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Is Mesa Too Op?


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10k damage is op

Mesa's Peace maker doesn't take out 10k it's 3k... And I don't under stand why people want to Nerf everything, && mesa is an attacking frame its like saying trinity is OP at supporting.

So mesa should get nerfed because she can solo a mission with energy boosters? Then maybe excal or Vauban should get nerfed as well.

Edited by (PS4)Akuma_Asura_
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Mesa's Peace maker doesn't take out 10k it's 3k... And I don't under stand why people want to Nerf everything, && mesa is an attacking frame its like saying trinity is OP at supporting.

So mesa should get nerfed because she can solo a mission with energy boosters? Then maybe excal or Vauban should get nerfed as well.

Speak for your own Mesa mmk

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Power Efficiency Mods are why Abilities are Overpowered. They're also the evil behind people spamming said Abilities.


Power Efficiency Mods should be removed, or reworked in such a way where you would not be able to spam Abilities as much as people do.

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This ult is so incredibly boring. If anything, she needs a rework of her ult. And QoL for her 2 and her augments.

But I fall asleep when I play her in T4D. It's horrible though because if you don't have a Liimbo, you still have to manage your energy a tad and care about bubbles. You're forced to stay awake but it's still incredibily boring. T4D is already boring so if you add mesa+mirage+limbo zzzzzzzzzz

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As a lot of people had said, Mesa's Peacemaker has a big damage fall-off, making it rather meh in lategame. And, she is rooted while doing so, making her average in more mobile missions.


She's a balanced frame IMO. Her Ballistic Battery enables her to take down heavies, Shooting Gallery makes any melee enemies coming to cloose "stunned" as well increasing her or her team mate's dps, and Shatter Shield gives her protection only to projectiles

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Mesa Op naaah.

the thing about wf is everyone play the frame they like.

Play style. And skills. If you don't like her. Don't mean you have the right to force other not to play her.

Mesa is like a centre point. She be op if her team support her. She not op on her own.

but hey people like you who to blind to see this end up here whining

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All depends on the play style of the player. I have built my mesa around her first 3 abilities, i keep 2 and 3 on all the time and i always have my 1 loaded if i need to nuke some tough guy . Her 2 is pretty much supportive ability  and with shatter shield and RAGE+QT combo she can pretty much "tank" better than most of the frames that are considered as "tanks"  unless someone mele her, but thats rarely the case. And her 4th ability is pretty cool looking, but really boring to önly use.

Edited by -SL-PWNpL0xB0x
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T3-T4 void, ainchet healer make all enemies a bullet sponge, dont forget nullifires wich shield everyone from her, mesa is strong at mid level enemies, but when high level enemies come into play and have armor, her ult start to show its weakness.

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Nothing against her...but she´s so boring to play imo.


Quick fix - don't use her for defense missions. She's a lot of fun to run solo with on normal star map missions. Her first 3 abilities are really interesting. Imagine radial disarm that comes with you and you don't have to keep re-casting it.


Unfortunately in tower defense, its a bad case of 'press 4 to win' with her, so you never see the other abilities.


I highly recommend her for solo mode on normal missions.

Edited by Meneliki
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Hey, Mag needs to be nerfed first.

What are you talking about? meg has been nerf, she's not op at all, she dies super easy since no health and only faction she's good at is the corpus and not alot of people play them.


she have pull which is really good with everyone but it can't really kill anymore.

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I think the problem with her 4th ability is, either it overkill in the lower lv but do nothing in higher lv. I suggest reduce it damage per shot but give it 70% (cuz 100% is just too boring) chance to cause knock down and 10% chance to 1 shot kill target.

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