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Why Is Everyone Hating On Tenno Live And Chroma ?


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Oh, they sure can do. Or rather how they are used to interpret things. A poll in a hate thread. Such genius, many representative, wow.

that pole is being spread around like the- i'll stop there...don't care to get a strike. seriously though it's everywhere lol

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Oh, they sure can do. Or rather how they are used to interpret things. A poll in a hate thread. Such genius, many representative, wow.

If you wanted sunshine and rainbows from people when what was given to them was not what was asked for then I suggest you go to another topic.


We wanted a dragon frame. Simple.


We were not given a good looking dragon frame. 


To fix the frame they should stop trying to make it look overly organic because that will usually make it look infested rather than draconic. 

They should make the arms more segmented like overlapping plates (or scales) like the concept helmet. (https://40.media.tumblr.com/394d076e4e7f733c046e41164cac9eb3/tumblr_nkv4gvh4j11sdtr1zo3_1280.jpg)

Shorter nose (seriously who thought of that Pinocchio nose?) Stop using a slouchy animation and give it something more threatening. 

Remove the vest, it is not a monkey clapping two cymbals together. 

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that pole is being spread around like the- i'll stop there...don't care to get a strike. seriously though it's everywhere lol


And @others: If I learned anything about people, then that the urge to complain is higher than praise or even making neutral statements.


I expected something else as well, but that's no surprise because everyone has his/her own thoughts.


Common people tend to dislike things that aren't streamlined. Warframe designers tend to go exact the opposite way to make it unique so they don't look like every other game out there.


I can somehow approve this. Just saying I can be ok with the design despite having a lot of images in my head that would suit my taste more.


However jumping on the hate train and doing a poll with questionable points to chose and then using it as kind of argument, is ridiculous.


You people don't like the design, I got that (Mind you, I'm not spectacular exited about that either), DE got that too I believe.


Goofy Limbo didn't get changed and I think he polarizes even more.


What I don't understand is, why DE risked to use a rather polarizing design on such a strong and hyped theme like a dragon. Well whatever.

Edited by SIDESTRE4M
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My only issue with Chroma is his head. With such a bulky body, this tiny snout just doesn't fit. Had he been a slender frame, maybe it would have. I can live with the obvious Ash/Zephyr/Vauban copy/paste, as long as it looks good I really don't mind. I just hope he will have an alt helmet that actually fits his build. What I really want to see know is his kit, and how it works.^^

Edited by Marthrym
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The problem is that the head is so abstract that discernible features just aren't there. That speaks to a design flaw, which is compounded by ambiguous bacon/twizzlers/candle wax.

Is it his nose? a snout? a forehead protrusion like Excaliber/Volt?

a helm cannon?

And his skin? infested?

Disappointment for me.

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We are hating on tenno live because of chroma and we are hating on chroma because he looks nothing like a dragon.

I dont hate the frame, i am just amused how horribly he looks. Someone at DE tends to overdesign frames lately.

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I didn't think of this but I should've known there'd be fabricated drama regardless of what DE revealed. How typical of the vocal minority that I'd come back to the forum expecting some excited discussion about the reveals and instead find complaining.


Thanks for the laugh, those who are abjectly distressed at Chroma. Thanks for proving there's some reasoning left to humanity, all others.


I'll go back to enjoying all the goodies DE let out of the bag over the weekend. Mmmmm, dragons and sentients...

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People hyped themselves up too much as usual and since Chroma doesn't look like a generic JRPG Dragon Knight people say he is ugly.


Well, to be honest, one of the best humanoid 'Dragon Knight' design I saw was the one from White Knight Chronicles. It had a feral look to it compared to the more humanoid look of the others.


Granted, this isn't White Knight Chronicles and we know the design choice for the Warframes is all up to DE... but damn... I feel like its place will be less in the arsenal and more in a kubrow stasis slot. If it had been presented as another companion option, I bet a lot less negative reactions would have come up.


Its design DOES stand out greatly though and I know some people in particular are going to love playing as Chroma 'specifically' because it has a more animalistic look than other Warframes. Just not everyone's cup of tea... just as some don't like a Warframe over another amongst the existing ones.

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And @others: If I learned anything about people, then that the urge to complain is higher than praise or even making neutral statements.

I expected something else as well, but that's no surprise because everyone has his/her own thoughts.

Common people tend to dislike things that aren't streamlined. Warframe designers tend to go exact the opposite way to make it unique so they don't look like every other game out there.

What I don't understand is, why DE risked to use a rather polarizing design on such a strong and hyped theme like a dragon. Well whatever.

DE is smart enough to know that they must expand the brand, but they can't compromise brand integrity either...which feels a bit like what happened.

I disagree that DE goes opposite of streamlined on purpose...they have graduated to personifying modern and mythical archetypes with Warframe Overlays, sometimes whimsical, sometimes detailed/ornate, but always identifiable as a Warframe with an Archetype (at least beyond the first generation of frames).

Chroma's design says "I resemble infested ancients, my silhouette looks like an anteater, but I don't resemble a warframe, I don't have a readily discernible archetype, and people actually can't tell what is going on with my face."

Give us Warframe-cool (Loki) or give us An awesome archetype (Mesa) or a combo of both (take your pick).

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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Alt helmet is a must.

Change the texture of his model to something not shiny (excal warframe texture for example has a matte feel.)

Actually he would look 100x better with a matte texture instead of shiny bacon twizler body like Ash.

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DE is smart enough to know that they must expand the brand, but they can't compromise brand integrity either...which feels a bit like what happened.

I disagree that DE goes opposite of streamlined on purpose...they have graduated to personifying modern and mythical archetypes with Warframe Overlays, sometimes whimsical, sometimes detailed/ornate, but always identifiable as a Warframe with an Archetype (at least beyond the first generation of frames).

Chroma's design says "I resemble infested ancients, my silhouette looks like an anteater, but I don't resemble a warframe, I don't have a readily discernible archetype, and people actually can't tell what is going on with my face."

Give us Warframe-cool (Loki) or give us An awesome archetype (Mesa) or a combo of both (take your pick).


I think it's a bit of both sometimes. It's true, warframe has its distinctive design concept. That's one aspect I truly like about this game.


Somewhere (a while ago, I think when Ember Prime was new) DE stated they don't want their frames to look perfect. All should have a little feature, a little something that's sticking out or looks a bit odd.

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I didn't think of this but I should've known there'd be fabricated drama regardless of what DE revealed. How typical of the vocal minority that I'd come back to the forum expecting some excited discussion about the reveals and instead find complaining.


Thanks for the laugh, those who are abjectly distressed at Chroma. Thanks for proving there's some reasoning left to humanity, all others.


I'll go back to enjoying all the goodies DE let out of the bag over the weekend. Mmmmm, dragons and sentients...

Everyone keeps saying "vocal minority" and expect that to explain why we dislike chroma. Do you know how many people dislike chroma and are not saying anything? Do you know how many people on the forums have stated they disliked the frame? How does it compare when stacked against people that somehow like that goddamn walking meatslab?

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Aside from most people not knowing where his head really is (and that's a DE problem for choosing to show Chroma on those weird poses that didn't do any favors to him), one of the most strange things is why didn't DE go with scales instead of those weird lines all over the place, I mean, had they used scales, it wouild have looked a lot better, but no, they had to go with those lines for his "armor".

Also, that fan created helmet posted on this thread is what the default helmet should've been imo, you can see the "dragon" aspect of it but it still maintains the Warframe feel, truly awesome helmet.

I really don't think his design is bad, I kind of like it, but even I admit that not using scales (I mean, scales are one of the most common things associated with dragons) and not making it quite clear where his face is (Like I said before, most people don't even know where's the face) is what makes the design rather "bad", if people can't understand where things are or if they think it's all over the place, then there's something that didn't go as planned.


Stop looking for references everywhere just to defend the design, if you need to go and search for examples, then there's flaws in the design, that's simple, and DE said multiple times that this was going to be a Frame theme that the community wanted for a long time, and then they went with water-like creatures. DE clearly knew that when people asked for a Dragon Frame they wanted that, a "Dragon" Frame, not a sea horse, a sea dragon or whatever it is Chroma resembles.
I mean, yes, it's their game and they can do whatever they like, but calling this a "community requested theme" is like... not true. hell that fan made helmet looks 1000x times more Dragon than Chroma.

Like I said, I kind of like his design, I'm not against it, but I have to admit, this is not a "true" dragon frame. I will still get it and use it, but I won't call Chroma a Dragon Frame, that's for sure.

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the warframe is ugly... awfull.. is not a dragon here, in china or in the moon, doesnt look like a nija thing loos like an ugly infested thing, sometimes we do a good job, sometimes... we dont, is funny how much we love DE work even trying to defend somthing like CHROMAs looks.


it is a bad work, i still love you DE <3 great game, i play a lot..... but no... hell no.. that thing is F UGLY not even a mom would love him :3

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Everyone keeps saying "vocal minority" and expect that to explain why we dislike chroma. Do you know how many people dislike chroma and are not saying anything? Do you know how many people on the forums have stated they disliked the frame? How does it compare when stacked against people that somehow like that goddamn walking meatslab?


I'm fine with the walking meatslab, thank you very much.


I suppose by your definition, I'm some sort of freak of nature. Thank you very much.

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I dont get from where the hate i see people who say worst stream ever blablabla but i found the dex dakra cool the glaive weapon cool the parcour 2.0 Ultra cool the sentients Mega Cool and you know what just because you saw a bunch of Fanarts and people who think they can do much better than DE doesnt mean they have todo it that Way.I love Chroma and his design and i have nothing against an Seahorse frame. Then the destroying of the Void is especially Interesting onside of the Lore and they will surely Replace the Void by Something Else maybee a system that is even better than the Void.

Chroma is ugly, but that was clearly the intention

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Reasons to hate on Chroma:

1) It's theme - "It's a Dragon!" I haven't heard anything that stupid since D&D added Dragonborn.

2) It's appearance. Not only is it hideously ugly, it doesn't look like a Warframe!

Excalibur - benchmark.
Loki - Excalibur with a new helm and minor tweaks.
Rhino - Hulked up Excalibur.

Nyx - Female Excalibur with minor tweaks.

That's how it should be. Chroma? ...Nope, don't see ANY relation to the Warframe default in there!

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73% is "Ugly" or "Meh", or 73% did not say it was "Awesome". Neither of those are favorable. You should probably learn statistics.

the strawpoll is a false indicator of this so called "community" its not a blind pole of people but people who are interested in polling to show that they dont like the frame

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