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I Believe Our Shop Is Making People Not Want To Continue Their Wf Journey.


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I have invited 4 people to play WF. 2 irl, 2 online. all 4 left shortly after for the exact same reason.


The crafting weapons. They found they couldn't do a thing or it felt like a massive grind just to get the next weapon only to rinse and repeat.


They wanted to buy a couple weapons off the market for credits, but only found MK1's and Lex's. Thats no way to introduce our new players imo.


"Here is one long a** tutorial where no one does, now here, go attempt to figure out how to buy this blueprint and attempt to figure out where you get all these resources in which you can't see where you get because you don't have the planet unlocked! If you don't want to do that, sit and stare at your solar map and attempt to figure out Wtf is going on and where you go to next."


Thats fairly well how it feels. I grabbed a new account just to try it. Skipped the tutorial (Because old event user), started playing and just went, "Wtf is this and why am I doing it.."

This is coming from someone who has played 1.5k hours and is able to go in t4s's for hours on end with ease, now just questioning this from being a new player.


Warframe even with the new tutorial system, isn't very beginner friendly. It feels like one big clusterf.. of a grindwall more than a game.


Steps for a beginner to play WF (in my feels after today)

Buy Blueprint, Find where resources are, Craft Weapons after a day, wait a day(Too long when you are new), go out. Find out this isn't the gun you wanted, repeat until...


Find weapon you wanted, need to get more weapons to rank up, forced to sell a gun, sell gun (Usually ones you want to keep), cry over it. level up gun, cry more because you sold your gun..

Tempted to buy platnum just to get the warframe/weapon you want. Don't want to spend real currency for a game, see no point in a grindwall of a game, leave game.





Shop needs more credit supposed guns like it used to (Latron, Snipetron, Lex, ect. Something to get them started and going, "Hmm.. If I craft this weapon, it may be a bit stronger, but it may be not.. I like the way it looks, I want to craft it"


Not, "Buy lex because its my only option that I will ever be able to get. Craft a weapon I don't even know if I want and struggle to find how to get what I need for it, while lacking credits to start with"

Edited by deadinflict
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Moving onto things like part-based weapons and clan tech is a form of progression.

But when you start with part based progression and you have no foundation where you can't do a thing, thats just overwhelming a player. Thats not even giving them a chance. Thats like me putting you against a T4D with an unranked warframe/weapons in essence and expecting you to know what you are doing

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But when you start with part based progression and you have no foundation where you can't do a thing, thats just overwhelming a player. Thats not even giving them a chance. Thats like me putting you against a T4D with an unranked warframe/weapons in essence and expecting you to know what you are doing




That should be the first mission of all Tenno, Fight Vor naked (without frame and weapons)

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This is a PvE game, so that means all you do is grind.
When I first started I was mainly focused on reaching the boss of that planet. This search for a challenge made me end up at the highest level maps, only to find out that the reward is not worth the effort. (Lack of knowing what to do)

What feels wrong for new players? Is the game too complicated? Can a series of beginner quests help with this? But if you hold players hand, they would probably also like to see daily quests after they are done with the beginner quests.

You post in the feedback forum that the game has a problem, do you also have suggestions on what the game needs in order to fix these problems?

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This sounds maybe weird...but i like the fact that is takes usually up to 24hrs to craft a weapon, because you did your part for the day and dont stay for hours ingame.


How do you know people don't play the game for hours a day? ._. I am certain there are a lot who do, including me

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How do you know people don't play the game for hours a day? ._. I am certain there are a lot who do, including me


There´s a difference between forced to stay and want to stay Thats why you have also the "Rush" option. Im not saying its wrong but theres the advantage that you can be happy to play with a new weap/frame the day after and not reaching the "endgame" too fast. In the end the decision is up to you but this is my opinion.

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This is a PvE game, so that means all you do is grind.

When I first started I was mainly focused on reaching the boss of that planet. This search for a challenge made me end up at the highest level maps, only to find out that the reward is not worth the effort. (Lack of knowing what to do)

What feels wrong for new players? Is the game too complicated? Can a series of beginner quests help with this? But if you hold players hand, they would probably also like to see daily quests after they are done with the beginner quests.

You post in the feedback forum that the game has a problem, do you also have suggestions on what the game needs in order to fix these problems?

Explain the fact we are getting pvp next update.. and please read through my whole post. I did give an opinion on helping fix it.




Are warframes even humans? I'm pretty sure they are just energies.


Anyhow, good points OP

Thank you. Lets hope it gets noticed so it may be pondered by the devs on this reasoning.

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This could actually be fixed by adding some extra dialogue to the tutorial.


You get the Cronus BP after defeating Vor for the first time, so why not give Ordis some lines for exposition purposes.


"Operator, you have a weapon blueprint in your inventory. Check your foundry to see the required materials."


After weapon is built.


"Congratulations Operator, you have built your first weapon! *Glitch* IT'S ABOUT TIME... More weapon blueprints can be purchased from the market."

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So if i get you right we need story progression that is clear goal oriented and drives the game? With events and prime as little side quests. Right?


Would i be right in saying that if there was story dialogue to every node and every planet this game would be more fleshed out.

Edited by (XB1)Nlandry
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 I grabbed a new account just to try it. Skipped the tutorial (Because old event user), started playing and just went, "Wtf is this and why am I doing it.."

To restate this: You skipped the tutorial, and then went "WTF am I doing?"


Think about that.

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Kind of agree. Made 2 alt accounts for clan proxies. Made them during AllTheBestThingsFree Week, so each has some sweet stuff...behind a resource grind wall. Getting decent weapons for them has been difficult. One of them still doesn't have Hornet Strike.

Also, as a vet I've found ways to cope with the various affinity nerfs, but with the new accounts, I'm really feeling this new grind that I didn't experience when I first started.

So yeah, the NPE is stil a pain that just doesn't feel too inviting. Just having some basic weapons (tetra, grakata, some beginner sniper) available for creds would alleviate that a bit.

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Well there are some viable opinions here (in my opinion).


It would be nice to give newbies sth like 5 craft boosting card (untradeable) at MR2 so they can instacraft 5 items.


BUT many problems come form "taxi plz" requests handled by end game players. Its absolutely not fun to play on pluto with MR 19 player when you are rank 10 loki (1MR) with mk-braton and 11rank kunai.... (all poorly moded ofcourse).


And after such run new player feels like sh...it and wants to be able to play on pluto almost instantly. Hello? there are tons of missions that were skipped....

Taxi should work like this: high MR players can taxi ONLY ppl with certain MR lvl (lets say with a difference between MR not greater than 3)

Each planet tilset shall have also MR and conclave requirement so jumping from Wenus to Eris couldnt be allower for MR1 player...

Those requirements cant be very strict - sth like 6-7 MR for last planet...

Edited by Kripion
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The game really does bewilder new players... what are the most common questions you get?


Mine are almost always along the lines of


"Where can i get X resource?"

"Oh so thats where... so... how do i unlock that planet?"

"Cool, by the way how do i get a new warframe"


Another i get a dozen times a week is "How do i trade?"


The game really doesnt hold your hand at all... the above should all be basics but they are left in the dark for players. I mean there is no point telling people they have to be MR2 to trade but not actually how to trade once they reach said rank. I can respect leaving players discover beating a boss is how you unlock more planets etc but they really do need to try and hint at how you acquire more warframes and the likes though - i mean they WANT to keep the player engaged. And showing them the carrot on a stick should be the nudge they need to try and grind resources, farm bosses and just generally keep playing the game... it would also help lighten the load on the vets because 90% of the time whenever i answer a question about where you get a resource the immediate reply is "can you help me get it?". Clansmen sure, friends deffo but there is only so many complete strangers you can help farm pointless resources we have tends of thousands of such as Nano Spores before you decide to ask YOURSELF a question "whats in it for me?".


Really the game needs a codex enchancement so it instead can be the "Warframe for dummies" one size fits all question and answer go to hub. I also feel and i know it goes against the practice of encouraging players to play plat but they SHOULD tell people the basics which will keep a player coming back... things like every 24 hours giving you free revives should be told from the offset not discovered by trial and error.


As for the shop? Well i guess more credit bought items would indeed be nice but not essential. The Market needs tidied up though as its bloated and cluttered and a nightmare to navigate with too much obsolete crap... why are Arcane Helmet conversion items in the Xbox One marketplace?. I would even tier the weapons - newer players should not be lusting after a Kohm when theyve not a chance in hell of acquiring 500 Oxium anytime soon, especially as they have no idea where you can even get Oxium haha. Still i suppose this is how they make their money... big old adverts pushing the straight plat options.

Edited by (XB1)Skode
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Well there are some viable opinions here (in my opinion).


It would be nice to give newbies sth like 5 craft boosting card (untradeable) at MR2 so they can instacraft 5 items.


BUT many problems come form "taxi plz" requests handled by end game players. Its absolutely not fun to play on pluto with MR 19 player when you are rank 10 loki (1MR) with mk-braton and 11rank kunai.... (all poorly moded ofcourse).


And after such run new player feels like sh...it and wants to be able to play on pluto almost instantly. Hello? there are tons of missions that were skipped....

Taxi should work like this: high MR players can taxi ONLY ppl with certain MR lvl (lets say with a difference between MR not greater than 3)

Each planet tilset shall have also MR and conclave requirement so jumping from Wenus to Eris couldnt be allower for MR1 player...

Those requirements cant be very strict - sth like 6-7 MR for last planet...


Just for a second: I didn't discover Pluto until I was Rank 4, I didn't complete (meaning traverse to Iliad) Phobos until Rank 6, I play Tower 3 and 4 missions from Ranks 3-6, and I'm now almost Rank 8.


As for conclave: I didn't hit 500 until about Rank 5, I discovered I could hit 1-1100+ at Rank 7 with few mod changes by using a max ranked Sentinel instead of my Kubrow. Does this also mean me and similar players shouldn't be allowed into certain areas just because we don't "meet a rank/conclave minimum" by [x] amount of time?


Not counting 2 months I took off due to confusion of how to interact with others (along with slight frustration at dying 12 times solo first day because of noted lack of knowledge of interactions with other players), 335 hours (appx) of grinding and picking up new intel to test, whether or not it leads to mastery points isn't enough to play within a certain group or area if such a system were included in the game?


Also, a rank limit of 3 would mean some players would be locked out of playing with friends and clan members who just so happen to exceed those 3 ranks which wouldn't help as much as it would damage and split players up, coming from someone who has friends ranging from Ranks 11-15 as well as 0-4.

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The wall/grind for new weapons is not big at all.

The big problem is that the game often times presents it as such.


The game has a piss-poor tutorial on all things and people tend to forget or not care about it because they themselves now do understand how it all works.

This game is basically not playable without resorting to the wiki a billion times.


And with that this game has huge learning curve.

And yes, that needs addressing.

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I like the idea of only being able to taxi mr 16 and above players. Force me into that, but make it so that there is NO WAY anyone under mr16 is allowed on any planet past venus, and life will be beautiful.

Then basically noone would be able to play the game?  'cause as far as I know, they aren't enough resources on mercury and venus to build most weapons, which means you wouldn't even be able to gain mastery.


'course I could be missing context here or something.

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