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Update 15.12.0


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Feedback on Nekros changes incoming in three, two, one...


Terrify- Now a fantastic skill thus far in testing. It allows Nekros breathing room for his non damage oriented kit. Great Change!


Soul punch- feels much better, I did not test if it interrupted reload animations but I will test it later.



Shadows of the Dead- the lackluster AI still makes this skill only half good at best Please change their behavior to something akin to the infested with their endless aggression. After all these guys are already dead why fear bullets?


Against infested this skill is actually worse than it SHOULD be  due to the fact that infested come in unrelenting waves at a fast pace. I would have thought that would have arguably made the skill better but the double damage granted does nothing due to the numbers advantage that enemies have.


All in all Shadows of the Dead is still a dead skill, and is of no real use other than a distraction. The damage multiplier needs to be amped up considerably in order to get it to a place of usability.


All in all I feel the changes above did nothing to get Nekros out of his Farmer John rut. The only reason he will be included in parties is farming LS in survival. 

Edited by geninrising
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Right. So you gave the Red Veil, the assassin syndicate, a... fire spike coming out of the back that glows super bright whenever you do a stealth kill.







Am I the only one that see's more than one problem with this?

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""Weapons that are tradeable can no longer receive login reward XP."" hhmmm!!

This is honestly so people don't have their trading plans ruined by unwanted XP gains. Any item that has XP on it immediately loses trading eligibility.


YEY, but, are the syandanas tradable?

No - they are not tradeable.

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Syndicate Syandanas are now available!


Each glows more intensely with achieved feats achieved in mission.


Wear your accomplishments and allegiance with pride by donning these six new Syndicate Syandanas!


The Telos, Synoid, Sancti, Secura, Asita Raka and Vaykor Syandanas glow with increased intensity as different accomplishments are achieved in missions


TELOS SYANDANA - With every enemy struck down the Telos Syandana glows stronger.

SYNOID SYANDANA - The Synoid Syandana glows more brightly with every scan performed.

SANCTI SYANDANA - The Sancti Syandana pulses every time the Tenno uses an ability and continues to strengthen with each ability used.

SECURA SYANDANA - This Secura Syandana pulses every time a Tenno picks up credits and glows brighter as their wealth increases.

ASITA RAKTA SYANDANA - This Asita Rakta Syandana ignites a jet of flames that burns brighter with each stealth takedown.

VAYKOR SYANDANA - The Vaykor Syandana flares up whenever the Tenno takes damage.


Obtain these Syandanas through Syndicate Offerings. You must reach the highest Syndicate Standing to purchase the associated Syandana.



please tell me they are not trade able that would defeat the whole purpose of ranking your syndicate


edit: noticed Rebeccas post, i hope they stay untradeable

Edited by Edgedemon
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