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Actually Impossible To Pay For Mod Upgrading/ducat Items. Deep Explanation Within. Please Support.


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random addendum: using the "our" instead of the "or" in colour or favourites is not an American spelling. It is actually the British or Canadian way of spelling those words (possibly Australian too? I mean they were a British colony as well but I've never been sure).

And that is why I often say to have unified English spelling, just to have even more consistency with the English language, but that is for another thing. 

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Maybe it was said already, but I`ll repeat it:


1. High ducat prices were a necessity, because alot of people were sitting on a stockpile of prime stuff they didnt want to sell for creds. OP whining about broken economy... I agree that ducat prices are way to high, but you can just get all the mods and level them after. I`m a collector too and spent sht load of money on warframe too, so I know how it hurts to not to be able to get stuff you want. But alot of people also did the maths - to be able to afford all items from void trader you need just 3-6 runs per day in the void. Personally I made around 1000 ducats from a T4C rush for about 4 hours. Also made about 1200k creds. So 4 hours every 2 weeks... sounds more legit, no?


2. I think that after U16 we`ll see some changes to the Void trader prices, most if not all people burned their prime stuff, so this will make them run the voids again. DE just need to do it gently, 10-15% maybe. And then again 15-20%. To not to hurt people who spent alot first time.


Personally Void trader returned my interest to Warframe. I started to get bored by void and archwing, but with Baro I got a new goal. This actually healthen the economy, recalibrated values for prime items, introduced a new category of mods - legendary. And we`ll see new trading 2.0, hopefully it will be in a manner of AH, so this will make prices even more stable and less overrated. 


Warframe is a unique game, that allows players to create their own economy. This benefits and ruins economy at the same time. Greedy traders ruins it, noobs that dont know any better and buying R10 Vitality for 1000 plat helping their goals. AH can solve this by making the lowest price a winner, so no overpricing anymore. But this also will hurt void farmers, who will suffer from lesser platinum income.


3. About Fusion prices - completely agree! Fusion is way to overpriced, this should be addressed asap. My gross income for all the time was around 70 mil, but I spent most of it for fusion, this cant be right.


Change logic of fusion, make Rare core packs contain 10-15 or even more cores, depending on enemy level. 

I`m pretty aware that this R10 mods for the same reason - to burn void farmers stashes of cores and make them work again. People burn out because they have everything and they just leave. This is definitely not the best way to keep them busy, but the easiest one.



All in all we are waiting for your answer in U16, Digital Extremes. All this issues been a hot topic, hail the gods you actually noticed the market problem and endless threads about Baro. 

Edited by Vicious_D
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you are aware that Legendary Mods require 33.33% more Fusion Energy than Rare Mods, right?

it's not double or anything. people are blowing the upgrade costs of them out or proportion.

they're basically just more 10 Rank Rare Mods that cost a little bit more.

Legendary Mods being good or bad aside, they aren't as 'omg my life is over' as people are making them out to be.


i will reiterate my general contention with the system as it currently stands as it is about the same as the game was back around U7 anyways - just with Fusion Energy collected and Fusion Energy required inflated. (just like most things in the game, Enemies get inflated this and that, Players get inflated this and that - just adding zeroes to the end of everything and Players are tricked into some misconception that things are changing).

and complete affordance of the items (which are specifically targeted towards Veteran Players, not new Players, if a new Player can't afford to buy and upgrade these things, that's exactly intended) while playing mostly random Missions all over the game.

with all of that being the case, where no hardcore grinding is taking place at all, and still keeping up with the purchasing half of this, it's just fine.

there is no problem with not being able to play the game for fun without any hardcore grinding and therefore also not being able to outpace the release of new 'content'.

people may say all they want about how not being able to outpace content release is bad, but the entire history of the Gaming Industry has time and time again found the exact opposite to be the problem - if Players are constantly getting to the end of everything they might want to do in a game, they are therefore running out of Carrots on a Stick that the by far vast majority of Players require in order to want to play a game - that is when customer bases dwindle.

unless the content is very dry to play and uninteresting to a person's preferences (i.e. basically playing a game that isn't for them), few if any people have ever complained about a game having too much content and too much for them to do.

i know you're going to ignore every word i say and just reverse it for the sake of, but oh well.

something that is a Favorite, is your #1 choice, or something you hold higher than all other choices.

it is a logical fallacy to have everything as your favorite. if everything is your favorite, then nothing is because all you've done is raise the preference level of everything equally.

you can argue against the semantics of English if you'd like, but the definitions still stand. something that is your Favorite, is your #1 choice out of all choices.

you can stretch the Definition to include a number of all possible choices as equally favored. however once you start doing this, the actual meaning of your words starts to instead flip around to saying you dislike some of the choices, rather than highly favor some of the other choices.

'most favorite' is a redundant statement and is grammatically incorrect. it is akin to saying 'most most favored'.



Having to do the same task (relatively speaking or otherwise) is a problem that all games face. The games that do really well dress up that fact to stop you from realising it. Even if they could do this there will always be a 'best' or most efficient way of achieving something which leads to people grinding that method. (then they go to the forums and complain about grinding.)


Some people forget that we are playing Warframe for free, and DE have to get their money from somewhere. If people never want something in a game funded by people that want things (and quicker) then the game can't support itself. 

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you are aware that Legendary Mods require 33.33% more Fusion Energy than Rare Mods, right?

it's not double or anything. people are blowing the upgrade costs of them out or proportion.

they're basically just more 10 Rank Rare Mods that cost a little bit more.

Legendary Mods being good or bad aside, they aren't as 'omg my life is over' as people are making them out to be.


...and all R10's are extremely time-consuming, especially rares, so 33% is really bad?  Do you not understand that?  It is an infinitesimally small portion of the Warframe population that can "easily" level R10s.  There's even warnings on the wiki to the effect of the cost if leveling "normal rare" R10s:



  • Extremely costly to maximize. Rank 6 is usually the most acceptable and cost effective level for most players as exceeding this level will require a very large amount of rare fusion cores as well as more than 1 million credits.


If you don't realize that, then you're severely out of touch with what cost and time means for most players.


Needless to say, MOST people don't have ludicrous stocks of prime parts, 50+ million credits, and stacks of T4 keys either.  Balancing the costs against the worst-case scenario of player wealth isn't the best decision.

Edited by (PS4)Zeylon
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Needless to say, MOST people don't have ludicrous stocks of prime parts, 50+ million credits, and stacks of T4 keys either.

Balancing the costs against the worst-case scenario of player wealth isn't the best decision.

and you don't need to have all of that. that simply makes it faster.

the costs of these 'endgame' Veteran Player Mods are ofcourse going to be balanced against Veteran Players.

that's who they exist for. people that have run out of Carrots on a Stick, and need more.

these Mods aren't for 'midgame' or new Players. AT ALL.

they will not be balanced around new Players being able to press button get cookie with them. those Players are over reaching themselves. you could even say they're being Overextended by their choices. (hardy har har).

everything the Void Trader has is intended for Players that are laregly or completely done with the rest of the content the game has to offer them.

the fact that anyone has access to obtain them, is great, as Warframe doesn't like gear checks or other walls in front of Players if it can help it.

but just because there's an million dollar Exotica for sale in the Car Dealership doesn't mean you should be able to sign for it and pay it off in a week just because. it's not made for you, buying it is asking for trouble if you know you're not a Player it's intended for.

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the costs of these 'endgame' Veteran Player Mods are ofcourse going to be balanced against Veteran Players.

that's who they exist for. people that have run out of Carrots on a Stick, and need more.

these Mods aren't for 'midgame' or new Players. AT ALL.

But they are not balanced around veterans, they are balanced around hardcore farmers.

I'd like to think I'm a veteran, having all primaries and secondaries (except the Akbronco because it blows) maxed and all frames and sentinels, etc., but I can't play 3-4 hours a day for 2 weeks to get those 1200 ducats.


Those costs are aimed at players that not only can spend a lot of time in the void, but players that can endure it and not get burnt out by running the same thing over and over.


EDIT: oh wait, I noticed you meant maxing the mods. I don't have that much of an issue with that, since it's not timed.

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these Mods aren't for 'midgame' or new Players. AT ALL.

they will not be balanced around new Players being able to press button get cookie with them. those Players are over reaching themselves. you could even say they're being Overextended by their choices. (hardy har har).

everything the Void Trader has is intended for Players that are laregly or completely done with the rest of the content the game has to offer them.


I am exactly one of those players, max MR, all weapons/gear leveled.  I just don't fall into the category of "vet with ludicrous stacks of prime parts laying about".  I think there's a fairly large category of vets that isn't interested in a non-stop grind in an identical tileset, and I think that's understandable considering a "vet" at MR 18 will have already spent a rather sizable amount of time in the void.


Thus, new content is offered here, and asks of the player that's already spent a ton of time there: "Hey, have you run out of stuff to do?  Have some new content!  All you have to do is go back to void and run missions over and over, you know... like you already did for all that gear you have.  Do it again.  Keep doing it again.  You thought you were done... but the only way you can have this new stuff is if you go back for more parts and toss them in our Ducat woodchipper."


I think the OP already made the case that even people with a huge reserve of credits AND parts can't realistically get all the stuff easily.  I have everything, but I had enough parts to afford maybe a single mod.  


Is it bad for new or midgame players?  Yes.  It's also bad for vets though.  It's a fecal-ish carrot asking people to go back and grind away again for parts, and again for an unholy amount of mods.  If I'm the sort of player that it's intended for (a vet), then let me tell you, being asked to go grind some more in a place that already got the lion's share of the in-game hours is a lousy idea.  It seems more like a carrot offered to serial grinders/farms who invest tons of time doing just that.


It's a lopsided equation.  Consider many MMOs, the path towards max level is often fraught with grinding (with hopefully interesting quests/content in between).  However, the reward for reaching the apex is typically MORE INTERESTING content (raids, challenging encounters, etc.) that have better rewards.  Warframe's model has less grinding/easier acquisition upfront, and then a steep cliff that dumps everyone in the void forever.  The most recent addition is to tell people that had basically completed the void to go back for more.  

Edited by (PS4)Zeylon
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you are aware that Legendary Mods require 33.33% more Fusion Energy than Rare Mods, right?

it's not double or anything. people are blowing the upgrade costs of them out or proportion.

they're basically just more 10 Rank Rare Mods that cost a little bit more.

Legendary Mods being good or bad aside, they aren't as 'omg my life is over' as people are making them out to be.




It takes exactly 528 rare 5s to max a primed mod from nothing. This is, to be honest, a huge amount of grinding. Especially now that rare 5 packs don't grow on trees any more.

I'm a veteran who's been here since U7. What you see there is my stock of rare 5s, accumulated over that period. I'm also a fusion core hoarder who goes out of his way to acquire and keep cores and instead prefers to use dupes to level my mods. The only thing I didn't do is farm the hell out of T4S, because I don't like farming much.

We're not talking about a small amount of effort even for MR18 endgame players here.

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It takes exactly 528 rare 5s to max a primed mod from nothing. This is, to be honest, a huge amount of grinding. Especially now that rare 5 packs don't grow on trees any more.

I'm a veteran who's been here since U7. What you see there is my stock of rare 5s, accumulated over that period. I'm also a fusion core hoarder who goes out of his way to acquire and keep cores and instead prefers to use dupes to level my mods. The only thing I didn't do is farm the hell out of T4S, because I don't like farming much.

We're not talking about a small amount of effort even for MR18 endgame players here.


it's not just that it's hard it's pretty much impossible  , and the loot / rewards curve for mod energy  has gotten so steep that alot of people aren't bothering 


and that  players both  hard / soft core can't view mod lvling as a viable way of ingame progressing atm. that without the t4s 5 core packs maxed prime mods will forever be out of players reach by time if not money considerations 


it's why alot of us Vets are cooling our heels / reducing our play time  till 16. We know Warframe is in a period of  "Reward Drought "    

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if you sprinkle around your Missions a little more, and instead of only playing Void, playing a wide variety of Missions - i think you'll find you'll get plenty of everything inside medium amount of time play, and not feel like you're repeating the same thing over and over.

which is what i do, and with complete capability of affording the things as they are made available.

We're not talking about a small amount of effort even for 'endgame' players here.


it's a progressive goal. it's expected for it to take a bit of time.

Edited by taiiat
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it's a progressive goal. it's expected for it to take a bit of time.


I've clocked 1617 hours ingame and I only have enough rare 5s to fully max one legendary and with some left over with the cores I've acquired in that time, and that with me generally hoarding cores like a dragon hoards gold. I might be able to max a second if  I use all my common and uncommon cores, but I haven't tested. There are more than two legendary mods to max.


There's "a bit of time" and there's this. If you think it's reasonable to ask for a vet to burn their entire stock of fusion cores, a stock built up over more than a year of play, maxing one solitary mod, you're mad. If a mod takes that much effort to max it better let me oneshot level 9999s, make me breakfast, and also give me sexual favors through the internet.

Edited by Cpl_Facehugger
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I've clocked 1617 hours ingame and I only have enough rare 5s to fully max one legendary and with some left over with the cores I've acquired in that time, and that with me generally hoarding cores like a dragon hoards gold. I might be able to max a second if  I use all my common and uncommon cores, but I haven't tested. There are more than two legendary cores.


There's "a bit of time" and there's this. If you think it's reasonable to ask for a vet to burn their entire stock of fusion cores, a stock built up over more than a year of play, maxing one solitary mod, you're mad. If a mod takes that much effort to max it better let me oneshot level 9999s, make me breakfast, and also give me sexual favors through the internet.


OMG lol this so bad and then some more man I feel this totally and I even do the farming back to back in the void for cores etc.. it's actually not even that higher in yield.


I've managed to max out 1 of the primed mods so far and I did it by using EVERY DUPLICATE I OWNED!!!!  I then resorted to cores to get it the last step there and that was about 1 years savings on duplicates as well.


This stuff in NOT "just a little bit of time and effort" it's too over priced...simple


so either cores get more common.. or the costs get cheaper.. which seems like a more healthy fix?


oh I just had this really curious thought.. Duplicates do the best job at maxing mods right?  so if we buy a ton of the same mod from the trader.. would those fuse to give us the cheapest fusion costs using the least number of cores or would that be a terrible approach...as I'm typing this the 300k per copy of a mod is already telling me it is unlikely to pay off lol it'd needto do a full ranking per copy to be even close to worth it.

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OMG lol this so bad and then some more man I feel this totally and I even do the farming back to back in the void for cores etc.. it's actually not even that higher in yield.


I've managed to max out 1 of the primed mods so far and I did it by using EVERY DUPLICATE I OWNED!!!!  I then resorted to cores to get it the last step there and that was about 1 years savings on duplicates as well.


This stuff in NOT "just a little bit of time and effort" it's too over priced...simple


so either cores get more common.. or the costs get cheaper.. which seems like a more healthy fix?


oh I just had this really curious thought.. Duplicates do the best job at maxing mods right?  so if we buy a ton of the same mod from the trader.. would those fuse to give us the cheapest fusion costs using the least number of cores or would that be a terrible approach...as I'm typing this the 300k per copy of a mod is already telling me it is unlikely to pay off lol it'd needto do a full ranking per copy to be even close to worth it.

From what i remember it takes 1024 duplicates to max r10, r5 cores are more effective since they act as rank5 mod, while duplicate will be rank 0 as this is most effective.


This is actually a point where you need to spend money or make game your only job to actually max those.

But hey it makes de happy that you spend 8480 plat, which is roughly 400$ to max a single primed mod, thats how de prized this so they must believe its worth that much.

Edited by Davoodoo
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the Mods don't multiply stats enough to justify a moderately higher Fusion Cost

they're all a significant amount superior to their non Legendary version.

for whatever Playstyles any Mod in question represents, they're all significantly superior. (except Fast Hands, but this is because +Reload Speed is a really annoying way to calculate it and it should instead be -Reload Time for a more consistent effect without having giant numbers)

now, i suppose yes, the difference between Rank 5 Mods and Legendary Mods of the same type, perhaps is not proportionate to the Fusion Cost increase.

so the number of Ranks and other facets for the Mods should probably reflect the Mod they are 'replacing' - so as to reflect the stat increase in a reasonable fashion.

i.e. Mods like Fast Hands would probably be less of a 'burden' to Rank up than say, Reach, which has a huge increase comparatively.

oh I just had this really curious thought.. Duplicates do the best job at maxing mods right?

so if we buy a ton of the same mod from the trader.. would those fuse to give us the cheapest fusion costs using the least number of cores or would that be a terrible approach

unranked Duplicates?

well. uh.


efficient, but not practical.

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I dislike the whole fact that veterans now have an infinitely crappier way to farm cores just to make it easier short term for newbies since when did game developers need to hurt one player base to make the other slightly more happy. But in the end it screws over everyone because no one stays as newbie forever.

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if you sprinkle around your Missions a little more, and instead of only playing Void, playing a wide variety of Missions - i think you'll find you'll get plenty of everything inside medium amount of time play, and not feel like you're repeating the same thing over and over.

which is what i do, and with complete capability of affording the things as they are made available.

I haven't mentioned the possible P in this game's RNG in a while but you certainly remind me of it.

If Warframe uses PRNG have you considered the fact that your account may be favored by the game's code to get better than average drops?

Because I can only see two possible reasons for the attitudes I see on the forums in every 'drop' thread: either the game plays favorites or we have a lot of compulsive liars posting to one up others.

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That's the horrifying truth right there in that picture, and that the LEAST it costs in credits to rank one up.


DE seem to think a small amount of credits or fusion cores is worth that much platinum? no. Thats gotta change.

Lets do some more math shall we:



Gold Fusion Pack = 80 Platinum. Should get you (according to legendary core trading ratios, lowest 1000 plat wftrading website) enough fusion power to rank up a lv10 Primed mod to at least 8% of the total needed to max it. Currently your 80 Platinum will rank-up your primed mod, less than 0.45% per purchase......insane.


Thats using the official economy of player trading, which far surpasses in terms of money for your gains than Warframes own market.


(8% divided by 0.45% = 17.78) You get 1770% more Rank-Up power from buying '1000 Platinum' Legendary fusion cores from the player market than you do buying from Warframe Official Store.



High Roller Credit Bundle of 30,000 Credits = 90 Platinum.

Change that 30,000 to 250,000 and i still probably wont considering it.

Change that 30,000 to 500,000 and i would consider buying it for sure if i was out of money.


Do you think 500,000 for 90 Platinum would be too cheap? Well read on.

90 Platinum is £5 ($7.69) .....its not worth it when you can earn 30,000 ingame in a couple runs of Sechura.

2 quick runs of Sechura can be done in less than 10 Minutes. Is 10 minutes really supposed to cost us what Minimum Wage ratio workers in real life take a whole hour to earn? THATS ROBBERY CLEAR AND SIMPLE BY OVER 6 TIMES

Edited by SnakeWildlife
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R5 farming hasn't been nerfed as badly as people make it seem.



Triton with a proper Team should net you ~5 cores / 10 minutes, assuming you can do 2 excavators / 2.5 minutes which requires a proper team ofc. This is statistically speaking, you can have bad luck of course, but if you do it often enough it should pay out. Compared to that, doing 10 minute survival runs will only net you ~2.5 cores / 10 minutes + extraction, loading time etc. so everyone saying "go Ceres survival" should rather go home, you have no idea.


Compared to old t4s, we had a rate of 7.7 cores / 10 minutes when doing 10 minute runs, a rate of 4.66 / 10 minutes when playing for 20 minutes and a rate of 5.66 / 10 minutes when going for 30 minute runs (which i often did to get more out of a key).


As you can see, Triton now actually comes really close to everything but 10 minute runs in old t4s, and I dare to say those would have stopped sooner or later anyway when players had used up all their syndicate keys. It's sad to have no real incentive to do t4s anymore, but when it comes to core farming, we do have a good alternative now so stop the whining, I stopped mine too.


So at 2 minutes / core you'd need 1056 minutes or 17h 36min farming time on Triton - sounds pretty monotonous i'll admit but saying this isn't feasible within 2 weeks (1h 16min a day - and in reality the masses on corpus you'll kill will drop a lot of fusion energy, too, shortening the time) is ridiculous.

Edited by Dunkingmachine
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Legendary Fusion Cores

that's because Legendary Cores were a mistake and should have never existed in the first place.

they're bad for everybody. every. body.

and if you look at the popular things on the Market, Fusion doesn't seem to be something that is either lucrative, nor intended to actually be a significant leg of monetization.

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R5 farming hasn't been nerfed as badly as people make it seem.




So at 2 minutes / core you'd need 1056 minutes or 17h 36min farming time on Triton - sounds pretty monotonous i'll admit but saying this isn't feasible within 2 weeks (1h 16min a day - and in reality the masses on corpus you'll kill will drop a lot of fusion energy, too, shortening the time) is ridiculous.


That presupposes you can find a good team for Triton, and 17 hours non stop farming with extra reliance on RNG doesn't exactly sound like a good plan to me.

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That presupposes you can find a good team for Triton, and 17 hours non stop farming with extra reliance on RNG doesn't exactly sound like a good plan to me.


It's 17h in 2 weeks, 1 1/4 h per day. You don't even need to be a hardcore player to get that done. As for good groups, the games i've hosted myself have been a great success without fail. Look for suited frames and assign clear roles, there's really no excuse.

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It's 17h in 2 weeks, 1 1/4 h per day. You don't even need to be a hardcore player to get that done. As for good groups, the games i've hosted myself have been a great success without fail. Look for suited frames and assign clear roles, there's really no excuse.

Perhaps not hardcore but that is fairly dedicated play. Also depending on one's schedule someone may need to do that in two or four sittings, and that is hardcore gaming.

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Perhaps not hardcore but that is fairly dedicated play. Also depending on one's schedule someone may need to do that in two or four sittings, and that is hardcore gaming.


2h every other day is hardcore gaming now? Looks like i have no life.


On a serious note, the original claim was it would be impossible to rank those mods up within 2 weeks, made by a


[...] 'No real life' gamer who spends around 10-16 hours per day on Warframe [...]



... while with this playtime it would be perfectly possible to even rank 5 or more primed mods in those 2 weeks. Now i don't agree with the grind increase DE has given us by seperating cores from the void, or rather, t4s, but the given statement is simply not only true, but also pretty exaggerated.


No, it's not impossible to rank 1-2 primed mods (rather 1 as of lately) up within 2 weeks.

No, you don't have to be a "no life gamer" to do so.


These are facts. I know that nobody here wants to hear them, but here they are. Of course it's entirely possible to spend that much time on the game without getting together the cores/credits, but it's not really DEs fault if you chose a much less effective route to your goal than actually available. Again, i'll accept and agree to any complaints about the amount of grind imposed on you, but not to any complains about the grind being impossible. Those are simply not valid.

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+1 cause this topic is perfect 


And that's not even counting with the Syndicates


250k+weapon part

500k+warframe helmet (dafuq?)

And that is EXTREMELLY wrong! Like having to use a Loki P helmet for one Syndicate and a MAG PRIME HELMET for other is just wrong...

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2h every other day is hardcore gaming now? Looks like i have no life.


On a serious note, the original claim was it would be impossible to rank those mods up within 2 weeks, made by a



... while with this playtime it would be perfectly possible to even rank 5 or more primed mods in those 2 weeks. Now i don't agree with the grind increase DE has given us by seperating cores from the void, or rather, t4s, but the given statement is simply not only true, but also pretty exaggerated.


No, it's not impossible to rank 1-2 primed mods (rather 1 as of lately) up within 2 weeks.

No, you don't have to be a "no life gamer" to do so.


These are facts. I know that nobody here wants to hear them, but here they are. Of course it's entirely possible to spend that much time on the game without getting together the cores/credits, but it's not really DEs fault if you chose a much less effective route to your goal than actually available. Again, i'll accept and agree to any complaints about the amount of grind imposed on you, but not to any complains about the grind being impossible. Those are simply not valid.

I was referring to only having one or two days a week available for playing Warframe and still putting in those seventeen hours bi-weekly hardcore. That would be four+ to eight+ hours at a time running missions.


You seem to have forgotten or overlooked three things though. This thread was posted several hotfixes/updates ago and RNG. Oh, and the entire purpose was that the current economy could not support itself the way things were/are going.

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