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Hey Pc Elites!


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Dear PC Tennos,


Upon great consideration I decided to download WF for PC. I was expecting to find a bunch of smug players but found this to be the opposite. While there may be an enormous amount of smugness emitting from the PC on the forums, it seems the decent->elites tend to do the talking with their gameplay. With this in mind, I decided to support WF PC by buying Prime Access. A different pattern occurred after doing so...


After purchasing Prime Access and equipping my Soma, I was riddled with complaints from players asking "why does a noob have Soma Prime?" Instead, they should have been asking "why is the MR1 Volt crushing us in kills, staying alive longer than us, able to revive us with little to no problem, and providing great support with shields/speed boost?"


But then again, haters gonna hate...right?


Here are some questions for the PC haters out there:


1) Why do you assume I'm a noob because of my MR or even hours played? I thought those who call themselves "elites" knew of the console versions.


2) Why am I not allowed to use Soma Prime, or any prime, if I'm MR1? Was there something in the T&A that I missed?


3) Why are you letting a MR1 Volt with damaged mods humiliate you?


4) What does high score mean? Did I break the game? What does it mean?


That's enough trolling for a bit from me.  If you read this far then great. Most players on these forums can't get past the first couple of sentences without throwing their all knowing logic at me.


I'm a MR12 on PS4, have solo'd a 60min survival on PS4 without having a completed build (i.e. didn't have fully ranked mods), have most of the frames (if not primed, then reg and vice versa), and have been giving DE support (cash) ever since I started playing.


I'm no elite, pro, expert, or anything of that nature. But come now little ones. Shouldn't you know better than to assume just anyone is a noob? I look forward to playing with the PC community! I've loved it so far!



Having very little/no lag + consistant 60fps = me considering taking a hammer to my PS4. I've seen that light!

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Dear PC Tennos,


Upon great consideration I decided to download WF for PC. I was expecting to find a bunch of smug players but found this to be the opposite. While there may be an enormous amount of smugness emitting from the PC on the forums, it seems the decent->elites tend to do the talking with their gameplay. With this in mind, I decided to support WF PC by buying Prime Access. A different pattern occurred after doing so...


After purchasing Prime Access and equipping my Soma, I was riddled with complaints from players asking "why does a noob have Soma Prime?" Instead, they should have been asking "why is the MR1 Volt crushing us in kills, staying alive longer than us, able to revive us with little to no problem, and providing great support with shields/speed boost?"


But then again, haters gonna hate...right?


Here are some questions for the PC haters out there:


1) Why do you assume I'm a noob because of my MR or even hours played? I thought those who call themselves "elites" knew of the console versions.


2) Why am I not allowed to use Soma Prime, or any prime, if I'm MR1? Was there something in the T&A that I missed?


3) Why are you letting a MR1 Volt with damaged mods humiliate you?


4) What does high score mean? Did I break the game? What does it mean?


That's enough trolling for a bit from me.  If you read this far then great. Most players on these forums can't get past the first couple of sentences without throwing their all knowing logic at me.


I'm a MR12 on PS4, have solo'd a 60min survival on PS4 without having a completed build (i.e. didn't have fully ranked mods), have most of the frames (if not primed, then reg and vice versa), and have been giving DE support (cash) ever since I started playing.


I'm no elite, pro, expert, or anything of that nature. But come now little ones. Shouldn't you know better than to assume just anyone is a noob? I look forward to playing with the PC community! I've loved it so far!



Having very little/no lag + consistant 60fps = me considering taking a hammer to my PS4. I've seen that light!


Ignore them. They represent a small vocal minority.

If you're a good player on my team and you don't go down that's cool with me.


Hek. I had some MR4's the other day who survived for 50 minutes in T2 Survival. Tonnes of respect from me.

Downed not even once.

Edited by Lilliannette
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1) Why do you assume I'm a noob because of my MR or even hours played? I thought those who call themselves "elites" knew of the console versions.

People like to assume things, and in the process, make an ! of themselves. It may also be that, not knowing you're from the console version and have experience, they felt you may have been gimping yourself out of some enjoyment by getting a nice weapon first or something. I dunno; the latter is something I occasionally feel myself, although I'm not mean enough to tell others how to play. Different strokes for different folks, and all that.


2) Why am I not allowed to use Soma Prime, or any prime, if I'm MR1? Was there something in the T&A that I missed?



3) Why are you letting a MR1 Volt with damaged mods humiliate you?

Because an overreliance on mods leads to a stagnance in skill or the players are just bad to begin with.


4) What does high score mean? Did I break the game? What does it mean?

It means good things. I'm not sure what these good things are or how they came about, but it's true. I heard it from a friend of a friend of a friend who also plays the game.

Edited by Azure_Kyte
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Here are some questions for the PC haters out there:


1) Why do you assume I'm a noob because of my MR or even hours played? I thought those who call themselves "elites" knew of the console versions.


2) Why am I not allowed to use Soma Prime, or any prime, if I'm MR1? Was there something in the T&A that I missed?


3) Why are you letting a MR1 Volt with damaged mods humiliate you?


4) What does high score mean? Did I break the game? What does it mean?


Welcome to PC man!

1) I find that MR means jack shiz when it comes to in game skill.

2) You can use what ever gear you want as long as you help your squad.

3) Most people don't like having new comers to PC being better than them, so they cry a lot.

4) I have no idea.


Once again, welcome, and have fun!

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I think the problem people have with low MR and good weapons is that we think you didn't work for it. We just assume that you logged in as MR 1 and bought Soma Prime off the market and thus you missed discovering other weapons. If I had went straight for Boltor Prime then I'd of missed out on the other great rifles, because not much compares. Unless you bought it with cash a lot of us feel it should be locked behind its grind wall until you reach a certain mastery level so you can experience the game and not bull rush the 1st 6 planets.

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The problem is simply that you look exactly like one of those people who bit their way to victory too early... Etc, could rant and explain, but no point.

If you announce yourself as a console veteran when confronted, and rush yourself to MR5-6, most of the hate should stop. Until then, just bear with it.

Ironically, those players who refuse to look past the MR1 Soma Prime thong, after seeing your gameplay should be considerred noobish themselves.

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just have fun and try not to be a pain for other. i always played pc, never liked consoles, but i have the same question as you, whats with the MR? im at mr8 and i saw people making squads for t1-t4 asking for mr 10+,12+ or even 16+. As far as i know higher mr rank doesn't give you more hp or energy/armor or damage, its just useful in order to make new weapons and go to places, but it really isnt that relevant. It shows that yeah you have had many/almost all of the weapons/frames/companions in the game but if you're still a noob and cant control not even one frame, your mr18 its useless. Again then, one of the reasons this game is so awesome is because if you want a weapon you can achieve it ingame. You can earn your platinums by selling prime parts/mods (ofc its better to buy, this way you support the dev for such a great game and its quite easier and comfortable for yourself) and after you have enough plats you can buy, keeping your example, soma prime parts and bp and make it yourself. You can also play until you have all parts. So you can actually earn it free. I dont understand why in such a game people would complain about a mr1 having soma prime or any primes. I guess those people neither want to put money in the game, nor the time to acomplish stuff without buying plats/packs. Thats imo at least.


anyway, welcome to pc and welcome to warframe pc, just have fun and ignore those guys, join a nice good mature clan and have fun.

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well, if you were low mastery (on PC), then it means there were no "elites" around there, as I imagine you were doing low level missions.

So, the judgement doesn't come form "PC elites", just other pc players that have been around for a while, but not so long as to be elite.


Anyway, a proper welcome to the PC tenno is in order, so welcome and hope you have fun, and less toxicity.

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My answers to those questions:

1: because that's pretty much what MR is for, to measure progress in the game. Therefore, low MR means a new player.

2:because nobody likes pay to win

3: because those people suck

4: who ACTUALLY pays attention to those scores?

So you're saying if I were to get to MR8 in 8 days I wouldn't be considered a noob?

So you're saying that supporting a great game is a bad thing?

I wouldn't say they suck. Depends on their role. If they are calling me a noob, and I'm humiliating them, then yes they suck.

If you are playing a damage role, and getting beat by a support role in damage/kills, then how would you know you aren't doing something correctly if you don't know you are doing something wrong in the first place?

Maybe you should walk away from the computer for a bit and read a book. Your ignorance gives me a headache.

Edited by (PS4)Rawdoginher
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1) Why do you assume I'm a noob because of my MR or even hours played? I thought those who call themselves "elites" knew of the console versions.

This wasn't a thing until Rhino/Boltor prime. Once a brand new player could buy the best gun in the game, older players developed a chip on their shoulder.

The rest of the questions can be answered the same way, except for the ones where you, in turn, make fun of them. I suggest taking the high ground and not giving them oxygen.

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This wasn't a thing until Rhino/Boltor prime. Once a brand new player could buy the best gun in the game, older players developed a chip on their shoulder.

The rest of the questions can be answered the same way, except for the ones where you, in turn, make fun of them. I suggest taking the high ground and not giving them oxygen.

I agree. It's better in some cases to just let them talk and ignore them. However, if no one is there to put them in their place, then their ignorance will only spawn others who will begin to do the same. Soon all you would hear is ignorance and their laws would "govern the land."

Whether a new player purchased something or not, it doesn't mean they can use it to its full potential. Besides, like I've said, they are supporting DE who will in turn bring us more content, fix bugs, etc. if everyone were to just do it the free way, then how would DE be able to run Warframe? The answer is simple...sell the rights to EA...and I know no one wants that!

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So you're saying if I were to get to MR8 in 8 days I wouldn't be considered a noob?

So you're saying that supporting a great game is a bad thing?

I wouldn't say they suck. Depends on their role. If they are calling me a noob, and I'm humiliating them, then yes they suck.

If you are playing a damage role, and getting beat by a support role in damage/kills, then how would you know you aren't doing something correctly if you don't know you are doing something wrong in the first place?

Maybe you should walk away from the computer for a bit and read a book. Your ignorance gives me a headache.

Well...well... YOUR MOM!


Why exactly does not reading the mission results make me ignorant? And about the pay-to-win part, somebody has already covered it. Lots of people don't like people who just pay some money for something they worked so hard to get.

Some of you experiences might just be the *few* "rotten eggs"

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