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Who Is Your Least Used Frame?


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Looks like Trinity for me, as she's the only one showing 0% at maxed. Though Ash, Banshee, Oberon, and Vauban would be down there with her, if not for gaining xp slower when I got them (all four pretty much abandoned the moment they hit 30).

Edited by Axterix13
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Banashee got so much hate. I love the people who try her once or twice and just say she isn't good. Also silence is very useful cc if you know how to do more than the standard build everyone post for her. Also to the person who said her skills are not good with nulifiers, didn't you also just name half of the other warframes by saying this?

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Ember - only frame I've sold & only frame I refuse to revive anywhere past Saturn. Maybe if they finish that half done rework she'll be worth a slot.


Trinity - will use when called for - but not by choice - Support Healer =/= Game Genie


Banashee got so much hate. I love the people who try her once or twice and just say she isn't good.


They just don't get it - and they never will - their loss not ours - she's my mainframe.


Looking good is half the battle


If that's true most of the community lost the war a long time ago.

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