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If You Had 1 Warframe Ability In Real Life


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What warframe ability do you want to have in real life and what will you use it for?


Mine is Pull


Having a long line in the fastfood restaurant? the cinemas? the game store? the bank? Just press 1 then you will be next in line while watching people ragdoll in the sky :D


Or Invisibility because... reasons.

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Sound Quake.


Because screw people and their ability to hear.


I might take Tentacle swarm for... Reasons. Alternatively Shadows of the dead because I may or may not be a convicted homicidal maniac in need of a jail break.


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Desecrate. Look at all those graves dude. Look at them!


Dude..... I like the way you think.


Super Jump.

All will fear my basketball prowess!


Too bad no one can see you when jumping tho

Edited by Cellix1
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Energy vampire


problem solved

To be able to cast energy vampire to regen energy to be able to cast energy vampire to regen energy to be able to cast energy vampire to regen energy to be able to cast energy vampire to regen energy to be able to cast energy vampire [...]?

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