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Those are all endless though, and even DE admits that the reward balance for endless missions vs single playthrough missions is wonky as all hell. There is what, like a 2% chance of getting a key from capture missions? They have also all been either touched up repeatedly throughout the last 2 years (survival with it's air drops and enemy spawns and detection ranges so you can play for as long as you are able), are new like excavation (which is really just an endless mutation of mobile defence), or finally been adjusted to give stacking rewards (defense) which make them much more lucrative game types.

But you see, they all are my favourite missions, most of them have not been touched since half a year ago, and their core gameplay/rewards still stays on. Which is relevant to what the question was asking (which is having a favourite mission and still progressing on with the game). 


I don't really like endless missions, I like having a clear game defined goal for my missions. I also really enjoy soloing, and endless missions while playable solo are very much geared towards a squad. So the missions that I have left to play that I enjoy are severely lacking in those kind of progression enabling rewards.

Excavation, Interception and Survival are all endless missions that can be soloed with relative ease. 


I mean, there is Cambria for T2/T3 Keys (and Mutation mods), E Gate for T1 Keys, some Survival Missions for Rare 5 Fusion Cores, Interception for T4 Keys etc..

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But you see, they all are my favourite missions, most of them have not been touched since half a year ago, and their core gameplay/rewards still stays on. Which is relevant to what the question was asking (which is having a favourite mission and still progressing on with the game). 


Excavation, Interception and Survival are all endless missions that can be soloed with relative ease. 


I mean, there is Cambria for T2/T3 Keys (and Mutation mods), E Gate for T1 Keys, some Survival Missions for Rare 5 Fusion Cores, Interception for T4 Keys etc..


Survival has actually been touched up a massive amount over the last year, with testing and retesting occurring near constantly to make it so that you are able to stay in mission long enough to get those rewards without requiring a necros. You can't say that oxygen drops, enemy spawn rates and map layout don't enormously effect what gameplay is capable in a survival. Also considering how often new game modes are added half a year is a time frame that can still be considered "new".


Survival and Excavation yes can be soloed easily, interception is kind of a P.I.T.A though. And all three of those misions are much easier and more enjoyable with other teammates than compared to playing a capture or extirminate with teammates. 


It's fine that those are your favourite missions but they are on the bottom of my list of things I enjoy doing in game. I like assasinations, exterminates, captures, even rescues slightly edge out excavation and interceptions. Those mission types simply do not the offer the rewards that allow you to accrue wealth and I'm sick of feeling forced into playing endless missions I can barely stand anymore. 

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Survival has actually been touched up a massive amount over the last year, with testing and retesting occurring near constantly to make it so that you are able to stay in mission long enough to get those rewards without requiring a necros. You can't say that oxygen drops, enemy spawn rates and map layout don't enormously effect what gameplay is capable in a survival. Also considering how often new game modes are added half a year is a time frame that can still be considered "new".

In which Survival's core mechanic/reward mechanics is still there since its first iteration, so Survival is still old. 


And half a year is considered 'old' for an online game, especially considering the rate of which new content is being produced for this game.


Survival and Excavation yes can be soloed easily, interception is kind of a P.I.T.A though. And all three of those misions are much easier and more enjoyable with other teammates than compared to playing a capture or extirminate with teammates. 

Interception is not a pain in the 'thing in which people tend to crap out of, unless they had surgery to make crap come out of their mouths, but then again, some people probably already had that surgery', even with the changes, nor having other players would necessarily make it more enjoyable. 

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But you see, they all are my favourite missions, most of them have not been touched since half a year ago, and their core gameplay/rewards still stays on.

I'm sorry to break it to you, but by the definition of the word they can't all be your favorite, and if you play all the game modes equally you don't favor any of them. It seems you are one of the lucky few exempt from The_Doc's argument.


In which Survival's core mechanic/reward mechanics is still there since its first iteration, so Survival is still old. 


And half a year is considered 'old' for an online game, especially considering the rate of which new content is being produced for this game.


Interception is not a pain in the 'thing in which people tend to crap out of, unless they had surgery to make crap come out of their mouths, but then again, some people probably already had that surgery', even with the changes, nor having other players would necessarily make it more enjoyable. 

The game mode has been tweaked enough that it is solo-able. It has also been the undisputed king in popularity until Excavation arrived as well. I wonder if it's uniquely high reward rate has anything to do with that...


I'm glad you find solo Interception enjoyable. I've personally never touched a syndicate intercept because there has never been enough rep in the day to counteract the volume of my loathing for solo Interception.

I feel similarly for the other forced 'loud' missions barring survival as well.

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In which Survival's core mechanic/reward mechanics is still there since its first iteration, so Survival is still old. 


And half a year is considered 'old' for an online game, especially considering the rate of which new content is being produced for this game.


Interception is not a pain in the 'thing in which people tend to crap out of, unless they had surgery to make crap come out of their mouths, but then again, some people probably already had that surgery', even with the changes, nor having other players would necessarily make it more enjoyable. 


First you were talking about it's gameplay not changing now you are saying that because the base mechanics/reward are the same it is still old. The mechanics have changed though, from the amount of air totems able to spawn to where they spawn to the tiles available for the game mode to use. Not to mention the changes to the kinds of rewards given in survival. 


New mission types aren't produced at more than a one per year rate if not longer for this game, which is the one we are talking about. What other games are doing doesn't really apply.


That's kind of incredibly insulting considering it's just my opinion that interceptions are awful. I find them awful and tedious and boring as F***. I also don't understand why you seem unwilling to accept that I personally find those mission types more fun with other players. Not only that but the mechanics inside those missions are clearly geared toward more than one player:

  • Multiple same time spawns in different spawn locations for enemies
  • Potential multiple objectives to defend or power
  • More enemies than your average solo player can deal with
  • Inability to tactically withdraw to safer location due to mission objective

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I'm sorry to break it to you, but by the definition of the word they can't all be your favorite, and if you play all the game modes equally you don't favor any of them. It seems you are one of the lucky few exempt from The_Doc's argument.

It still is. 


Example: You are given a platter of cookies (all with different flavours, barring ones that give you allergies, because that would end badly). You ate them all, and someone comes up to ask what is your favourite cookie. You can reply that all of them is your favourite, because you like the taste of all of them. 


Yes, there might be one day where a new mission comes along and I hate it, but for the moment, I like each and every one of them for different reasons, but all under the same umbrella: I can always try something new with them. 


The game mode has been tweaked enough that it is solo-able. It has also been the undisputed king in popularity until Excavation arrived as well. I wonder if it's uniquely high reward rate has anything to do with that...

You know, funny enough, it was tweaked to apparently make it less solo-able (and with response to how players are using Interception to gain lots of Affinity in short notice), with points already taken by the enemy at the start of each and what-not, as opposed to neutral points at the start. 


First you were talking about it's gameplay not changing now you are saying that because the base mechanics/reward are the same it is still old. The mechanics have changed though, from the amount of air totems able to spawn to where they spawn to the tiles available for the game mode to use. Not to mention the changes to the kinds of rewards given in survival. 

But it is true that: 


A: Survival's core mechanic/gameplay has not changed (i.e.: Get air supply from killing enemies and life support to survive for longer for rewards).

B: Core rewards have not changed (still being 5/10 minutes to obtain a mod/Fusion Cores [although yes, Fusion Cores are a recent addition, all the original mods are not], 15 minutes to obtain a Key, 20 minutes to obtain another mod, and repeat). 


So, Survival is still rather old, as its goal and gameplay style is still the same despite all the small changes. 


New mission types aren't produced at more than a one per year rate if not longer for this game, which is the one we are talking about. What other games are doing doesn't really apply.

No, you are wrong in this regard. 


Warframe does produce more than one new mission type per year, such as Hijack and Interception (in which both of them are introduced in Update 12.4 and Update 12 respectively), and Excavation and Hive Sabotage (in which both of them are introduced in Update 14.5 [August 2014] and Update 13.8 [June 2014] respectively). 


So, that point is proven wrong. 


That's kind of incredibly insulting considering it's just my opinion that interceptions are awful.

First off, that insult is not directed to you, but to other people that sometimes do not know what they are talking about. 


Not only that but the mechanics inside those missions are clearly geared toward more than one player:

  • Multiple same time spawns in different spawn locations for enemies
  • Potential multiple objectives to defend or power
  • More enemies than your average solo player can deal with
  • Inability to tactically withdraw to safer location due to mission objective

To counter your points: 


1. Survival and Excavation also has that. 

2. Once you capture all the points, the enemy would tend towards capturing a certain point for some time (this happens very frequently). Use that to your advantage. 

3. See Survival and Excavation point. 

4. You know you can hide behind cover and shoot while capturing a point, right?

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It still is. 


Example: You are given a platter of cookies (all with different flavours, barring ones that give you allergies, because that would end badly). You ate them all, and someone comes up to ask what is your favourite cookie. You can reply that all of them is your favourite, because you like the taste of all of them. 


Yes, there might be one day where a new mission comes along and I hate it, but for the moment, I like each and every one of them for different reasons, but all under the same umbrella: I can always try something new with them. 


You know, funny enough, it was tweaked to apparently make it less solo-able (and with response to how players are using Interception to gain lots of Affinity in short notice), with points already taken by the enemy at the start of each and what-not, as opposed to neutral points at the start. 


But it is true that: 


A: Survival's core mechanic/gameplay has not changed (i.e.: Get air supply from killing enemies and life support to survive for longer for rewards).

B: Core rewards have not changed (still being 5/10 minutes to obtain a mod/Fusion Cores [although yes, Fusion Cores are a recent addition, all the original mods are not], 15 minutes to obtain a Key, 20 minutes to obtain another mod, and repeat). 


So, Survival is still rather old, as its goal and gameplay style is still the same despite all the small changes. 


No, you are wrong in this regard. 


Warframe does produce more than one new mission type per year, such as Hijack and Interception (in which both of them are introduced in Update 12.4 and Update 12 respectively), and Excavation and Hive Sabotage (in which both of them are introduced in Update 14.5 [August 2014] and Update 13.8 [June 2014] respectively). 


So, that point is proven wrong.


First off, that insult is not directed to you, but to other people that sometimes do not know what they are talking about. 


To counter your points: 


1. Survival and Excavation also has that. 

2. Once you capture all the points, the enemy would tend towards capturing a certain point for some time (this happens very frequently). Use that to your advantage. 

3. See Survival and Excavation point. 

4. You know you can hide behind cover and shoot while capturing a point, right?

I think we're just going to disagree on the survival point. You feel it's core is unchanged so it is the same. I feel because it has been constantly tweaked behind the scenes it is still new.
I honestly thought there was more time in between game mode additions than that. I suppose it just seems that way to me because hijack interception and excavation aren't exactly things I like, at all. I had actually completely forgot that hijack was a mission type. I still can't believe hijack was made into a mission, it simply isn't enjoyable in any way for me, but I guess it must be fun for others. Well you learn something new everyday.
All right, it just seemed like it was because it was after a direct quote of  mine -_-;
To restate a previous statement I made: Survival, Excavation, interception and defense are all game modes I find more fun and enjoyable with a group. So naturally of course those points also apply to survival and excavation, which I feel are geared more towards multiplayer same as the other modes I feel are multiplayer geared.
Actually I seem to encounter enemies attacking two towers at once just as commonly as a single tower (except in archwing interception). Yes I am well aware that I can hide behind stuff in Excavations but that is the exception to the rule in regards of  defending an objective.
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It still is. 


Example: You are given a platter of cookies (all with different flavours, barring ones that give you allergies, because that would end badly). You ate them all, and someone comes up to ask what is your favourite cookie. You can reply that all of them is your favourite, because you like the taste of all of them. 


Yes, there might be one day where a new mission comes along and I hate it, but for the moment, I like each and every one of them for different reasons, but all under the same umbrella: I can always try something new with them. 


You know, funny enough, it was tweaked to apparently make it less solo-able (and with response to how players are using Interception to gain lots of Affinity in short notice), with points already taken by the enemy at the start of each and what-not, as opposed to neutral points at the start.


Umm, no. The person in your example is most likely mentally six years old and does not know what the word means.


adjective: favourite; adjective: favorite
  1. 1.
    preferred before all others of the same kind.
    "their favorite Italian restaurant"
    synonyms: best-loved, most-liked, favored, dearest; 
    preferred, chosen, choice
    "his favorite aunt"
noun: favourite; plural noun: favourites; noun: favorite; plural noun: favorites
a person or thing that is especially popular or particularly well liked by someone.
"the song is still a favorite after 20 years"
synonyms: (first) choice, pick, preference, pet, darling, the apple of one's eye;


And you are still confirming that you favor no one mission type over another because you 'like them all equally'.

So you are still exempt from The_Doc's argument.


Also, with the exception of the line about hating soloing them, I never once mentioned Interception. You seem to have confused what I was referring about Survival, and I am sorry if I was unclear about that. Though how a game mode (interception) could be a favorite before it's introduction is beyond me.

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Actually I seem to encounter enemies attacking two towers at once just as commonly as a single tower (except in archwing interception). Yes I am well aware that I can hide behind stuff in Excavations but that is the exception to the rule in regards of  defending an objective.

That happens very rarely instead of being the norm. 


And you can hide around things in Survival for a brief respite, along with Interception (because if you kill a couple of enemies that is (or going to hack) hacking the console, that point will not have enemies trying to bring it back to their side for a bit of time). 


And you are still confirming that you favor no one mission type over another because you 'like them all equally'.

So you are still exempt from The_Doc's argument.

But in your definition, there is also the plural version of the word 'favourite', which means that you can have multiple (or all, because all > 1) missions that you like (and "favourites" is also used in everyday speech to say that a person likes or favours multiple things too). 


Also, with the exception of the line about hating soloing them, I never once mentioned Interception. You seem to have confused what I was referring about Survival, and I am sorry if I was unclear about that. Though how a game mode (interception) could be a favorite before it's introduction is beyond me.

Survival was solo-able for the most part, and Interception was fun to play with once it got introduced (and that gamemode is also present in other games before Warframe made it a gamemode, such as other FPS multiplayer games, which I also like). 

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Every prime item I have ever found I've kept, since the very beginning. I use to had 500+ void keys. I have given prime items to friends here and there. I sold all my extras from the very beginning of voids being released, as ducats. I received like 3500 ducats. All of them have been burned through. I run a ton of void missions each week to try and keep up. I've always had a huge stockpile of primes, and now im struggling to stay afloat with these high prices. I've been playing since day 1 open beta, and im feeling the pain. The prices need to go down. I can only imagine how the newer players feel.

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uh, I think you should also worry about focusing about getting a real life man...like have a family, girlfriend/boyfriend, friends, work?

comon dude....dont be such a addict no offense


How is that on topic?  Also who are you to pretend to not cause offense whilst you try to tell someone else how they should spend their valuable asset (time) on this earth.. seriously?



As far as earning credits is concerned, without a credit booster (which not everyone has the platinum to afford) earning credits is really a slow process and if you miss just 1 day from the provided 14 days to farm in the maximum yield tower then you will not make the goal so this limits what we are able to do each week if we intend on saving up enough credits to obtain every item being introduced into the game without rolling the dice on when it may/may not come out again should it be that the Dev team change their mind on a specific mod and no longer release it.


Similar has happened before where some players got mods and they are no longer obtainable in game.

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The sole root of this problem is the reward system.

No matter what mission at what level with what enemy you complete the rewards are absolute trash throughout the entire game and that's why this game is so grindy in the fist place.

You have to go dumpster diving weeks at a time in the highest level missions to even scratch the surface of the game.

Example: While farming some T4 keys at Draco, we went through 4 waves and 2 out of 4 waves we got ONE SINGLE BRONZE FUSION CORE.

Just let that sink in for a moment...One of the highest level missions with arguably the most lethal enemy type, the Grineer, and the reward is ONE SINGLE BRONZE FUSION CORE...

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I try to not dwell on the grind level, or how much i tell new players i introduce just how much of a (impossible) grind is being created for them.


The last person i was open with, about what they need to do in this game, crapped their pants and quit immediately.




One of the highest level missions with arguably the most lethal enemy type, the Grineer, and the reward is ONE SINGLE BRONZE FUSION CORE...


Its stuff like this crippling the community.


"Oo i wonder what my reward is for staying in this rediculously hard game for 2 hours"


Game: Congladurations! You got:  "2500 Credits"


.....Um...is there a '0' missing off the end there? Surely that's a typo error. It is an error right?......right?

Edited by SnakeWildlife
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I didn't read through the entire 20+ page thread so pardon me if what i say here is either moot or redundant but i'm just throwing this out here: Spy missions are guaranteed to give void keys now, and are relatively faster than doing excavations.


Doing spy missions solely for daily rep capping (1k-ish rep per run solo) will give enough ext/cap/sabo/MD keys for the day to accumulate at least 100-150 ducats. (even more if you decide to use the sur/def keys as well) I have no trouble farming up more than 2k ducats every 2 weeks ever since spy 2.0 arrived.


I do agree about the R5 core grind though, as the recently nerfed drop rates in T4S reduced the efficiency of farming them. (even though triton sort of stepped up)

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But in your definition, there is also the plural version of the word 'favourite', which means that you can have multiple (or all, because all > 1) missions that you like (and "favourites" is also used in everyday speech to say that a person likes or favours multiple things too). 

When used as a noun the word favorite can be plural, true.

ie: If my favorite vegetable, favorite meat, favorite bread, and favorite cheese are all put together into a sandwich then that sandwich would contain 'all of my favorites'. Also please note the synonyms, none of which imply multiples of.

Lots of ppl typ lIk this, bt dat doesn't mAk it gud spelling. Nor will it ever.


This is getting a bit off topic though. I'm going to drop it and shed a tear for whatever schooling system you survived.


Survival was solo-able for the most part, and Interception was fun to play with once it got introduced (and that gamemode is also present in other games before Warframe made it a gamemode, such as other FPS multiplayer games, which I also like).

That last part is irrelevant to the topic at hand, though.

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When used as a noun the word favorite can be plural, true.

ie: If my favorite vegetable, favorite meat, favorite bread, and favorite cheese are all put together into a sandwich then that sandwich would contain 'all of my favorites'. Also please note the synonyms, none of which imply multiples of.

You can also have 'my favourite topics to discuss' or 'these four brands of cheese are my favourites', in which both already states that you enjoy multiple things at once, and both are grammatically correct. There is never an instance where there cannot be multiple favourites, unless you are asking with superlatives, such as "most favourite X", which would generally mean that you are asking for one thing that the one being questioned likes the most. 


That last part is irrelevant to the topic at hand, though.

I am explaining the reason why I enjoy Interception in Warframe before it was first introduced in the game: Because I have played similar gamemodes in other FPS games, and I like the concept of it. 


Although I now find an upcoming gamemode that I probably would not be my favourite: Raids. 

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i will reiterate my general contention with the system as it currently stands as it is about the same as the game was back around U7 anyways - just with Fusion Energy collected and Fusion Energy required inflated. (just like most things in the game, Enemies get inflated this and that, Players get inflated this and that - just adding zeroes to the end of everything and Players are tricked into some misconception that things are changing).

and complete affordance of the items (which are specifically targeted towards Veteran Players, not new Players, if a new Player can't afford to buy and upgrade these things, that's exactly intended) while playing mostly random Missions all over the game.

with all of that being the case, where no hardcore grinding is taking place at all, and still keeping up with the purchasing half of this, it's just fine.

there is no problem with not being able to play the game for fun without any hardcore grinding and therefore also not being able to outpace the release of new 'content'.

people may say all they want about how not being able to outpace content release is bad, but the entire history of the Gaming Industry has time and time again found the exact opposite to be the problem - if Players are constantly getting to the end of everything they might want to do in a game, they are therefore running out of Carrots on a Stick that the by far vast majority of Players require in order to want to play a game - that is when customer bases dwindle.

unless the content is very dry to play and uninteresting to a person's preferences (i.e. basically playing a game that isn't for them), few if any people have ever complained about a game having too much content and too much for them to do.


i know you're going to ignore every word i say and just reverse it for the sake of, but oh well.

something that is a Favorite, is your #1 choice, or something you hold higher than all other choices.

it is a logical fallacy to have everything as your favorite. if everything is your favorite, then nothing is because all you've done is raise the preference level of everything equally.

you can argue against the semantics of English if you'd like, but the definitions still stand. something that is your Favorite, is your #1 choice out of all choices.

you can stretch the Definition to include a number of all possible choices as equally favored. however once you start doing this, the actual meaning of your words starts to instead flip around to saying you dislike some of the choices, rather than highly favor some of the other choices.

'most favorite' is a redundant statement and is grammatically incorrect. it is akin to saying 'most most favored'.

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something that is a Favorite, is your #1 choice, or something you hold higher than all other choices.

it is a logical fallacy to have everything as your favorite. if everything is your favorite, then nothing is because all you've done is raise the preference level of everything equally.

It is also wrong to state that only one thing can be your favourite, for you can have two or more items (and even within the same set) that you equally treat as your favourite (e.g.: It is correct to say that "Walnuts and almonds are my two favourite nuts", or "Mathematics, Chemistry and Biology are my favourite subjects".). 


And I already did state that I am not going to like the upcoming Raids, because having to solve a puzzle and requiring the coordination of 8 players to do so would result in disaster (or even disasters). 


'most favorite' is a redundant statement and is grammatically incorrect. it is akin to saying 'most most favored'.

Actually, "most favourite" is now used in everyday speech for emphasis (while redundant, it can still be argued to be grammatically correct). While it would not be seen in formal writing, it is heard around in just about everywhere (not like "most most favoured"). 

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It is also wrong to state that only one thing can be your favourite

Actually, "most favourite" is now used in everyday speech

- no, that's the definition. one of the choices that you hold above all the rest. if you choose a bunch of the choices, you're saying you like the ones you chose, and dislike the ones you didn't.

your 'Favorite' is your #1 choice. if you don't have a #1 choice, you do not have a favorite.

- just because some people use it doesn't make it part of the language.

unless you'd like to suggest that everything on Urban Dictionary is English.

it isn't. it's all slang.

Urban Dictionary is intelligent enough to realize that it is a Slang Dictionary.

i could create some new slang by saying i am gofloppeanutsteakabutterous, but that doesn't just automatically make it correct or have meaning.

'most Favorite' is a redundant statement. just as i don't describe myself as 'most leftest hand' or 'most humanist human'.

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That happens very rarely instead of being the norm. 


And you can hide around things in Survival for a brief respite, along with Interception (because if you kill a couple of enemies that is (or going to hack) hacking the console, that point will not have enemies trying to bring it back to their side for a bit of time). 




Okay, for you I will accept that, however I just said I encounter enemies attacking more than one tower just as often if not more than only a single tower. Please stop telling me what my opinion and experiences are.


Of course you can hide in survival. You can hide in every mission. The difference is you are not defending anything in survival, nothing will die if you wander off for a smoke break. Unlike say in defense, excavation or even hijack where the target will die without you. Not all points apply to all mission types, but I feel you understand this and are simply drawing out this discussion for reasons I cannot fathom.

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- no, that's the definition. one of the choices that you hold above all the rest. if you choose a bunch of the choices, you're saying you like the ones you chose, and dislike the ones you didn't.

your 'Favorite' is your #1 choice. if you don't have a #1 choice, you do not have a favorite.

We are going to disagree endlessly on that one, since: 


There is one sentence that can be written/spoken as, "This is one of my favourite items". That is grammatically correct, and through the use of the word 'items' (plural), that already states that the person writing/speaking this sentence has multiple items that he/she treats as his/her favourites. 


So, we are going to drop that part off. 


- just because some people use it doesn't make it part of the language.

It is not just "some people". It is "quite a lot of people" (even some newspapers do use it as well).


And some phrases/recently made words do make it into dictionaries as an official entry, with definitions and such. Thinking about it, this argument might be due to us coming from different parts of the world. I am guessing you would be living (or born in) (or worked in for a long time) somewhere in the US, given how you spell "favourite" without the "u" (either that, or you just happen to like spelling "favourite" without the "u").

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Of course you can hide in survival. You can hide in every mission. The difference is you are not defending anything in survival, nothing will die if you wander off for a smoke break. Unlike say in defense, excavation or even hijack where the target will die without you. Not all points apply to all mission types, but I feel you understand this and are simply drawing out this discussion for reasons I cannot fathom.

Technically, you do need to defend air supply from dropping down to 0% in Survival (so no smoke breaks for that as well, although I do wonder why would one want to have a smoke break during gaming) (because 0% = run to extraction with declining shields and health, or failed mission if time < 5:00), but I see your point. 

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Again, this is boring. Doing same thing over and over, just to get an item, and then repeating the process. Can be fun if you have something to level or farm, but when you dont have anything to do, farming becomes a chore.



Void Trader was simply designed to burn people extra Prime parts and credits, so they can farm more. Its horrible concept in game that has no proper interesting "high level" content that has replay value.



You burn your resources and you see no reason to farm them again, as whole farming process is boring as hell.


Mostly this.  Grind in the void, grind some more, grind forever in the same tileset.  The "endgame" is a bleak and depressing place.  The Primed mods require grind to acquire and grind to max of a ridiculous level.


Special mention to noting all the R10 mods that get released requiring all the extra time.  Even as a frequent player at MR18 I still have a ton of mods I haven't acquired the materials to max.  It's the sort of thing I figured I'd "eventually" get enough mods to do, but grinding void missions to get things is always a dull experience.  

Then, they release these "Primed" mods.  I haven't even finished maxing my "rare" R10s.  The level of time and grinding required for these is ludicrous to the point of me just wanting to drop the game.  That's not a game, that's a job.  And this is the heralded endpoint of the game?

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Technically, you do need to defend air supply from dropping down to 0% in Survival (so no smoke breaks for that as well, although I do wonder why would one want to have a smoke break during gaming) (because 0% = run to extraction with declining shields and health, or failed mission if time < 5:00), but I see your point. 


You saw that point in the most roundabout, backhanded manner I have ever encounterd @_@ I am not sure whether to be impressed or horrified. Smoke break is an unfortunate turn of phrase I ended up acquiring from working in a kitchen. The only people who really ended up being allowed to take breaks were the smokers (because they were just awful to work with otherwise) So everybody in the place pretended to smoke in order to get some breathing space. Now I have tendency to use that phrase when I am referring to short breaks from an activity.


random addendum: using the "our" instead of the "or" in colour or favourites is not an American spelling. It is actually the British or Canadian way of spelling those words (possibly Australian too? I mean they were a British colony as well but I've never been sure).

Edited by Drasiel
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Then, they release these "Primed" mods.  I haven't even finished maxing my "rare" R10s.

The level of time and grinding required for these is ludicrous to the point of me just wanting to drop the game.

That's not a game, that's a job.

you are aware that Legendary Mods require 33.33% more Fusion Energy than Rare Mods, right?

it's not double or anything. people are blowing the upgrade costs of them out or proportion.

they're basically just more 10 Rank Rare Mods that cost a little bit more.

Legendary Mods being good or bad aside, they aren't as 'omg my life is over' as people are making them out to be.

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