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Since Players Want Excalibur Prime...


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How about making him tradeable?




I know it's probably a bad idea,but whatever it's something.



EDIT: Please,if you are interested,add your ideas in the comment section,but please make sure that both founders and non-founders will benefit from that idea.

Edited by GeoDP
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Putting aside the kneejerk reaction to another excal P thread, I'd say this or somthing like this would be a good idea simply for founders that have left WF or will leave, just so we don;t have a bunch of gear lying around and getting no use. There would still be a limited amount at all times, but its a shame to see them go to waste. Its not like it will cause anymore problems or rustle any more feathers then it already does.

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Who in their right mind would trade him away?!

Since I made the post,I would trade him.And to be reasonable I'd probably start bidding him for around 500-600p 


EDIT:Of course the price would skyrocket in a matter of days.

Edited by GeoDP
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I have so many mixed feeling twoards the founders stuff I don't even know where to begin whenever the topic is brought up.


Kinda hate the fact that I never got around to buying when it was still around, and would really, really like to have Excal P.

On the other hand the devs have been very clear, founder stuff is founder only and it's not coming back, no buts, no exceptions. And I would prefer if they kept their word.

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I honestly think not just in relation to exclusives, but most items should be tradeable bearing a Mastery lock and hefty credit sum...  I mean we did either earn or buy it right?  

(Leveled items (Syndicate weapons) should honestly be tradeable and just reset to level 0 on trade... the fact they didn't do this in the first place blows my mind.)

Alternatively I've been cooking up an idea for improved trading - we could have "Prime Trading" which is like normal trading but with Weapons, Frames and Resources as well, can still put up mods and crap but with Platinum trade tax.  It could let you put up weapons for 20p trade tax each, frames for 30p tax each.  Resources would be limited to Rare Resources only and be like 10 plat tax for every 5 traded.  (I tried to estimate all taxes anywhere from 1/5 to 1/8 market prices for these things)

I know this tax idea might scare some players but it would be good for DE and it would be better than market prices anyday, the only key is finding somebody who has what you want is willing to trade.  

I've had to trash weapons before I paid legitimate platinum for to clear room for slots and wish I could have traded them to somebody else even if it removed the catalyst any forma and the leveling. 

Just an idea I had, good time to share. 

Edited by (PS4)lagrue
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I understand the whole Founder's promise so let's all let EP go. However, Excalibur should be the first to be infused with Dragon technology like the nikana: giving him a great rework and making him a proper Sword frame. This is my one and only request.

I like this idea TBH.

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A lot of people both from the console and pc community want excal prime.

They will not be able to ever get it because the founder packs are no longer going to be sold.


If pc players were allowed to trade excal to other players then it is essentially giving opportunity to pc players to obtain excal prime again. However because there are no excal primes on console versions of warframe; console players would not be able to have the opportunity to obtain an excal prime. 


In the end it would just lead to more chaos since excal prime would still remain as an exclusive frame but instead of it being exclusive to founders only it would become exclusive to the entire pc community. 

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I think it makes the most since since he was the first and first prime. Plus, although DE did try a small rework he is still far from a viable sword frame. I can get around his average durability but his stamina is a major issue (as is the case for all frames). Excalibur should have the highest stamina rating since he is all about mobility/offense. Also, there have been some great ideas for a "supercharge" ability (maybe similar to warcry).

This post for "Dragon" Excalibur

Edited by (XB1)SkinnyANOINTED1
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If Excalibur Prime is 100,000 or more Platinum, which is truthfully justified, I wonder what the prices of Skana and Lato Prime would be.


Primed Chamber is way rarer than Excalibur prime and it goes for "only" 12k plat. As a matter of fact I have seem people sell their hunter founder accounts with tons of content for 500 dollars or less.

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