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Does Sniper Rifles Need To Be Revisited In Warframe?


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As we all Tennos know, we have currently 5 sniper rifles in the Warframe which are the Vectis,Lanka,Snipetron and Snipetron Vandal. All these sniper rifles boast high damage with a sacrifice of fire rate and versatility. Even sniper rifles performs well in general stealth play (when silenced), it lacks the capability to engage large groups of enemies such as the brutal Grineer or the infested. Compared with automatic weapons such as boltor prime can kill groups of enemies in a short time, ending up dishing out more damage in a period of time. Moreover,during co-op situations (when you join a random squad)your squad mates are more likely to kill more enemies with either their automatic/semiautomatic rifles,shotguns and seconds weapons than the sniper rifles do. This severely damaged the role of the sniper rifles in Warframe as some weapons can also be silenced with higher damage out or higher damage per second, making it less significant in missions.

However,the sniper rifles are unquestionably cool and fun to use but it hurts when you use it in co-op missions when you have a higher chance of being outperformed. Do the developers need to revisit the sniper rifles and make adjustments to them?

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I definitely think they all need a revisit. It wouldn't matter if snipers had a base of 10 mil. damage, because even with punchthrough, you won't be hitting much.


Side note, just be careful when bringing up Snipetron since they were essentially deleted for defying the lore, so it doesn't really matter what they do to them. Although you did leave out Vulkar.

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Yes. I tried out the vectis despite the forums telling me it's mastery fodder. Dropped a couple forma into it and threw it away because reloading was short but painful when you miss and the crit wasn't up to par so it would take more than one shot. I forgot about it and picked up a soma prime. Haven't looked back since even though I felt the urge to. I REALLY REALLY wanted to like it. It looked badass and seemed like a good concept but having to plug more than one shot into a grineer on mercury felt hopeless especially when other guns can mow them down with one hit.

Edited by (PS4)TheArrowOfGod
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My issue with Sniper Rifles in warframe is that their scopes are awful looking, and completely immersion breaking. Random tribal motifs and dots does not do justice to them.


I'd love an actual "realistic" version of scope, a physical scope that the Warframe lifts to it's head, going into first person mode essentially, but you can still see the scope itself.




Something like this, but Warframe-y.

Edited by Cynaris
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I get the distinct feeling people aren't using the Vectis to it's best capability, but I digress.


Snipers do indeed need a bit of a rework.


They must NOT however, out damage bows, AND have innate peircing AT THE SAME TIME. It would make the bows obsolete as a sniping type weapon.


I still feel like snipers need a higher critical rate, and perhaps..*coughs* Take a page from borderlands. 






Something like that would make me love snipers even more.


Although I'll always have that distaste in my mouth of Primed Chamber being a thing, making people who main the sniper feel terrible if they don't own it.

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I get the distinct feeling people aren't using the Vectis to it's best capability, but I digress.


Snipers do indeed need a bit of a rework.


They must NOT however, out damage bows, AND have innate peircing AT THE SAME TIME. It would make the bows obsolete as a sniping type weapon.


I still feel like snipers need a higher critical rate, and perhaps..*coughs* Take a page from borderlands. 






Something like that would make me love snipers even more.


Although I'll always have that distaste in my mouth of Primed Chamber being a thing, making people who main the sniper feel terrible if they don't own it.

What are you talking about? There's a reason we don't use bows in war anymore BECAUSE they're not as good as a gun. Would you rather be a sniper in war with a bow and arrow or a sniper rifle with no drop off? The string shoots the arrow forward but you're telling me it's stronger than a mini explosion shooting out of a barrel? Must be a strong string...

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Sniper Rifles in general do need to be revisited. The trouble is, how to properly deal with changing them to fit their role. I've heard several good ideas, but the only thing I know for certain is that they need to hit damn hard per bullet once modded up, because you shouldn't be taking so many shots, but be damn sure every shot leaves a hell of hole.


Some possible ideas for reworks:

- The "True Sniper" approach: Solid damage, no crit except on weak-spot hits, good crit multiplier for high crits on accurate shots. Alternatively, high weak spot damage, not connected to crits. Hard to say if this should apply to Sonar spots or not, the synergy might be too good if it does. Rewards good accuracy, but I can't say I like this approach very much for this game specifically, too fast-paced.

- The Crit Central approach: Good damage, very high crit chance, very good crit multipler. Built for crit, always crits, and crits hard. Makes early levels difficult but the end result rewarding with big, flashy yellow (sometimes red) numbers.

- The Elephant approach: Slow and heavy. Fire rate is slow but the damage is extreme. Doesn't really crit, just hits ridiculously hard.


Some sniper rifles may fire faster and have slightly higher DPS at the expense of ammo economy. I think just about every player who uses a sniper regularly will agree they would love to see all or at least slow-firing sniper rifles get some innate punch-through for dealing with crowds a little better. Snipers should feel slower, more calculted, but rewarding with every shot landed. Bows should feel like sort of like dancing the line between sniper rifles and DMRs (Latron).


Related note: Primed Chamber should either not exist, or be in the drop tables somewhere. Removed is better so a mod isn't manadatory for just one weapon in the entire game and can be balanced around it not existing, but if it does remain, Vectis will need to be balanced around having it and it will need to be obtainable.

Edited by Centias
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What are you talking about? There's a reason we don't use bows in war anymore BECAUSE they're not as good as a gun. Would you rather be a sniper in war with a bow and arrow or a sniper rifle with no drop off? The string shoots the arrow forward but you're telling me it's stronger than a mini explosion shooting out of a barrel? Must be a strong string...


This is warframe. Logic is laughing right now.





^ Combined with the skill and technology of Tenno = Badass & Undeniably powerful weapons. By warframe lore, the Dreads arrows and dispairs razor edges are sharp enough to cut through a warframe easily. The dread being able to decapitate also means it can penatrate even the strongest of armors.


So. Yeah. Logic where?

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What are you talking about? There's a reason we don't use bows in war anymore BECAUSE they're not as good as a gun. Would you rather be a sniper in war with a bow and arrow or a sniper rifle with no drop off? The string shoots the arrow forward but you're telling me it's stronger than a mini explosion shooting out of a barrel? Must be a strong string...

Yeah, and there's a reason we don't use polearms in war anymore, too.

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Yeah, and there's a reason we don't use polearms in war anymore, too.


Or Swords, Daggers, Glaives, Claws, Gauntlets, Knives, etc, etc.


But, back on topic.


If there's a posibility for a sniper buff, I'd love to see sniper specific mods for increased damage depending on how it's built.


I believe it was mentioned somewhere before, perhaps on a dev stream? A mod that would give you more critical headshot damage perhaps?


Mods that reward you for more skillful play, but I still think snipers could at least have their crit chance/damage increased. If not allowing for red crits, at least make 80~90% possible.

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The snipers do deal high damage which is enough to kill enemies but automatic guns cam replace the snipers way too easily as they can be modded up into a high damage and high dps gun eg Boltor prime.

I also agree that changing the stats or mechanics of sniper rifles won't be easy to the developers as well.

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The problem with  sniper rifles in this game is that they aare too weak. Like shooting peas.


They need to have better sound, huge damage, be slow, have innate punch through(Vectis),blowwing enemies into walls(Vectis) and with the proper mods, do up to 100k damage.


Vectis should be able to 1 shot everything in the game in higher levels, because its slower than a dread or paris prime. The opticor should be taken as a comparison,. Even the opticor suffers from  from being meh, because its too weak against multiple enemies, cannot pierce though nullifers, and does not do enough damage without sacrificing speed, but thats another weapon.


I want vectis to be something like this:

Edited by HandsomeSorcerer
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They must NOT however, out damage bows, AND have innate peircing AT THE SAME TIME. It would make the bows obsolete as a sniping type weapon.

I don't think so, because bows still have the big plus of being silent by default while sniper rifles need Hush. Plus, arrows drag the enemy along and damage anyone else standing in their way, while snipers demand that the enemies walk perfectly in line.


IMO, if you want to change sniper rifles, you don't get around touching bows at the same time. Drop the guaranteed crit (with normal mods) - reduce bows' base crit chance so you end up at somewhat about 80% max. If you want to go beyond that, you'll have to accept the downsides of corrupted mods. Same should go for snipers. It's really hard to justify bringing my Vandaltron with 62.5% (modded crit chance) when Dread can achieve twice as much.

Also, I think that snipers would benefit from more potent scopes (higher base zoom and added benefits, like showing the enemy's distance). And most importantly, we need more maps that support sniping. It's really bad that Archwing has those distances, but Velocitus doesn't have a scope to use it accordingly.

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They need some damage help. I am for the massive nerf to crit chance and a massive buff to base damage. It should have a decent DPS even when just being sprayed. Then, give it +100% crit chance on weak spots. The theoretical DPS would make every weapon in game look like a nerf gun, but the time it takes to actually line up those shots would be the balancing factor.

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snipers in warframe are only designed for one purpose, single targets. so i don't know why you are going on the tangent that they can't kill multiple enemies, its not what a sniper is designed to do. yes most guns out preform it. yes, snipers by themselves wont go far in missions. but that doesn't mean its not working as intended.

Snipers are only good for two things, tanks and bosses. and they do those jobs exceptionally well. but they only do it well with certain warframes and weapon loadouts. I would hate to see sniper rifles to be able to do the same job as a rifle. make both classes of weapons lose their utility.


however. that being said. i will admit that it takes a fair amount of set up a sniper to do its job role as well as a normal rifle. a rifle is always a safe pick due to its versatility over a sniper. maybe the game just needs more tank enemies to give you and intensive to use snipers and scale their heath down just a tad

Edited by Tainted_Fox
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I feel as though the biggest problem with Snipers at the moment is that they're just not reliable. It doesn't matter how skilled you are as a player; that Napalm is going to turn right around and start trying to melt your face off if your perfectly-placed headshot had a crappy roll of the dice.


- The crit chances for Snipers need to go up so that they can reach 100% with Point Strike and Corrupted mods. 4x headshot multipliers for everyone!


- Boost their crit so much that Point Strike alone can enable red crits (beyond what Dread is capable of), but decrease base damage to compensate. This allows players to choose between powerful-and-reliable yellow crits (perfect for well-timed headshots) using Point Strike, or superpowered-but-unreliable red crits (perfect for bodyshotting heavies with ease, but has a notable chance of failure) using PS and Corrupted mods. 4x headshot multipliers for everyone!


- Decrease their crit (on certain guns), but boost the crap out of their base damage so that players can choose between reliable "normal" shots and superpowered-but-unreliable yellow crits. (I'd avoid this one; it means no reliable 4x headshot multiplier.)



That's how I think it should be, anyway. I haven't touched Snipers at all in ages because there's no way to get reliable one-hit-kill headshots at high levels no matter how good your build is. And what kind of sniper rifle can't reliably one-shot enemies with headshots?

Edited by SortaRandom
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I do agree that snipers do need a revisit, but I think we first need to know exactly what playstyle difference will snipers and bows have. Currently....


Both types deal heavy single target damage.

Both types tend to have very high critical rates.

Both types are single-shot/charge weapons.

Both types have and/or rely on pinpoint accuracy.


Beyond these, they really do not share many differences, the biggest ones being how they handle ammo and the sniper scopes. Currently, they do the same thing, it's just that bows do it better and more consistently.


I'm all for a change of some sort to make sniper rifles more consistent, but at the same time it'd be sad to see them become another bow with more ammo or hitscan bullets or whatever. I think we really need to think about what we want snipers to be versus bows.


Another thing that may hurt snipers is the fact that a lot of other weapons can do the job of a sniper just fine AND also be a machine gun for tearing through crowds with ease. Because of this, why would you pick a sniper rifle over a machine gun (or in some cases a pistol rofl)? There is no reason unless you just like sniper rifles that much. I think it would help if other weapons did not sniper so well, to make snipers a more inviting choice.


If you look at the stats of the snipers, you'll see that they can hit like trucks. They don't need more damage. They need consistency. I'm of the opinion that:


- Sniper rifles lose all critical chance, or have extremely low chance normally. They, however, have very, very high critical damage (3-4x base).

- A headshot will be a garunteed critical hit.

- Increased status chance (40-50% base)

- The ability to highlight targets through walls like the codex scanner when zoomed in to the scope. Nearby teammates will be able to see it too.

- Base damages will be properly lowered to compensate for critical damage buff.


This will make Snipers a utility weapon with the option to mark a target for death via a headshot. The high critical damage and guaranteed critical hit on headshot will ensure it dies. The slower fire rates of the snipers will ensure that they do not suddenly become the destruction of the universe that is the Synoid godicor.


Well, hopefully we see good changes, whatever they may be, to not only snipers, but all other weapons in the future.

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Yeah, they're pretty crap as-is.  They compare poorly with bows.  Bows being silent, piercing, having an explosion option, getting multiple red-crit models, etc. makes them "just better" generally.  There's a reason people still use things like Dread/Paris in the endgame.  Even Cernos can red-crit.  Bows also have relatively fast-firing options.


Snipers can't compare with that.  The Lanka is the only innately silent model, and so you have to blow a slot on Hush to be stealthy.  If you're not stealthy, then you have enemies rushing you.  If you have enemies rushing you, your crappy over-zoomed rifle sites make it difficult to use the weapon while still aiming (making dead aim worthless on Vulkar). 


So, the weapons have large drawbacks that don't exist with the bows.  


It would be nice if they were silent, had better crit values, and possibly more damage.  I don't know about punch through...


Perhaps all "Snipers" could have a stat allowing them to ignore armor/shields?

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