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Chroma- (Dragon Frame) Feedback Megathread


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They are a nice middle ground, not too plain(how original DE /s) and not too weird(that makes you question wtf is that). This thing is a mutated seahorse wrapped in red spaghetti. I just hope this is the last "out there" idea that DE makes.


Oh come on i'm calling that out.


What would you call DE design choice on Loki's massive hammerhead?

Or Banshee's clown shoes?

Or trinity's massive Lobster Tail and Halo.


But the seahorse was the last straw? I'm calling so much biased, it's fine if you don't like the look. But don't act like it's the first frame. The Older frames are  just as guilty.

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I'm going to point out two things that I do think a lot of people seem to have overlooked:


1.The still images that he have of him are in all likelihood his agile idle animation, the default animation would have him standing straight up, not bent over.

2. He does have a traditional faceplate under the "snout" which, if he were to stand up straight, would probably be a horn over aforementioned faceplate.

Edited by Basilisk1991
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He looks cool as hell to me. All of the people bashing on him need to stop.

No, this is a bashing that will not be stopped. I will make certain that I will post at least once a week from this point on how bad chroma looks. I WILL MARK IT IN MY GODDAMN CALENDAR. That is how bad the design is. 


It is quite hard to make me dislike a new frame's aesthetics but this has done just that!

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i would have liked this better1X0wW6s.png


I admit to liking this design, but its just too generic.  Warframe has a flare that can rarely be replicated.  There are so many frames that have come out that, at first i thought they were ugly or distasteful, but like everything else in this game i will come to love it without realizing.  Its so unique people can't help but be drawn in

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chroma's honestly forgettable. he looks like he's wearing frikken chaps, and instead of any meaningful design that was well thought out and implemented, he looks like a meatloaf with a recycled lephantis head on top


someone put him out of his misery

Edited by ImNotJellyAtAll
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Looks like it made of the same template as rhino, zephyr... Such a terrible design! How that person have been even hired to DE? What are you doing there, in office? This model can be done in 4-5 hours already skinned to skeleton by one guy. Same as new Sentients kind... It's the shame to art director. I wish him suddenly see this post! How he will look in his colleagues' eyes all over the world by giving green light to T.H.I.S.?


You guys just not met your deadlines.


Let it be just a nice joke... :) Please?

Edited by Archorokin
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