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Rotation D


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It wouldn't make any meaningful difference either way.

I think the suggestion was to have it as something to reward players on longer runs.

I'd much rather each set of rotations give extra drops.

So first AABC you get stuff as normal, the next one you have a 50% Chance of getting two drops each time, the one after that, each rotation gives you two drops, after that you get two drops per rotation with a 50% chance for a third

And so on.

Basically the longer you go, the more stuff you get per rotation.

That way when you hit 40, you have a reason to push on.

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Rotation D, another rotation ready to bend you over and royally pork you for reaching such glorious heights.


It wouldn't make any meaningful difference either way.

I think the suggestion was to have it as something to reward players on longer runs.

I'd much rather each set of rotations give extra drops.

So first AABC you get stuff as normal, the next one you have a 50% Chance of getting two drops each time, the one after that, each rotation gives you two drops, after that you get two drops per rotation with a 50% chance for a third
And so on.

Basically the longer you go, the more stuff you get per rotation.

That way when you hit 40, you have a reason to push on.


This is a wonderful suggestion.

Edited by Azure_Kyte
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I'm only in favor of a rotation D if the items that drop on rotation D are NOT only available as rotation D.  Once an item is exclusive to just that rotation D, that will only make the game that much more frustrating.


The only reason people suggest a rotation D is because everyone would want a rotation where RNG isn't being shoved into us in unspeakable ways.  The amount of times I go 40+ minute survival, and all I get are resources, R5 cores, an occasional forma BP, and only one prime part to turn into ducats, that gets me into hulk levels of anger.


All anyone is asking, is for RNG to be a little bit better at some point.  It could a D rotation, but it could also be that what drops once in an endless mission will not drop again for that mission chain, or for one shot mission, donating a prime part into the mission beforehand so it won't drop the next time you do a mission or something.....  Basically, people want to be able to tilt RNG to their favor at least a little bit, or make it so that at some point of doing so many missions for something, that something could be done so one would get said item or at least something of value. 

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How about not wasting our time with very low chance of drops at C? No one wants to spend whole hour in the same mission, especially when its trivial boring for first 40 min and rewards are bad. And then you wonder why people burn out and complain.


Give me lvl100 right away, but with proper chance of good rewards. 

Edited by Monolake
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Well they also sayd at the DEV stream that rotation D is not coming and that it was only a joke


But when they would actually add a roatation D that rewards player to play an endless mission longer than i would say the rotations should be like followed


AABC ABCD BCDD CDDD DDDD DDDD and the rest you shoud know

20      40       60       80       100     120     ....

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