stops bullets?

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