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Examing The Secondary Image


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Now he REALLY looks like Frost with a new Helm.


Maybe the rewards are new Warframe skins.


Yeah but look at the blue streaks along the background. The blueprint is for the entire thing, not just the helmet.

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Let us use our special power! The power of logic!

1.We know that new warframes are being worked on and that they will eventually be added to the game.

2.We know that the reward promised after completing the event is for all the players, since there's no individual progress bar but a global one. (So we can safely assume that the blurry picture is definitely not a new enemy or a boss.)

3.Event is in Europa which has no boss of yet so there's a high chance that upon completion the boss will be added and he will probably drop new warframe blueprints.

4. We can't safely say witch new warframe will be released because we only got the concept art available to us and concepts can drastically change throughout the development process.

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