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Was The Removal Of Arcane Helms Neccesary? [Added] Possible Proposal Of Return


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When I think about it, was removing the arcane helms really required?

The main issue is that the only actual way to gain one is from trading with lots of plat which still signals their existance, now I know DE didn't want cosmetics to have stats but still having these stat-based helms to exist in the game but not obtainable to any means free seems like a bad decision. DE could have easily made the non-arcane helms to co-exist with old ones, maybe they could appear in invasions, clan tech, syndicates etc.

If all helms were turned statless to begin with I'd be fine since their would be no difference from new players and old players. We already have an arcane stat converter BP thing so why not just re-release arcane and statless helms altogether?

It is quite a flamable subject but I really wanted to voice out my opinion on it.


Why not let the arcane helms return but in different means?

My proposals are:

High level "endless" mission rewards and I don't mean Void (they already have good enough stuff). Like places like Ceres, Pluto have them available for Defense, Intercept and Survival etc. The players would have some incentive to join these less visited planets.

Or Clan Tech? Maybe instead of the old resource requirements they might require a normal (statless) helm and a forma to craft to get the arcane version. Although a forma, a neural sensor and some random resources might sound good enough.

Or just rare drops for the respective bosses. I mean death squad sigil rare.

Edited by izzatuw
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The exact reason is that people purchased helmets from the market. Just deal with it or try to find a good deal, but really people looking for Rhino, Saryn, Nyx and maybe Volt helmets, others are useless anyway.

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It wasnt, it was the worst solution possible for that situation. Helmets could have been separated from the stats, making stats and helmets interchangeable as soon as you have the arcane helmet.


Everyone would have won like that. You need the helmet to get its stats, you can wear it without stats, you can wear any helmet with the stat you want(ofc limited to helmets of the same frame).

Edited by Genoscythe
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The exact reason is that people purchased helmets from the market. Just deal with it or try to find a good deal, but really people looking for Rhino, Saryn, Nyx and maybe Volt helmets, others are useless anyway.

I've actually got all helms I want but DE handled the situation horribly and could've been done better.
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No it was not necessary at all as they were not uber powerful by any means. However many players and DE themselves felt like it was absolutely necessary to wear something they did not like the look of for the additional statistics and therefore was unfair to their way of looking at it.


IDK why they don't just put a slot in helmets and offer various Corrupted mods to fill the head slot. It would allow further customization and allow players to wear what they want.

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that's was the main gripe about stats where a lot of players got butthurt when rhino was beating loki in sprinting= removal of arcane helmets. now those miniscule stats would surely be helpful with dealing with these op enemies and their damage.  it was just out of jealousy which is so rampant in warframe's community why a lot of unneccesary changes and nerfing has taken place so often leaving the real players with nothing to actually enjoy about the game. I may sound harsh but its true.

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It separated stats from cosmetics.

And it also took care of the flood of rushin' rhinos. 

So... I think it was a good thing.

I'd be completely fine if Arcane was completely removed from the game not locked behind a couple random accounts while others can't have them for a cheap price.
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"Oh man I can't wear this helmet because it has stats I don't like!" -Too many players


"Oh well, I guess I won't buy it." -The same players


I think it was necessary.


Edit: Though I think they could have just made statless versions of the helmets and still sold the Arcanes..

Edited by Kaiczar
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It was unfair advantage for those who bought the helmet, nobody likes pay-to-win solutions,  and it also forced people to wear ugly helmets they didn't like just to get that % boost to warframes stats.


To me DE handled situation appropriately. Arcane helmets are now sort of treasure so if you want to buy one you should be ready to pay some for it (though I gotta admit that deals 150+plat is a bit overkill but then again, limited supply + free market = high prices)

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No, it wasn't, at least not from a player's standpoint.  They could have separated stats from cosmetics without simply removing them entirely, but they chose not to.  DE is aware there was an option that would satisfy both sides of the fence, but said option didn't satisfy them, so they didn't go with it.  DE wasn't willing to continue making new stat changes every time they released a new helmet, so they removed the idea entirely, with the exception of the currently existing Arcane helmets; most likely so as to not enrage the then-owners of said helmets.


Which is fine, I guess; they're the Devs, after all.  Veto power and all that.

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No in my opinion it was unnecesary and created very unhealthy situation we have now. Everyone who really wants arcane helmet can actually buy one. Its just the price what slowly rises. People still feel forced to use arcane options in purpose of maximalization some specific builds (for example excalibur - and arcane pendragon, or loki and arcane essence helmet). 


So what can be done to cure this situation? Here is my suggestion:

1step: separate all helmets from their stat (make them all ONLY visuals)

2step: as an reward for 10 Mastery rank let ppl chose one option for each frame, option that was provided by arcane helmets before. DE can name it as they like: for example cerebral implants or sth like that.

3step: all will be happy

Edited by Kripion
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imo they should have turned all helms into non-arcane and either refunded the plat or give some other reward, but only for the crafted ones so as to not abuse having 200 arcane helms. after that, convert the bps into 50,000 credits. that way people will get a return/profit from the change and there is no difference between old and new

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it was on one of the old dev streams, the one at the right side (scott?) saw that people woulc complain that they wanted to look cool and have good stats, but players would be forced to pick a helmet they might like or not like, which would have been a big problem

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it was on one of the old dev streams, the one at the right side (scott?) saw that people woulc complain that they wanted to look cool and have good stats, but players would be forced to pick a helmet they might like or not like, which would have been a big problem

The thing is that stat converters are available for a cheap price which is less than 10K as I recall. So if you didn't want your horrid stats on Rhino's Thrak helm they could've just used that and replace, which practically solved the problem and now that normal helms are in the alert tables I didn't see why Arcane and statless helms couldn't co-exist. Hell, I bet tons of players would be happy if the arcane helms went to Tenno/Orokin Lab but would either require a forma or 10 oro cells and a normal statless helm to create.

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So... OP doesn't have one, therefore wants it removed from the game?


Well, that's certainly an opinion to have.

I have all the ones I wanted, you clearly misread or misunderstood what I meant, DE could've easily just refunded 75 Plat to people who bought the helms before the change and remove the arcanes stat so their would be no actual difference. But was their really any point to have them removed completely and entirely reliant on trade to get these helms? Couldn't they just put Arcane helms and cosmetic helms in different sections in the market?
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