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This Was Very Poorly Designed Around Players With Arsenal Full Of Mods And Proves That Raids Consisting Of Lvl80 Enemies Isnt A Good Idea.


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Would you say every chess strategy is identical because they all attempt to checkmate the enemy king?


Would you say the strategy for EVERY mission is the came since it revolves around the point of not dying?



Yes, every successful team had a way to avoid being shot.  That was the point of this alert.  You're supposed to come up with a team that can simultaneously avoid the instakill bullets, keep enemies off of points, and kill them all between rounds.


You're not describing one strategy, you're describing one challenge; a challenge that was completed many ways by many people.



Yes, the level scaling mechanics in this game as a whole need a massive overhaul.  In this particular mission, however, the point was for those mechanics to be broken, leaving the challenge of figuring out how to circumvent them.

If you believe that you are using different strategy for each frame then think again, every time you cc you move queen, everytime you use invulnerability you move rook, now moves are pretty limited when you use only 3 figures. Limbo is left tower, valkyr right tower, lets say loki will be queen moving right and nova queen moving left.

Suddenly strategy of using cc can be compared to playing chess with only 3 figures, except that using only these "3 figures" is optimal choice unlike in chess.


And this ta isnt one time "challenge", its endless interception starting from wave x(tbh idk which, but you can reach lvl150 on endless i assure you of that and enemies jumping from 110 to 150 over course of 5 waves isnt something strange either)

Edited by Davoodoo
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That's so wrong. A lot of people, including yours truly (wink wink), complain about scaling all the time. It's the real issue brought to light by this alert and it's ridiculous.


I'm not actually saying the alert was bad in itself*, I'm saying the alert was bad because it dealt with WF's horrible level mechanics, past beyond the point where any semblance of balance disappears.


*someone may, but I'm pretty sure the general argument in the thread has moved on from that now.


Ohhhhh. OK, I'm with you there. Scaling does get nutso, agreed.

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If you believe that you are using different strategy each then think again, every time you cc you move queen, everytime you use invulnerability you move rook, now moves are pretty limited when you use only 2 figures.


And this ta isnt one time "challenge", its endless interception starting from wave x(tbh idk which, but you can reach lvl150 on endless i assure you of that and enemies juping from 110 to 150 over course of 5 waves isnt something strange either)

So you do admit to generalizing everything, no matter how unique, based around the challenge rather than the solution.


"every weapon is the same, they all use damage to kill enemies."


"Every enemy is the same.  They all try to kill you."


"Every frame is the same.  They all have health and shields."



When the challenge presented is surviving around enemies that kill you in a single shot, obviously the solution is going to be using things to avoid getting shot.  That doesn't make it all one strategy, the same way that having to damage something until it dies doesn't make all ways of dealing it one strategy.




And for the record, there was one strategy that relied on using cover, rather than abilities, for the survival portion.  The small room under D provides a ton of cover, and a greedy mag is able to pull from there as a means of clearing points and getting enemies close.  Throw in an excalibur (normal range, focus on power) and buffer for damage, and a nekros to desecrate up more energy for everyone, and you have a sitting kill room strategy without damage mitigation abilities.


but no, you probably think "walz r teh saem stratagee cuz dey blawk damij."

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Loki being better suited for anything, if that doesnt make frames obsolete then single match serves as good as lighthouse as navigation point.


You have a weapons so yeah use them, even unmodded weapon would probably kill faster than ember tossing 400 base dmg fireballs which cant bypass armor in any way, melee at least got finisher and guns can headshot.


And like i said if loki is half decent isnt complete idiot he wont appear right in front of enemy and enemies actually lose their weapon permamently so he needs to spam it only as much as to reduce risk, with group risk is greater since your teammates cant go invis most of the time but solo it aint problem at all, hes less energy dependent than frost or rhino, only valkyr comes to my mind which uses less energy and still plays optimal.


Read again "max hp shields and armor", i used , redirection, vitality, steel fiber, blind rage, transient fortitude and intensify all maxed.

When im being seen by more than 1 lancer when i go out of invis on ash or loki im dead, ash might survive with 50hp or so but 0.5s lifetime isnt anywhere near suited for human reaction time, on limbo i actually do everything to keep rift running i never go out unless to pick up loot so i wont tell you about that.


No matter how you look at it, we die too fast, we got slower reaction than enemy, our damage powers lose against armor and weapons, properly built loki is best suited for every situation making every other choice suboptimal, enemies need to die before being able to harm you at high lvl otherwise you die and there actually abilities that allow you to do such seemingly impossible feat.


Loki being better suited for something than some frames isn't bad. Just like those frames being better suited for other things isn't bad.


I have no idea why you're underestimating fireball so much. Fireball can headshot, and it has a DoT (that can also benefit from the headshot multiplier. Combine it with accelerant and a healthy dose of power strength and you'll out damage most unmodded weapons. Most weapons do not bypass armor.


I fail to see how Loki is less energy dependent than frost or rhino.


I must have missed the hp bit. Loki is squishy and is not indicative of an average frame's tankiness. Enemies (barring the ones I mentioned when I first made this statement) do not oneshot you unless you're using a Loki-class frame.


Loki is not best suited for every situation.



-Mobile defense.

-Probably Hijack too.


And there are frames that compete with Loki on the missions that he excels at. For most mission types, Ash is actually better. Especially when doing them solo. Loki shines brightest when solo'ing non-kill/defense related mission and when put into great synergies.


Your frequent use of exaggeration and generalization is the only thing keeping this argument going.

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Let's be real here.  Loki turns all enemies into pinatas with 4 and can manipulate them like putty with Decoys practically indefinitely, all while being in no danger besides the occasional grenade which will never hit you if you stay mobile.  Combining Loki with pretty much any area CC from another frame can pretty much turn the game off.

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Let's be real here.  Loki turns all enemies into pinatas with 4 and can manipulate them like putty with Decoys practically indefinitely, all while being in no danger besides the occasional grenade which will never hit you if you stay mobile.  Combining Loki with pretty much any area CC from another frame can pretty much turn the game off.


I think you have the concept of pinatas backwards. We're supposed to be the ones beating on them with sticks, not the other way around. Melee units are still pretty dangerous (otherwise no one would have ever died against the infested pre-ranged unit introduction). Decoys only last for so long, and they don't guarantee that enemies won't still come after you.

Edited by SquirmyBurrito
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I think you have the concept of pinatas backwards. We're supposed to be the ones beating on them with sticks, not the other way around. Melee units are still pretty dangerous (otherwise no one would have ever died against the infested pre-ranged unit introduction). Decoys only last for so long, and they don't guarantee that enemies won't still come after you.

It's not the same though. Disarmed enemies simply can't hit you if you -for example- slide attack, their attack animations are not fast enough.

Old Infested still had different units designed to be useful in melee (not that useful, granted, but still melee oriented). A disarmed Grineer won't leap, explode and stagger you or perform some nasty charge-punch that knocks you down. They are also less numerous.

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It's not the same though. Disarmed enemies simply can't hit you if you -for example- slide attack, their attack animations are not fast enough.

Old Infested still had different units designed to be useful in melee (not that useful, granted, but still melee oriented). A disarmed Grineer won't leap, explode and stagger you or perform some nasty charge-punch that knocks you down. They are also less numerous.


Disarmed Grineer tend to swarm you. Slide attacking (with auto enemy tracking on melee turned off) is one of the only ways to avoid getting hit. I can't remember whether or not disarmed grineer can still use their ground punch ability, and I can't be bothered to load up warframe right now to test it.

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So you do admit to generalizing everything, no matter how unique, based around the challenge rather than the solution.


"every weapon is the same, they all use damage to kill enemies."


"Every enemy is the same.  They all try to kill you."


"Every frame is the same.  They all have health and shields."



When the challenge presented is surviving around enemies that kill you in a single shot, obviously the solution is going to be using things to avoid getting shot.  That doesn't make it all one strategy, the same way that having to damage something until it dies doesn't make all ways of dealing it one strategy.




And for the record, there was one strategy that relied on using cover, rather than abilities, for the survival portion.  The small room under D provides a ton of cover, and a greedy mag is able to pull from there as a means of clearing points and getting enemies close.  Throw in an excalibur (normal range, focus on power) and buffer for damage, and a nekros to desecrate up more energy for everyone, and you have a sitting kill room strategy without damage mitigation abilities.


but no, you probably think "walz r teh saem stratagee cuz dey blawk damij."

Want to hear some generalization??

I press 4, whether my 4 kills or disables enemy it doesnt matter to me, i dont bother to aim, i dont bother to look if im even hitting anything, i mindlessly press that button until mission is complete.

This turns so bizarre that i actually switch arms just so my clicking finger doesnt hurt, thats how little actual input it requires of me.

You know how above is called?? endless mission.


Thats generalization of problem called p42w, most optimal tactic requiring least actual input from you allowing you to play half afk.

Thats how big of a scale p42w problem is and if you believe its loki or vauban problem then think again, it affects large portion of gameplay and more than half of the frames.


Then we also have problem of broken scaling, again fitting description for enemies outside reasonable lvl range capable of dropping tank frames under a second as soon as they proc or tank buffs wear out.

Again generalized since looking at every enemy lvl separately doesnt make any goddamn sense.


Long duration aoe cc also cant be looked at without generalization since it isnt problem of 1 or 2 powers, its above 10% of all ingame powers and only thing that connects these is outcome, enemy being completely disabled without any hope of retaliation.

Generalized due to severity again.


Imbalance also spread like a plague outright putting 9 frames incapable of soloing without significant costs involved and 13 frames cruising through any content. Want me to create a separate topic for each frame in regard for high lvl gameplay pointing out common problem in each of them?? 


With squirmy i got into detail without generalization, these turned out to be wall of texts bearing no real significance to problem.


So to generalize, not getting shot in warframe is based around p42w from outside enemies range or behind a wall.


Not generalized version, happy lecture

Not getting shot by grineer hitscan bullets, used by lancers, elite lancers, heavy gunners, seekers, ballistas, troopers, grineer napalm aoe, grineer bombard aoe, corpus plasma projectiles from crewmen, technician, moa, shockwave moa, oxium ospreys, corpus beams from elite crewmen and fusion moa, hitscan projectiles from railgun moas requires you to pick a frame having radial blind, radial disarm/invsibility, bastille/vortex, riftwalk/banish, hysteria, smoke bomb, tentacle swarm/undertow, rhino stomp, sound quake, chaos/mind control/pacifying bolts, terrify and pressing 4 and 2 for loki, 3 and 4 for vauban, 1 and 2 for limbo, 4 for valkyr, 2 for ash, 4 and 3 for hydroid, 4 for rhino, 4 for banshee, 2,3 and 1 for nyx and 2 for nekros. Out of mentioned however rhino stomp might prove problematic due to inability to recast while its duration is still going on, same thing applies to nyx chaos also making it problematic to solo with. Sound quake makes you immobile which again may prove troublesome at attempt at soloing however banshee also have silence which with short enough duration build consisting problably of fleeting expertise and transient fortitude without narrow minded, continuity and its primed version and constitution can allow her to quickly stun enemies and recast without hinderind uptime on sound quake. Radial blind, radial disarm/invsibility, bastille/vortex, riftwalk/banish, hysteria, smoke bomb, tentacle swarm/undertow, rhino stomp, sound quake, chaos/mind control/pacifying bolts, terrify all require energy, which can be restored by picking up energy orbs, using team energy restores, medium team energy restores, large team energy restores, energy siphon aura and using trinity energy vampire ability, also if someone happens to have now removed from market personal energy restores he can still use those. Out of energy orbs, using team energy restores, medium team energy restores, large team energy restores, energy siphon aura and using trinity energy vampire ability only trinity energy vampire and team energy restores, medium team energy restores, large team energy restores provide enough energy without the need to kill enemy which will respawn him and require you to cast additional radial blind, radial disarm/invsibility, bastille/vortex, riftwalk/banish, hysteria, smoke bomb, tentacle swarm/undertow, rhino stomp, sound quake, chaos/mind control/pacifying bolts, terrify which might turn counterproductive. There are units in game which are immune to radial blind, radial disarm, bastille/vortex, tentacle swarm/undertow, rhino stomp, sound quake, chaos/mind control/pacifying bolts, crowd control effects and these consist of bosses like captain vor, councilor vay hek, general sargas ruk, kela de thaym, lieutenant lech kril, tyl regor, ambulas, hyena ln2, hyena ng, hyena pb, hyena th, jackal, lynx, raptor, sergeant nef anyo, phorid, lephantis, mutalist alad v, stalker, zanuka hunter and zanuka, these require you to use tactics like strafing, hiding behind small cover, hiding behind large cover, going out of line of sight, rolling, rolling while aiming(different animations), coptering(generalization), blocking with melee weapon(generalization), using guns(generalization) and melee weapons(generalization) to kill them.


Watch what you ask for as you might get it.

Edited by Davoodoo
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Want to hear some generalization??

I press 4, whether my 4 kills or disables enemy it doesnt matter to me, i dont bother to aim, i dont bother to look if im even hitting anything, i mindlessly press that button until mission is complete.

This turns so bizarre that i actually switch arms just so my clicking finger doesnt hurt, thats how little actual input it requires of me.

You know how above is called?? endless mission.


Thats generalization of problem called p42w, most optimal tactic requiring least actual input from you allowing you to play half afk.

Thats how big of a scale p42w problem is and if you believe its loki or vauban problem then think again, it affects large portion of gameplay and more than half of the frames.


Then we also have problem of broken scaling, again fitting description for enemies outside reasonable lvl range capable of dropping tank frames under a second as soon as they proc or tank buffs wear out.

Again generalized since looking at every enemy lvl separately doesnt make any goddamn sense.


Long duration aoe cc also cant be looked at without generalization since it isnt problem of 1 or 2 powers, its above 10% of all ingame powers and only thing that connects these is outcome, enemy being completely disabled without any hope of retaliation.

Generalized due to severity again.



I completely agree that those are big problems within the game as a whole, and should be addressed.



But that's not what this thread is about.  This thread is about this one particular tactical escalation, which actually makes use of the broken scaling in such a way as to create an interesting puzzle for players.

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I completely agree that those are big problems within the game as a whole, and should be addressed.



But that's not what this thread is about.  This thread is about this one particular tactical escalation, which actually makes use of the broken scaling in such a way as to create an interesting puzzle for players.

This thread is about these problems using TA as perfect example since only minority actually got that far in endless modes to match this TA lvls.

Without ppl actually seeing high lvl enemies it would be instantly dismissed by those without experience in it as nonexisting problem.

Edited by Davoodoo
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I think you have the concept of pinatas backwards. We're supposed to be the ones beating on them with sticks, not the other way around. Melee units are still pretty dangerous (otherwise no one would have ever died against the infested pre-ranged unit introduction). Decoys only last for so long, and they don't guarantee that enemies won't still come after you.

My choice of words was a little tongue-in-cheek but the fact is that as long as you backpedal, they won't hit you and as long as you have decoys and any cc (even ground slams and kicks will do) they won't be able to bring down a defense target either.  

Edited by RealPandemonium
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Well, I don't have much to say besides the fact that I don't think the OP should be worrying that much. This game's only fault is something I like to term: Separation of casual and hardcore. 


It's all mixed together. In a way that's a cool thing, because it brings a level of progression in the way of people seeing what *can* be done. If they want it bad enough they can get there if they really want to. It's not necessary to have fun, but they can. Personally, I enjoy cleaving through hordes of enemies and destroying them any way I please. I also prefer it if they die in a single swing of my weapon/burst of fire from my gun. It feels cool, and in the end that's what it is about. How does what you do in game make you feel. Everyone has a different preference, so I say live and let live. 


The raids will be tested before they are released. I think raids will help separate the hardcore warframers from the casual ones. 



Edit: I did the tactical alert with a PUG using a MAG warframe. Whenever enemies were near consoles, I just used pull. My mag only has 150hp, lots of shields. Not a warframe I bring when I'm being serious, but it worked better than bringing a warframe with tons of damage abilities. So there is a level of strategy. It's not always about killing them. Sometimes you can't kill them fast enough. Also, it was hilarious to watch bodies fly across the map. 


Aka: I had fun with it, like everyone should try to do. There's no shame in asking for help in a recruitment channel if you're too low level or something. People would help you.

Edited by 3DCitizen
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Disarmed Grineer tend to swarm you. Slide attacking (with auto enemy tracking on melee turned off) is one of the only ways to avoid getting hit. I can't remember whether or not disarmed grineer can still use their ground punch ability, and I can't be bothered to load up warframe right now to test it.

The stomp gets disabled. I'm just saying they are still quite harmless unless you screw up big time, and way less dangerous than the infested were before.

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I think the real irony here is that the Escalation part of the event was bolted on after people said, "Oh, this event is too easy! Give us a harder one!" Then DE gives a ridiculously hard mission and they get people complaining about that instead.


Let me ask you this: How was this event any different from any other Interception mission with high-level enemies? If the answer is, "It's not" then you've got no ground to stand on with me because I haven't seen a single solitary complaint ever about how Interception missions shoehorn you into a "single strategy."


I'm not trolling or being a fanboy. That's been my point the whole time: It's just a brutally hard Interception mission but nobody complains about Interception. Yet, here we are on page 17 of a megathread about how this event is so bad and wrong.


The event's over so it's a moot point now. FWIW, I had fun figuring out what I had to do, coming up with a plan, and then executing it. I wouldn't want to do it all the time, but it was a nice change of pace for some fancy cosmetics.

Are you for real? This alert was ridiculously hard?

People don't complain about how Interceptions shoehorn you into whateverfloatsyourboat. They complain about how a broken scaling leaves you with no other choice than basically stop playing the game and press one button with a few frames forever because if you don't you get OHK'd. Nothing to do with the mission type. We are complaining about THIS alert. YOU are the one trying to make a generalization for a reason I can't quite figure out. People are just worried that this might become another trend that they never asked for, that's all.

This alert was not "brutally hard". It was "brutally cheap". That's the point MANY try to convey. And yet, you fail to see it.

I'm done trying to explain the obvious anyway. At least many saw it and understand what the issue was for me and for them.



Would you say every chess strategy is identical because they all attempt to checkmate the enemy king?


Would you say the strategy for EVERY mission is the came since it revolves around the point of not dying?



Yes, every successful team had a way to avoid being shot.  That was the point of this alert.  You're supposed to come up with a team that can simultaneously avoid the instakill bullets, keep enemies off of points, and kill them all between rounds.


You're not describing one strategy, you're describing one challenge; a challenge that was completed many ways by many people.



Yes, the level scaling mechanics in this game as a whole need a massive overhaul.  In this particular mission, however, the point was for those mechanics to be broken, leaving the challenge of figuring out how to circumvent them.

Wait a minute... You are comparing WarGUNS to CHESS??? *facepalm*

I made it pretty clear that it's not the destination people are complaining about. It's the JOURNEY.

The destination is always the same : accomplish the mission.

The JOURNEY is what matters. And here, there was only ONE path. A rather muddy one too. That's why the overwhelming majority of players was rather "unhappy" and worried.

Again, how can you NOT see it?^^'


I also said that maybe the objective of this alert was to see how we could break this broken scaling, break this "code". I also said it wasn't a "challenging" code to begin with. Apparently you didn't read it. So basically you're pointing out something I also pointed out before... And using it as a counter argument with me? LAWL, nice try mate...

Edited by Marthrym
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Are you for real? This alert was ridiculously hard?

People don't complain about how Interceptions shoehorn you into whateverfloatsyourboat. They complain about how a broken scaling leaves you with no other choice than basically stop playing the game and press one button with a few frames forever because if you don't you get OHK'd. Nothing to do with the mission type. We are complaining about THIS alert. YOU are the one trying to make a generalization for a reason I can't quite figure out. People are just worried that this might become another trend that they never asked for, that's all.

This alert was not "brutally hard". It was "brutally cheap". That's the point MANY try to convey. And yet, you fail to see it.

I'm done trying to explain the obvious anyway. At least many saw it and understand what the issue was for me and for them.


If you'd kept reading the thread, you'd have seen where I agreed that scaling is borked. Happy to help!

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If you'd kept reading the thread, you'd have seen where I agreed that scaling is borked. Happy to help!

I never said you didn't, everyone agrees on that mate. Well, I hope everyone does...

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My choice of words was a little tongue-in-cheek but the fact is that as long as you backpedal, they won't hit you and as long as you have decoys and any cc (even ground slams and kicks will do) they won't be able to bring down a defense target either.  



You can only ground slam so fast, and enemies already caught in or recovering from a previous CC animation have a bad habit of ignoring new CC. Enemies will usually only go after a decoy if it is closer than another source of aggro. So if they're already swarming a pod, you're highly unlikely to get them to leave it alone in favor of a decoy (that they can kill in a few hits).


The stomp gets disabled. I'm just saying they are still quite harmless unless you screw up big time, and way less dangerous than the infested were before.


Go back to before the Ancients were given a unique model. That is the state a pack of disarmed Grineer are in.

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Go back to before the Ancients were given a unique model. That is the state a pack of disarmed Grineer are in.

"Volatile" Runners actually used to stagger-lock players and leapers could still knock Tenno down. They were harder than disarmed Grineer since 2 special abilities is better than 0.


I'm not saying either is a difficult enemy, but I'll take disarmed Grineer any day over the old cakewalk Infested, people died to them because they were somewhat functional (especially when they completely took control away from you).

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New TA ofc, what else.

"high level" of the warframe of course. unbalanced and broken on so many levels?


take a look at solar system level or 'normal' void runs. each weapon is viable every frame is useful.


wanna do some "high level" stuff? 98% of the arsenal is useless 75% of frames is useless.

And level 100+ mobs is not a difficulty or challenge as some may think - it's however just an illustration of unbalanced scaling and poor mechanics.


But why Digital Extremes wanted to poke us in this flaw of their game is a mystery to me.

Edited by LeshJaeThiHah
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Well, nice read. I hope this garbage never reaches consoles in original form. Seems strange indeed - why would they try and shove broken parts of the game up the players throats? And unless it's not accessible from the main menu and has no reward it is shoving it in players faces. I remember that when I've been experimenting with the game I've realised that you can cheeze enemies up to lvl 150-200, probably more, especially after limbo came out. But the game stops being fun around lvl50 enemies.

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"Volatile" Runners actually used to stagger-lock players and leapers could still knock Tenno down. They were harder than disarmed Grineer since 2 special abilities is better than 0.


I'm not saying either is a difficult enemy, but I'll take disarmed Grineer any day over the old cakewalk Infested, people died to them because they were somewhat functional (especially when they completely took control away from you).


Both of those were easy to avoid. Does disarming melee units disable their abilities? I rarely see the special grineer melee units so I don't really know.


I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. I'd take the infested as they were always far squishier than Grineer (stacking ancient auras now being the only real exception).


Well, nice read. I hope this garbage never reaches consoles in original form. Seems strange indeed - why would they try and shove broken parts of the game up the players throats? And unless it's not accessible from the main menu and has no reward it is shoving it in players faces. I remember that when I've been experimenting with the game I've realised that you can cheeze enemies up to lvl 150-200, probably more, especially after limbo came out. But the game stops being fun around lvl50 enemies.


The Escalation mission was created because so many people expressed their disappointment over the original getting fixed so that it no longer had level 300+ enemies. It isn't mandatory.

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The Escalation mission was created because so many people expressed their disappointment over the original getting fixed so that it no longer had level 300+ enemies. It isn't mandatory.

It may not be mandatory, but it is annoying that some of use that refuse to "press#2win" can't get the sigil. The reward for Escalation should have been a decent pack of rare 5 cores, or an Orokin catalyst or reactor. :/

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