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The Butchery Of Frames

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So there is NOTHING that you would want to change? Nothing at all? Nothing to improve? It's PERFECT?  Nothing is perfect. Everything can be improved. This new frame is no exception, in fact it is especially applicable. 

Nope, I'm quite content with the current design, after having understood the intent behind it. He's not what I expected, but I actually find him very cute. It helps if you imagine the white part of the facemask to be the underside of a crocodile's jaw. Suddenly he becomes somewhat adorable.

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So there is NOTHING that you would want to change? Nothing at all? Nothing to improve? It's PERFECT? Nothing is perfect. Everything can be improved. This new frame is no exception, in fact it is especially applicable.

an "improvement" would be entirely subjective. The big thread for a dragon frame I looked at just looked like a rhino alt skin. So someone saying they like it how it is, that is up to them. I like it's unique. Others dont. Cest la vie.

Edit: typos

Edited by (PS4)geomancer1980
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Also, for everyone trying to claim that the older warframes were so much more superior to the new ones in terms of design...

This is what would happen if you released those frames today.


Frost: Wow, he's wearing a trench coat, or some sort of gown, like a royal noble or something. Totally not ninja at all! Also wtf is up with his head? It's all flat and weird. He looks like a toilet rim come to life. Terrible design, DE. Really uninspired name too.


Ash: Wow, is that a headcrab? why does he have such weird, flabby arms? Why does he have man boobs? I expected a bad ! ninja frame, not this kind of weird zombie looking thing with a saggy body. Lame design, DE. Also the name has nothing to do with his design at all.


Ember: Wow, her boobs stick out too much. Misogynistic! What's with those balloon pants she has? She literally has handles on her hips. I don't see anything on here that makes me think of fire. Also that dumb mohawk makes her look like a rooster. Rooster frame confirmed, gg DE. Hello I am a rooster. We expected a fire frame. Also really uninspired name. Ember, because of fire. Like wow.


Trinity: Wow, she has no boobs. Is this supposed to be a healer frame? Looks more like a lobster. What does the name 'trinity' have to do with healing anyway or anything? This frame is really ugly. Also what's up with those protrusions coming from her shoulders? I miss the time when frames were more simplistic.


Excalibur: Wow, just a total rip off of Hayden Tenno's suit from Dark Sector. DE is so unoriginal. He's really boring too, doesn't look anything like a ninja. More like some sort of gimp soldier with weird frog toes. I don't see anything about this design that relates to King Arthur or European folklore. Where's his sword? Terrible design DE.


Nyx: Wow, boobs again. Misogynistic! Also what is up with that tea kettle head? The body design is too bland. Doesn't look like a ninja at all, or anything to do with psychic powers. Her shoulders are exactly the same pattern as Excalibur! In Fact, she kinda looks like female Excalibur with a different helmet. So unoriginal, I liked it back when all Warframes were distinct and unique! Dumb name too.


Volt: Wow, Ew, he's got a weird squid face. Tesla coils on the arms? really? That's so obvious and unoriginal. What's with those feminine gloves and fingers? Looks more like a spellcaster than a ninja. Terrible. Also, really uninspired name. Volt? Really?


Loki: Wow, I was expecting a godlike frame, but he looks like some kind of weird goat instead. What's with his silly pants? He should look more like an actual demon.


Mag: Wow, space face. DE is really losing their sense of originality. Look at those silly candy cane arm warmers she's wearing. Those shoulder plates are totally out of place on her design. It's really ugly. I expected a frame that looked like a magnet, not this bubblegum monster.


Rhino: Wow, we wanted an actual rhino, but instead we got a rhinoceros beetle. DE has let us, the community down. This is an outrage. They should have used the concept art we designed instead. A RHINOCEROS BEETLE IS NOT A RHINO, EVEN THOUGH IT HAS RHINO IN ITS NAME. ITS. AN. INSECT!!


Master Chief: This one is perfect. We need more frames like this.

Edited by Fundance
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He is a dragon inspired. Thank god he doesn't look like the generic stereotypical dragon armored suit warrior.

Also the top of his helm is not apart of his face, His faceplate is right below it ^_^

Not being able to distinguish features due to ambiguity: design fail.

The tragedy of Chroma is that he is a tepid disappointment...no love or hate. There are no bold, distinguished design choices that you see in other frames.

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Not being able to distinguish features due to ambiguity: design fail.

The tragedy of Chroma is that he is a tepid disappointment...no love or hate. There are no bold, distinguished design choices that you see in other frames.

says you. I think the controversial, narrow snout and obvious tail are quite distinguished and bold.

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Yea, I know that the goal is to make them futuristic but organic at the same time. Zeyphr was a nice mix but still unfavorable. Chroma looks too damn organic and busy. I was expecting a much sleeker design to be honest. The thing looks more like an infested than a dragon.

You.  Your post made me think- the frame looks like it has fallen victim to the same problem that square enix characters are falling into.


Extremely detailed down to every nook and cranny.  Interesting to look at, yes, but in the end kind of forgettable and leaving the player thinking "Why?".

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If you make a dragon frame then what do you think when someone says "Dragon".


You don't think of a pile of infested meat. You don't think it looks like an anteater. You don't think it looks slouchy and weak. It certainly doesn't make you feel like "what the hell am I looking at". 

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The burden of proof is actually on YOU not me.

The burden of proof is on you to actually find a depiction of a dragon (not a sea dragon or sea horse or dragonfly or monster hunter which is not representative of eastern or western dragons) that actually looks like chroma. Because so far you chroma supporters have not produced such an image. Everything you've posted, claiming to be resembling of chroma, has not been. The only thing has been the sea dragon, which is not a dragon but is named because of its vague resemblance to a dragon (the repeated attempts to try to portray a sea dragon as a mythological dragon, which is what "the community" requested for a dragon frame, by both regular users and mods have been quite dishonest. A sea dragon is not a mythological dragon nor what "the community" - those people who actually wanted and requested a dragon frame - actually wanted/requested and you all very well know this). So provide an image of a dragon that actually resembles chroma. The burden of proof is on you.

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The burden of proof is on you to actually find a depiction of a dragon (not a sea dragon or sea horse or dragonfly or monster hunter which is not representative of eastern or western dragons) that actually looks like chroma. Because so far you chroma supporters have not produced such an image. Everything you've posted, claiming to be resembling of chroma, has not been. The only thing has been the sea dragon, which is not a dragon but is named because of its vague resemblance to a dragon (the repeated attempts to try to portray a sea dragon as a mythological dragon, which is what "the community" requested for a dragon frame, by both regular users and mods have been quite dishonest. A sea dragon is not a mythological dragon nor what "the community" - those people who actually wanted and requested a dragon frame - actually wanted/requested and you all very well know this). So provide an image of a dragon that actually resembles chroma. The burden of proof is on you.


I think the problem is that you can't see it. You're so hell-bent on your own perfect little image of what a dragon-warframe is that you can't take it another way. And I'm sorry you feel like that - but get over it.

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It seems that the main thing causing most of the negative reactions to Chroma is impossible expectations. DE promised us a dragon frame, so everyone started to think up what they would want a dragon warframe to look like. Then, once everyone has their own personal perfect dragon style warframe in mind, DE reveals Chroma. Obviously, Chroma is not going to be exactly like your own personal perfect design that you were getting yourself all hyped up for for so long, so you are sorely disappointed.


It is similar to how many good horror movies will never let the audience get a good look at the monster. Getting only hints at what is really there allows the viewer to fill in the blanks with their own personal fears, therefore making the monster much scarier for every person than it could be if all you got was the creator's full design. Your own personal ideas fit your likes and dislikes much better than any other person's ideas ever will.


So, Chroma does not look like what you imagine as the most awesome dragon design. That does not mean it is a bad design, it just means that he does not live up to your impossible to meet expectations. I personally really like his design.


Besides, there are so many different types of dragons out there. Classical fantasy dragons, Chinese dragons, Japanese dragons, dragon type pokemon, sea dragons, Mecha dragons, Wyverns, Gronckles, Zipplebacks, Etc. Heck, even Godzilla has been called a dragon.


So who is to say what may or may not count as a dragon when it comes to Warframe?

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I think the problem is that you can't see it. You're so hell-bent on your own perfect little image of what a dragon-warframe is that you can't take it another way. And I'm sorry you feel like that - but get over it.


You, my sir, is one of those people that would eat anything weird looking.


Just because someone told you it was delicious (even when it's not).

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Besides, there are so many different types of dragons out there. Classical fantasy dragons, Chinese dragons, Japanese dragons, dragon type pokemon, sea dragons, Mecha dragons, Wyverns, Gronckles, Zipplebacks, Etc. Heck, even Godzilla has been called a dragon.


So who is to say what may or may not count as a dragon when it comes to Warframe?


What's funny though is all your exemple actually looks like dragons, as their share some of the commonly physical characteristics of one.


Now tell me, what chroma does share with a dragon? I'm curious

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What's funny though is all your exemple actually looks like dragons, as their share some of the commonly physical characteristics of one.


Now tell me, what chroma does share with a dragon? I'm curious

He'll probably reply with "it breathes fire,duh!"


This argument has been going in a circle and the best thing the supporters can say to justify the design using logic and reason is that it breathes fire, that's it.

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Zephy is cute... I wanted a bird warframe for a long time and got a sweet design.


Chroma is just too manly and epic. ITS A SAMURAI WITH A SHENLONG DRAGON HEAD!!! How much more manly can you get? Well after carrying a big gun, and a samura sword, and maybe something explosive for a secondary I think the testosterone levels will be through the roof.


Seriously look closely. Its Vauban wearing samurai armor on his arms, and legs. Then the head is a Shenlong dragon head it even has whiskers on the chin, and it has a crest on the head instead of two horns away from each other they come together looking like a crest for a samurai armor instead almost like a Lotus petal if you look at it. Hopefully we get Dual wielding Nikana to go with the Warframe soon. This thing is asking to have two Nikana sheaths on either side of his hips. GAAHHH SO MANLY!!!



You, my sir, is one of those people that would eat anything weird looking.


Just because someone told you it was delicious (even when it's not).

Actually octopus legs taste quite good when dipped in sauce. Spicy makes it far better though. Should try it some time. The texture isn't so bad based on appearance to be honest.

Edited by Arlayn
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You, my sir, is one of those people that would eat anything weird looking.


Just because someone told you it was delicious (even when it's not).


Bad comparison - I don't judge books by their covers.

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To be fair i think the design is fine. It's not even too cluttered, like Hydroid for instance. It still looks mildly dragonesque without being a total cliché. For however cool that post linked is, it has two main problems: it's a Rhino reskin, and it's so bland, so cliché. A very cool cliché admittedly, but still a cliché.

To b honest Chroma doesn't really suit my taste but it looks fine. The only real bothersome thing for me is that he doesn't have a recognisable face. Would've personally preferred having the snout reworked or moved to the lower section to give the guy a proper face. Other than that, well, he's fine.

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If they had gone with a western style dragon they could've gone with something like this







If they went with an eastern style dragon they should've gone with a slimmer frame and no "wings", it has less in common with those dragons


I couldn't find an image of an eastern style dragon with a humanoid body, no picures for that. But for that it would have to remove the wings and the shoulderpads, and it should have a thicker head and a pointy tail with spikes running down its neck.



My point is, it doesn't look like a dragon. Not this kind of dragon, not that kind of dragon. The thing it comes closest to is a seadragon or seahorse, or anteater.

If DE said "we're making a dragon frame" and then came out and said "LOL we meant sea dragon" that's just trolling.

Edited by Mastikator2
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