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This Was Very Poorly Designed Around Players With Arsenal Full Of Mods And Proves That Raids Consisting Of Lvl80 Enemies Isnt A Good Idea.


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SO what is this Operation then? a sick way to punish players who just want to play events with friends or just testing how much will players take before calling a mission bullS#&$? Who though this Operation was a good idea?

Some DE made a cool Sigil and made it the top prize of a 3 part event. The stance was the only thing that affected game-play and it was not terribly hard to acquire. 


Personal, I could careless if DE wants to make cosmetic items have abusive requirements (does not bother me), as long as they are not doing this with game-play items.

Edited by LazyKnight
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Right you did melee that L150 targets that took me and my group like 5 minutes to clear "after" each wave because melee damage means tickeling a napalm, heavy or eximus unit to death for a hole minute each at L150+ even while running 4x CP, while they are CCed to a point where they are unable to hit back(what is instant death even with frames that stack a lot of HP with both redirection and vitality).


Escalation - Corrosive damage with high proc chance on Galatine and after slamming ground, 1-2 finishers, few hits and combos and 1 heavy gunner/napalm eximus was dead. Less than 20 seconds each, solo, rest of the team had their fun else wear. What kind of group did you have? o0


SO what is this Operation then? a sick way to punish players who just want to play events with friends or just testing how much will players take before calling a mission bullS#&$? Who though this Operation was a good idea?


First 2 rounds weren't all that hard.

1st required proper warframes or just players being good.

2nd required proper coordination and a plan.


Not for anyone. Masochists, hardcores or straight out lunatics...

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So did people just miss the redtext saying that they know this isn't a real challenge, and that this is all just for fun?


I feel like people missed that.


Or nobody read it, or short memory, or nobody that rants has a sense of humor... (at least not the one required at the time)

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To be honest, it's the player bases' fault for coming up with exploits and power spamming to win the game. It's built into our mentality to spam that Loki Radial Disarm, Trinity Energy Vampire, et cetera. It's not the developers' fault, as they never had it in mind. 


Perhaps people should play frames that don't exploit this Alert? "HA FUNNY JOKE, BA DUM TISS" is what I get from most players most of the time when I bring a frame that doesn't synchronize with a team. 

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DE doesn't care anymore.

Yes, they made amazing content in the past and managed to amaze the playerbase time and time again, but sadly that time has past.

They got popular

They got rich.

There is simply no reason to put in any more effort into their design decisions; they got their money and will continue to get money no matter what now.

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It wasn't even that hard.YOU should be able to beat it easily.

Not the point kid


DE doesn't care anymore.

Yes, they made amazing content in the past and managed to amaze the playerbase time and time again, but sadly that time has past.

They got popular

They got rich.

There is simply no reason to put in any more effort into their design decisions; they got their money and will continue to get money no matter what now.

That's ridiculous and stupid, economics do not work that way

Edited by NocturneOfSolace
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DE doesn't care anymore.

Yes, they made amazing content in the past and managed to amaze the playerbase time and time again, but sadly that time has past.

They got popular

They got rich.

There is simply no reason to put in any more effort into their design decisions; they got their money and will continue to get money no matter what now.



Why are people so salty about a joke mission that offers a free reward? 

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So did people just miss the redtext saying that they know this isn't a real challenge, and that this is all just for fun?


I feel like people missed that.

I don't agree with the OP that this was a bad thing for a TA (especially since it was just because people asked for it), but I agree about its connection to raids. Honestly, level 60+ isn't all that different, whether it's 80 or 100. It's still all about permaCC and a very small portion of items, and that might be a problem for the raid too based on the level 80 thing they seem to be trying.

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DE doesn't care anymore.

Yes, they made amazing content in the past and managed to amaze the playerbase time and time again, but sadly that time has past.

They got popular

They got rich.

There is simply no reason to put in any more effort into their design decisions; they got their money and will continue to get money no matter what now.

Oh be quiet. The enemy level thing was a bug, people seemed to like it, and so DE brought it back as something a little extra, just for kicks.


It's meant to be a fun extra with a little reward. It's got nothing to do with raids. If you hate the game that much, do everyone a favor and bug off.

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I agree with the OP, it is kind of stupid and the way to play it has nothing to do with melee weapons.


Actually what I did come up with and did host was retrospective a bit over the top, even if all other players that I recruited did doubt it would work when I was explaining my plan before we started. After failing a few times with the trinity and excalibur setup because of the lack of killspeed and lack of CC, I was trying out something different and it worked so good that the level wouldn't have mattered at all. A nova makes things go slow but there is another frame that nobody thinks of and nobody requests but if you add it on top of it, can change slow to nearly full stop(nothing was able to get to the consoles during the rounds and disarmed units did need like 30s to finish a melee attack or 60s to recover from a knockdown). Our loki didn't even bother to use the cloak in the end. =)

Now i am actually curious what this plan is you speak of. Mind informing us of this plan that is supposed to be over the top?

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2x Trinity, a Valkyr and a what was probably a very bored Loki Prime (he spammed Irradiated Radial Disarm nearly 500 times) made for a super easy completion.  The mobs had almost no chance to fight back.


Some part of me has to wonder if the devs are using this to see what players come up with to cheese their game.

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If enemies kill us with 1 hit and we still managed to live through that then that means we havent got hit, at all.

Meaning that no matter what lvl enemies are we wont get hit, so it will at worst take us longer to kill them.


infinite cc, immense range, almost endless energy, what could go wrong.

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Right you did melee that L150 targets that took me and my group like 5 minutes to clear "after" each wave because melee damage means tickeling a napalm, heavy or eximus unit to death for a hole minute each at L150+ even while running 4x CP, while they are CCed to a point where they are unable to hit back(what is instant death even with frames that stack a lot of HP with both redirection and vitality).

Because a status/channeling build mixed with your damage multiplier, will have you dealing 100,000 per hit. you can down many of the enemies the only ones that are hard(ish) to take down are the napalms.

Funny how no one complains about the tiny map that looks like a a scene from a cyber punk street gang brawl.  No one ever factors in the externalities.

the map wasnt a problem.

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There was a low level guy on my team who swiftly realized he wasn't capable of handling the high level enemies within the mission. He eventually stopped trying to kill things altogether, and would instead re-cap points after they got captured and the enemies had cleared out, or one of us had cleared them out. He died quite frequently but we still revived him every time because even though he wasn't MR18 with a boltor strapped to his Galatine he was still doing something useful. 

I think this event mostly proves that the playerbase has a refusal to step outside the box and be challenged. You stick to what's easy because it works, and then whine that it's too easy because you don't know how to win any other way. 

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