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De Should No Longer Discuss Warframe Design Until They Are Completed.


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So a bunch of people are bugging out about Tamandua-i mean chroma because it doesnt look like a dragon.


Why did this happen?


Because DE lets us know a bit too much about the design process.

Anyone that has done some design knows that during the design process stuff evolves and can end up not really creating the exact thing that was first pitched.


The design for this frame OBVIOUSLY (i dont actually know) started with some one throwing out the dragon idea.

So from this we got that this frame was going to be a dragon frame, it was known internally at the start as a dragon.

They moved on to powers and looked around at what dragons do. Some one found some D&D book, probably the same dude that plays magic, and mentioned the different color dragons. This is how we got the whole colors idea.


Then they moved on to the look of the thing and Mynks probably went through a lot of standard dragon looks that were in fact boring because, let's face it, the dragon armor thing has been done to death. Not saying that they could not come up with something new but one day Mynks probably said, "F it! This is going to be an Anteater." He got that proposal done and showed it and probably Steve, cause he is the crazy Stan Lee-type dude in DE, said "THIS IS AWESOME!" Steve like saying awesome a lot. And this is what they ended up going with.


To DE the term dragon didnt strictly mean that they were going exactly for THE dragon look but some sort beastial look. And that look that we got was what they ended up with as they were grew this concept.


To the public the only thing we got was dragon and colors and because we are not part of the design we did not look at what they were actually doing. We just got a couple of words they decided to use to identify the project, not words that strictly defined the end goal. So the public was waiting for outdated info that was no longer in use.


Now with what we got i think that dragon stood for a frame that was going to have more of a beast form. And this is the reason why i like the look,  i was thinking they were going to go with some generic medieval-type of armor with some scaliness and dragon's head slapped as a helm. I actually wanted the thing to look like some dragon beast and this is not exactly what we got but they got the beast part down so i'll give it




Two claws up!


Next time DE should just discuss the powers, what they are going to be or function and totally skip on the look of the frame if they are going to actually discuss info on new frames.



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So a bunch of people are bugging out about Tamandua-i mean chroma because it doesnt look like a dragon.


Why did this happen?


Because DE lets us know a bit too much about the design process.

Anyone that has done some design knows that during the design process stuff evolves and can end up not really creating the exact thing that was first pitched.


The design for this frame OBVIOUSLY (i dont actually know) started with some one throwing out the dragon idea.

So from this we got that this frame was going to be a dragon frame, it was known internally at the start as a dragon.

They moved on to powers and looked around at what dragons do. Some one found some D&D book, probably the same dude that plays magic, and mentioned the different color dragons. This is how we got the whole colors idea.


Then they moved on to the look of the thing and Mynks probably went through a lot of standard dragon looks that were in fact boring because, let's face it, the dragon armor thing has been done to death. Not saying that they could not come up with something new but one day Mynks probably said, "F it! This is going to be an Anteater." He got that proposal done and showed it and probably Steve, cause he is the crazy Stan Lee-type dude in DE, said "THIS IS AWESOME!" Steve like saying awesome a lot. And this is what they ended up going with.


To DE the term dragon didnt strictly mean that they were going exactly for THE dragon look but some sort beastial look. And that look that we got was what they ended up with as they were grew this concept.


To the public the only thing we got was dragon and colors and because we are not part of the design we did not look at what they were actually doing. We just got a couple of words they decided to use to identify the project, not words that strictly defined the end goal. So the public was waiting for outdated info that was no longer in use.


Now with what we got i think that dragon stood for a frame that was going to have more of a beast form. And this is the reason why i like the look,  i was thinking they were going to go with some generic medieval-type of armor with some scaliness and dragon's head slapped as a helm. I actually wanted the thing to look like some dragon beast and this is not exactly what we got but they got the beast part down so i'll give it




Two claws up!


Next time DE should just discuss the powers, what they are going to be or function and totally skip on the look of the frame if they are going to actually discuss info on new frames.


No, they should've been more open about the design process and the influences they were going for with "dragon frame". If they would've simply indicated that it's design would be tied to the new tileset, that would've helped indicate the kind of "dragon" they were going for.

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Next time DE should just discuss the powers, what they are going to be or function and totally skip on the look of the frame if they are going to actually discuss info on new frames.

This wouldn't change anything. People would still get angry and upset if it doesn't look good to them.

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If I say I don't care about how it does not look like Dragon, I'd be lying, but that not wher the problem lies however. Look at Rhino. He is not a Rhino looking frame, no horn and stuff, but I still likes his design. He has a clean cut design, giving you the expression of a proud man, a well built and tough body. It's simply nice. Excalibur looks nothing like Sword, but his design is nice, clean and sleek.


But Chroma? Forget Dragon. He doesn't even look like a Tenno. His body doesn't look half bad, but having an Anteater's nose?

Who thougt that would be a good idea? At least make that bigger so it seems like a croc's fang or something.

Edited by tinyranitar
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No, they should've been more open about the design process and the influences they were going for with "dragon frame". If they would've simply indicated that it's design would be tied to the new tileset, that would've helped indicate the kind of "dragon" they were going for.


What are the chances that this would just end up with people complaining about this not being a dragon at an earlier point?


This wouldn't change anything. People would still get angry and upset if it doesn't look good to them.


There's a difference between, "I dont like this look," and," This is not a dragon look."


Not liking a look is fine, complaining that they did not accomplish each person's view of what  a dragon theme is, is a bit crazy since people all have different versions of what that theme is. Like i mentioned here, i was hoping for some dragon beast thing and they gave us a beast-like look which is why i ended up being ok with it.

Edited by Mak_Gohae
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They have different taste than the playerbase and often makes peoples upset with these stuffs. Overall not that bad this frame but there is have much more fancy and nice looking design just they should sometimes check the fan section and not use that as a museum where they never enter and look around. Almost all fan suggested design changed drasticaly or used more and merged into one. 


I hope as steam workshop the next tennogen stuffs would be fan made designs of frames.


PS: This is not so dissapointing mostly the earth based and typhus frame is because almost everyone wanted them earlier than dragonlike.


Now we have an anteater and still no have earth/dragon/typhus frame.

Edited by Sziklamester
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Not liking a look is fine, complaining that they did not accomplish each person's view of what  a dragon theme is, is a bit crazy since people all have different versions of what that theme is. Like i mentioned here, i was hoping for some dragon beast thing and they gave us a beast-like look which is why i ended up being ok with it.

Um, no.

This isn't some people complaining because it doesn't look like the dragon they'd wish it looked like.

This is people complaining because it doesn't even RESEMBLE a dragon.

You were hoping for a dragon beast and got a beast, and you're happy with that?

They didn't advertise it as a beast frame, they advertised it as a dragon frame, and the fact is, they did not deliver.

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i think should should have let people in the design council vote on a design, not just the powers. Mynky has a design philosophy were he doesn't like to make anything look "too cool" he likes it when things look slightly odd or silly "these are his own words from a dev stream. this was pretty misleading they said dragon we got seahorse, which i imagine might have something to do with the new under water levels.


but none of this really matters, the thing is goofy looking and the majority of players aren't impressed, misinterpreted or not. including me. so I've done something about it and posted and alt design or an alt helmet what ever they want to do.




Here's the thread if you want to upvote.


Edited by Hanzo29
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i think should should have let people in the design council vote on a design, not just the powers. Mynky has a design philosophy were he doesn't like to make anything look "too cool" he likes it when things look slightly odd or silly "these are his own words from a dev stream. this was pretty misleading they said dragon we got seahorse, which i imagine might have something to do with the new under water levels.


but none of this really matters, the thing is goofy looking and the majority of players aren't impressed, misinterpreted or not. including me. so I've done something about it and posted and alt design or an alt helmet what ever they want to do.




Here's the thread if you want to upvote.



Wow that helm looks awesome.

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i think should should have let people in the design council vote on a design, not just the powers. Mynky has a design philosophy were he doesn't like to make anything look "too cool" he likes it when things look slightly odd or silly "these are his own words from a dev stream. this was pretty misleading they said dragon we got seahorse, which i imagine might have something to do with the new under water levels.


but none of this really matters, the thing is goofy looking and the majority of players aren't impressed, misinterpreted or not. including me. so I've done something about it and posted and alt design or an alt helmet what ever they want to do.




Here's the thread if you want to upvote.


Advertising much?

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i think should should have let people in the design council vote on a design, not just the powers. Mynky has a design philosophy were he doesn't like to make anything look "too cool" he likes it when things look slightly odd or silly "these are his own words from a dev stream. this was pretty misleading they said dragon we got seahorse, which i imagine might have something to do with the new under water levels.


but none of this really matters, the thing is goofy looking and the majority of players aren't impressed, misinterpreted or not. including me. so I've done something about it and posted and alt design or an alt helmet what ever they want to do.




Here's the thread if you want to upvote.


So, the dragon head is actually his helm? Sound cool to me.

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i remember at first DE didnt want a "Dragon" frame. but due to its high demand from the community, DE has to make one. so i guess in the end DE keep the theme, but they are a bit stubborn on making it doesnt look like a traditional "dragon".

i was never a fan of "dragon" theme. therefore i dont care if it doesnt look like a dragon.(also remember alt helm. maybe de do this intentionally so they can sell some sweet sweet cosmetics)

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Um, no.

This isn't some people complaining because it doesn't look like the dragon they'd wish it looked like.

This is people complaining because it doesn't even RESEMBLE a dragon.

You were hoping for a dragon beast and got a beast, and you're happy with that?

They didn't advertise it as a beast frame, they advertised it as a dragon frame, and the fact is, they did not deliver.

The Dragon frame most resembles a Neak dragon, mixed, perhaps, with a Basilisk.


Those are dragons.

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Lol....That gif.....Real life Chroma in action....


On a serious note-


I don't know why people are complaining about the Design. It's DE's game. They decide how a Warframe should look. Its not our job to say how to design a warframe. No matter how much you guys hate me,this is the ultimate truth.


Don't like it,don't play it. There are 20 other frames for you to play.


Just so everyone understands what I am saying......When Assassin's Creed 3 released and I started playing with Connor(protagonist)....I really disliked him. He didn't have the charming personality of Ezio. But,noneheless,I played with him because it was Ubisoft's game and Ubisoft didn't force me to buy it.

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Um, no.

This isn't some people complaining because it doesn't look like the dragon they'd wish it looked like.

This is people complaining because it doesn't even RESEMBLE a dragon.



I guess you did not get the point of my OP?

The point was that we were going by a word while that word was not the end goal for DE, that word was just a generic term used to label this concept. Im guessing.


Magician-frame was originally described a "void sorcerer." Did he end up looking like a sorcerer? Not at all, he looks like a stage magician.

What they use to describe the concept idea does not equal the actual goal of what it's going to be.


You were hoping for a dragon beast and got a beast, and you're happy with that?

They didn't advertise it as a beast frame, they advertised it as a dragon frame, and the fact is, they did not deliver.


Correct, they didnt advertise what the dragon frame was going to look like

I was hoping for a dragon frame skewed more into have an animalistic design so when i saw this i think they deliver on that. 

The thing looks like a giant anteater but they succeeded in creating some sort of beast-like thing.

They never stated how the dragon frame was going to look, they just said dragon. So by dragon some folks were looking for certain specific traits which they think DE missed. My trait was being more like a beast as a main focus instead of long claws or lizard like face and so on.

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The Dragon frame most resembles a Neak dragon, mixed, perhaps, with a Basilisk.


Those are dragons.




Thank you friend.



I honestly feel like people are literally reading the posts pointing out that the thing on his head is not his face but a horn/extension and just ignoring it and continuing to call him a horse ant eater. He ONLY look like that because of his pose in the one picture. Come on guy seriously.

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Thank you friend.



I honestly feel like people are literally reading the posts pointing out that the thing on his head is not his face but a horn/extension and just ignoring it and continuing to call him a horse ant eater. He ONLY look like that because of his pose in the one picture. Come on guy seriously.

It doesn't look like the dragons he listed.... 





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The Dragon frame most resembles a Neak dragon, mixed, perhaps, with a Basilisk.


Those are dragons.


What?  Where?   It looks like no Dragon concept.  It looks like an original piece made by  Mynki...........


Khmer Dragon





Naga Dragon for extra



Europe's Basilisk "Dragon"



Edited by Ishki88
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If I say I don't care about how it does not look like Dragon, I'd be lying, but that not wher the problem lies however. Look at Rhino. He is not a Rhino looking frame, no horn and stuff, but I still likes his design. He has a clean cut design, giving you the expression of a proud man, a well built and tough body. It's simply nice. Excalibur looks nothing like Sword, but his design is nice, clean and sleek.


But Chroma? Forget Dragon. He doesn't even look like a Tenno. His body doesn't look half bad, but having an Anteater's nose?

Who thougt that would be a good idea? At least make that bigger so it seems like a croc's fang or something.

How many times...



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Exactly. That thing doesn't look normal

Dragons breathe fire.

Warframes have no mouths.

Put a flamethrower on his forehead instead.

People think it's his head.



Also, people complain he looks infested even though they asked for an actual infested warframe

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