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Melee Problems.


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Giving us more control over our swings (for example through directional attacks system [like in WOTR or M&B]) would make the whole thing much more enjoyable. It just feels so clunky now. Animations are great and everything, but the whole melee system is rather quick-melee than "sword alone".

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Well..I'm personally torn.



-long ranged (longer than melees, atleast)

-quick, consistent damage

-does not need any sort of buildup

-trigger pulling isn't clunky unless you've got a high reload or a low fire rate


However, melee is:

-short ranged (throwing weapons and the Redeemer excluded)

-doesn't deliver as much damage

-requires the combo counter in higher levels

-clunky, you can't control your comboes other than "do this many hits in this direction"


There's no real reason to use melee over ranged, even after the addition of comboes and stances and the like.

It's goddamn fun though.

Edited by Ordel
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When they first announced Melee 2.0 I was really hoping for melee like that of Vindictus's.


Easy to execute combos via right and left mouse buttons, the the rmb giving a different heavy/finisher/combo chain depending on when clicked in the lmb's chain.


Not clunky, and  would be able to cancel a combo to defend. (As not to get trumped by every grineer and their mother with a forcepalm.)


I don't exactly know what we got in place of it. I mean, yeah the animations look nice, but a lot of the time you just can't effectively do the combos. (Mostly the "Hold e" and "wait then e")


And then there's the clunky feel.


Aerial melee even feels clunky with how it propels you toward wherever you melee'd and then locks you into a position. Instead of a quick, simple directional attack.

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I think it's time for a stamina overhaul, and a massive melee damage buff.

In my opinion, all melee weapons should deal more damage than ranged weapons.

The trade off is actually having to get up close and take tons of damage.

I agree with you. But here's an interesting question; which would "hurt" you more IRL, a gunshot, or a sword slash?


That's hard for me to answer, I'd probably say sword slash, but it's still an interesting thing to think about.

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I agree with you. But here's an interesting question; which would "hurt" you more IRL, a gunshot, or a sword slash?


That's hard for me to answer, I'd probably say sword slash, but it's still an interesting thing to think about.

In most cases I would say being cut in half would do more damage, even in the case of average explosions.

Especially since Tenno seem to have super strength.

Edited by GreyEnneract
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I don't watch Mogamu, so here are my thoughts.

Melee has a number of applications from mobility, to defense, regen, and as a damage source.

In each case there are some weapons that do the job better than others.

In combat, there are many risks involved with hitting someone in the face, but life strike and rage go a long way to alleviate that.

Many people would say that melee is useless for anything other than coptering, and to that I reply, learn to melee.

Certain melee builds like CleaverTank Valkyr, Zerkatine Ash and HammerGod Rhino border on OP.

Regardless, I'd say that melee is a very useful mechanic, and one of the more interesting ones.

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I don't watch Mogamu, so here are my thoughts.

Melee has a number of applications from mobility, to defense, regen, and as a damage source.

In each case there are some weapons that do the job better than others.

In combat, there are many risks involved with hitting someone in the face, but life strike and rage go a long way to alleviate that.

Many people would say that melee is useless for anything other than coptering, and to that I reply, learn to melee.

Certain melee builds like CleaverTank Valkyr, Zerkatine Ash and HammerGod Rhino border on OP.

Regardless, I'd say that melee is a very useful mechanic, and one of the more interesting ones.




I scoff at that. I use melee extensively, and it is just as useful as ranged firearms. Pair it with the right build, frame and weapon, you are incredibly OP.

OP in comparison to what?

I really suggest watching the video, it already covers what you're both saying.

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Besides my channel being devoted to melee, I've also contributed in topics here on the forums regarding melee. Hopefully with Mogamu's vid giving it more attention, we can get something going for melee.


A topic I did where no one seemed to see much of a problem with melee:



A build vid I did depicting multiple issues with melee only on the Dual Cleavers, as an example:


As long as melee is addressed, and the issues related to, that would be great.

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Melee needs the ability to be fully used in conjunction with weapons equipped such as channeling, blocking, and using stance combos. Swapping to melee just to deal directional damage is clunky at best, deadly in many cases.

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Well my take is the following:


Stances are crap.- Cool idea and everything but the execution is poor and bad planed, I think a 2 -buttoned combat system would be better, and easier to execute something like (EREER) insted of (hold E pause EEE) I mena come on.

-I´d prefer simpler stances but quicker E is normal atack. R is heavy or vertical attack, they relate in different ways, you knw the drill.


Damage is meh.- Simply not cool, damage should be doubled , or at least damage mods should be buffed. We should have more succesful critical builds, 120% elemental damage increase idk


Stamina is dumb.- It is, how can I fall 60 meters and land as a ballerina? I have fuggin super strong legs, But hey I get tired too quickly and run as fast as an average human.


Blocking is absolutely unfair.- Right now blocking depends on damage, which means that if a level 666 seeker shoots you your blocking meter is as good as S#&$. I think blocking should receive the nulifier treatment. It needs to depend if not on the number of bullets blocked, in the damage but with a cap, just as nullifier bubbles.


Oh and the combo multiplier is a joke.- It is way too punishing, 4 damned cooldown seconds, how about we increase that timer to at least 12 huh, and the scaling is lackluster aswell just buff that also.


And im not trying to say melee is utter poop, im just saying it could be something much more useful and deadly, without taking 6 of my 10 warframe mods to achieve it. 

Edited by Hayzemet
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Have not seen the video yet, but I disagree on the melee buff.
A Skana with the correct mods can melt every non-boss enemy in non-endless non-void missions.
(Yes compared to rifles, rifles should be nerfed. Compared to enemy health, melee damage is fine)

No directional melee is really annoying. The new primed reach is solving this. So either directional melee, or a quick fix would be more vertical base reach.

Stances are quite nice, but I prefer holding the attack button and having to press a second button at the correct times.


Energy, why does melee require energy? This is currently my biggest issue with melee. Either remove stamina and improve energy or make a melee 2.1 that is based on stamina.

Currently melee feels like a completely different game, you have to drop your ranged weapons in order to use the required life leech (channeling). I really enjoyed low level missions in the beta. You had to kill trash enemies with melee to converse your ammo. Now you are stuck in either melee or ranged.

Edited by TestDummy
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I've never heard anybody complaining about melee that much before Mogamu's video came out, just saying.

Well thank God he made the video then, a lot of people had their problems with the system but a known player like mogamu, has a better chance of being heard and making a change

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