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Thoughts From A Player


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The post you are about to read is long, unless you have

20 5 minutes to read the whole thread, don't do it, also, there won't be a TL; DR, just to let you know, you have been warned.


Keep in mind that

Dude, told you this is going to be a long thread, if you begin, you won't be able to stop. (I won't let you stop)


That been said, let's get started:


Player Feedback

I don't know how to begin, but all i can say is that, unless many players complain about something, DE won't move a finger. It seems like, no matter how nice or politely someone gives a Feedback about X weapon/frame, or how many times the community asks for a buff for X weapon/frame, DE doesn't seem to make something about it.


In the time i've been here, i've seen many, but i mean MANY threads about people asking for a buff for weapons like Supra, Hate and now, the Rakta Ballistica, you know what? I won't bother doing a thread about the Hate or the Supra, i know i would be just another between many other threads. (Remember how long it took to DE to buff the Braton Prime? That was a long wait.) 


I also have to say, no, i don't think DE are bad people, they are somehow nice, but would you like to know something? It would feel good, no...i mean, Great, if they actually paid more attention to the community's concerns (They do, in fact, but it doesn't feels like it's enough). And yes, i am aware that DE are busy people that have to deal with many things, but sometimes i feel that they ignore most of the community Feedback.


Again, it would feel amazing if DE replied to Feedback threads more often, that way players would feel that what they have to say, can make a change to the game, wouldn't it? I bet it would. Go ahead, if you search through the Feedback Forums, you will notice that many people said things that would make the game many times better than it's now (But there is a small excpetion, sometimes some people just ask for irrelevant buffs and unneeded nerfs, but hey, that's how the world works).


Weapon Balacing

This is a hot topic, weapon balacing in game is an important factor for game to be enjoyable and suitable for the different gameplays styles players have. But sometimes Warframe lacks from this (Not always, but somtimes). As we all know, many peopple have asked for a MR lock to the weapon known as Boltor Prime, since many new players can acquire this well known weapon at early stages of the game, at the mastery rank of 2, but for some odd reason, DE haven't done something about this yet. That been said, let's continue with other weapons:



If you are an old player, you will remember that this was the top dps melee, but now is just a Mastery fodder, it lacks from damage, attack speed, and the worse part, it's hard to get.


-Supra and Gorgon

Well known weapons for being weak, even though both are somewhat hard to acquire, players have been asking for buffs since i can remember, nothing done about these two heavy guns.


-Synoid Gammacor (Oh boy! Here we go again)

Yeah, yeah, i know. I will say it anyway:

We all know that the Synoid Gammacor is the TOP DPS weapon in-game, now, don't say things like: But the Boltor Prime has 44k DPS!

Yeah, i have heard that before, but keep in mind that the Boltor Prime can only reach this much with all the damage mods and Fire Rate mods, while the SG can reach 30k without any Fire Rate mod.

But, i am not here to talk about how we should nerf it, i am here to talk about how it was overbuffed. I don't know about you guys, but if i was working at DE, i wouldn't give an ammo cap of 375 to a weapon that already has the best ammo efficiency after the Quanta and the Phage. And before someone says something like that the Magnetic damage is a disadvantage for a weapon, just to let you know, it's not, at all. But hey, i will tell you why:


The Magnetic damage only has one disadvantage, ONLY ONE, and that's against Alloy Armor, that's it, if you don't believe me, go ahead, check your codex and you will see by yourself, that the Magnetic damage is only weak against Alloy Armor. But as we all know, every damage type has it's advantages and disadvantages.


But, would you like to know why people don't complain about the Telos AkBolto or the Secura Dual Cestra, given the fact that both of these weapon have top dps? Because they are balanced, people just don't complain for nothing, keep that in mind.


-Rakta Ballistica (Really? This again? Just get over it already!)

Now, this topic has been brought out more times than i can probably remember, but i will point out that it's a hot topic that need to be addressed as soon as possible instead of being ignored, because people don't complain for nothing, you may already know that. The issue isn't the Rakta Ballistica itself, it's the Ballistica, the reason is because it's bad, that's all, i don't know why, from all the weapons, DE had to choose the Ballistica *sigh*


Many of us will agree that Rakta Ballistica should get it's damage buffed to 200, just to be on pair to weapon like Telos AkBolto.


However, i have heard that it wasn't looked at by DE due it's strong Syndicate AoE, but let me tell you why it's not that great as they stated:


•Viral AoE by the Rakta Ballistica

It deals heavy damage to the Grinner and a good damage against Corpus Flesh, cool uh? But wait, it does reduced damage to Infested...Oh...not that great now that you know it? 

But wait, i haven't forgot it, the Viral Proc can reduce enemy's health by 50%, yeah. that's pretty cool.


•Magmetic AoE by the Synoid Gammacor

Believe it or not, it's great against Corpus (Like the Viral is against the Grinner), it pretty much rekts all those Corpus scrubs, doesn't it? Oh, but here is the secret, come closer so i can tell you...It scales with end game content! Wow, those are great news, no?

Well, let me tell you why, according to the damage 2.0 Info, it completly removes the shields, it means that, with 75 shield or even 9001, no...99999999999999999 shields, no matter how much shields you have, it will completely remove them.


•Radiation AoE by the Secura Dual Cestra

Heavy damage against Alloy Armor, in other works, that Napalm and Bombard you see right there in the corner will be gone as soon as your Syndicate meter fills up. Hey, there is a small bonus too! Once you get enough Exp to unleash the AoE, any enemy in the room, will start attacking his buddy, just like a pocket Chaos or Irradiating Disarm, nice, no?


•Blast AoE by the Vaykor Marelok

Blast damage isn't the best kind of damage you will like on your weapon, but hey, it's isn't bad either. Quite nice if you ask me, it's like a Rhino Stomp but without the Stasis, the bonus is that once you release it, all your enemies around you will be open to Finishers and Knockdowns.


•Gas AoE by the Telos AkBolto

Almost the same as the Vaykor's AoE, not the best, neither the worse, in fact, it was one-shooting until level 35 during a Void mission, we can say it works great when proc'd. If you ask me, i would say that better AoE couldn't be given to the Telos (Besides Viral). Works wonder against Infested, unless there is a Toxic Ancient neaby, then it's somewhat useless.


•Corrosive AoE by the Sancti Castanas

I don't think i need to explain how this is one of the best kind of AoE, -25% armor to your foes, +75% moar damage to those Ancient scrubs and Heavy Gunners. One of my favorite


In conclusion, they are all great, Viral is good, not the best though, since every AoE has it's own disadvantages and advantages, never forget that.


Endgame and Veteran player

When do we know when we have reached end game? Hard to tell if you ask me, I, as a Veteran, by the way, i am aware that there are many other players that have been here longer. But i can say i know enough about the game to say i am a Veteran, etc.


Anyway, many Veteran players just log in to claim Formas to Forma their weapon, or for farming Rep, there's not a clear description of what is known as endgame. Maybe, wave 50 at T4 Defense, or 1 hour at T4 Survival? No one can tell what is that so "End game". 


Raids are coming soon, many of us believe that they are gonna be the meaning of endgame, and hopefully, they will keep Veterans players busy without having to use RNG just to create grind in order to make endgame.


Excalibur Prime Threads

Ok ok, keep those torches and forks away from me.

I believe that, some new players, don't have the knowledge about the promise DE made to Founders, instead of just bashing them as soon as you see one of those threads, just tell me nicely, it's not coming back and the reason, that would make them feel better (Maybe not, but at least you show you are a decent player). But, would you like to know why there are so many of these threads? Simple, people don't like to be locked away from content, let me tell you something, yes, i would like Excalibur Prime, i main Excalibur, but i don't make threads asking for a come back since i know it won't return, but many other players don't, that's why we have to tell me instead of just posting things like: Inb4 Lock, Oh boy not this again, or a meme to make them look like fools.


Be nice and people will be nice with you.


Exclusive Content

This is a topic apart from Excalibur Prime, it's about the Event weapons and Mods, yesterday i kept asking myself why they released the CF and BG Mods before the TD ones (They actually did release them, but it was for a limited time). I await for their return. Now, let's talk about weapons, the exclusives ones, you know, i like my exclusive weapons, but i don't like to know that some of my friend will never be able to get one of them, since they are exclusive, i am for one against any kind of exclusive, completely okay with lmited time stuff. I wonder why they don't make it so you can get parts from past event weapons from Quests. Maybe in the future, maybe.



Ok, that's all i had to say, but before you post something, don't rush and read the whole thread if you are thinking on throwing flames at me, because i am not here to be rude, neither to be bashed. Any kind of possitive criticism is welcome, as long as it's not some sort of rage comment.



There isn't one

*Evil laugh*


Now with thunders and lightnings


Edited by DarkLordX2
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took about 8 minutes to read( maybe less wasnt counting), but i also agree what your sayng it hurts to say it but warframe is getting tiring as a vet.( been here since U7 good times) Hopefully raids can solve a problem like that, but they have yet to make mastery actually truly in all honesty something that is important. 

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Excalibur Prime Threads

Ok ok, keep those torches and forks away from me.

I believe that, some new players, don't have the knowledge about the promise DE made to Founders, instead of just bashing them as soon as you see one of those threads, just tell me nicely, it's not coming back and the reason, that would make them feel better (Maybe not, but at least you show you are a decent player). But, would you like to know why there are so many of these threads? Simple, people don't like to be locked away from content, let me tell you something, yes, i would like Excalibur Prime, i main Excalibur, but i don't make threads asking for a come back since i know it won't return, but many other players don't, that's why we have to tell me instead of just posting things like: Inb4 Lock, Oh boy not this again, or a meme to make them look like fools.


Be nice and people will be nice with you.

The majority of founders already do it in a calm manner. They tell them it wont be coming back and that's it, but you have to understand the annoyance people feel when they keep seeing threads like these pop up. I don't support the inb4 lock stuff or the really stupid "dumb idea bad post" comments.

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The majority of founders already do it in a calm manner. They tell them it wont be coming back and that's it, but you have to understand the annoyance people feel when they keep seeing threads like these pop up. I don't support the inb4 lock stuff or the really stupid "dumb idea bad post" comments.

When i see one of those threads, i do nothing, because why would i want to read one of those or even bother to comment if it's going to get locked anyway, i just ignore them.

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With regards to exclusivity, I suppose I just like to have something that says I was there. There's no way to say it without sounding greedy, but I think that people who have consistently stuck with the game for a long time should have something to show for it, and that's exclusives. 


That being said, I'm more in favour of exclusive cosmetics than weapons, since they have no bearing on gameplay and are less likely to cause hurt feelings. Event Badges are pretty much what I want, but the ones we have now are too small and pretty much impossible to see in actual gameplay.

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Ha! I read the whooole thing! In 5 minutes! Take that OP!


I suppose my only question is, what would you like to see happen, other than all of the above? I agree with pretty much everything you said, I want all these things (you forgot Parkour 2.0), but what are you like...asking from DE?


I think what it comes down to is the visibility of ideas on the forums and sometimes what happens is that some decent/interesting ideas get drowned out by whining. For example, the Art and Animation section is usually dead. It's not really dead like Sound, but it moves pretty slow. Because of this, sometimes our stuff actually gets looked at and replied to by DEDraice! I don't know what Draice does, but I'm pretty sure it's something Art-y related, and stuff commented on, by him, usually ends up getting implemented faster. Now that there all these whine posts, either about Targis armor, Pyra Syadana, or that time when DE fixed their colors and no one knew where else to whine about it, I don't see Draice replying to anything anymore, probably because he looks at it and says "2muchwhine4me". I think it must be discouraging. It discourages me. Why post any cool ideas I might have when I have to fight tooth and nail just to have to stay on the front page?


Of course, some threads stick around and don't get a response (Like buff X that needs buffing, continuous weapon refixFIXFIXITDE, FIX MY LASERS) and that's a bit frustrating. A response for those real "hot topics" would be nice (did get a "we talked about it" response for our laser, but no sign of change yet).


I suppose it's come down to that Warframe has gotten huge. Probably bigger than DE thought it would. It makes sense: it bridges gaps between a lot of genres and so it has potential appeal for a lot of gamers. That means that there are lots of people on the forums. Some have good ideas, some don't. And I don't think it's possible for DE to effectively keep track of it all. Plus, I think they have their own list they're trying to get through right now, with all these neat hotfixes.


So...I dunno. Maybe we need a better way for transmitting our ideas to DE. Forums have been feeling kind of hostile lately, too.

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I'm slightly disappointed that didn't take 20 minutes to read.  Le sigh.


With respect to veteran players, especially respect to veteran players who are programmers, CS postgrads, or math genii... DE does not benefit from catering to you at the expense of everything else.  As a new player, the level of entitlement I see on this forum from veterans is shocking.  Please understand that I'm not trying to personally insult anyone, and try to look at it from the perspective of someone new to the game.  Of course veterans are going to be suffering from ennui, but there are far more important things for the devs to be focusing on than your favorite sidearm.


Yes, the weapons could use a good, solid rebalance... but the game could also use more weapons, quests, and other general content as well.  I'd prefer that DE focus on getting the game-breaking bugs out of some of the non-void levels before they focus on a weapon rebalance.  I'm tired of falling off of the map on weekly basis because I manage to hit a hole in the mesh.  


Endgame content is also very important, but again, not as important as making sure the scripts are properly firing and each new minor patch doesn't introduce a bevvy of fundamental errors into the (already existing) bread and butter content of Joe-Six-Pack-Tenno.


Honestly, I feel your pain bud.  I've been that veteran player who becomes alienated because there is nothing new to do and everything you enjoy seems to be getting nerfed or misbalanced.  However, if DE expects to attract new players and make money, they can't simply drop what they're doing and address relatively unimportant issues, no matter how much they may actually want to.  It simply doesn't make sense from a business (or programming or long-term-planning) perspective.

Edited by PipeSnake
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Aside with endgame stuff, i totally agree.

I'm also thinking about making a threat that encompasses all the changes in the game the playerbase is hoping for. In a nice organized manner so DE won't have to search the andromeda sized forum database for al the sepparate suggestions.

Hopefully this will help them get mire changes done.

If there's already such a threat, i'd appreciate someone pointing me in its direction.

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What about the buzlok? That weapon is actually one of my favorite, the weapon's play style is so different with the tracer system but the stats are incredibly low and the mechanic are still incomplete. I get it, not all weapons are suppose to be high tier, I just wish DE would read the weapon feedback thread that they made.

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