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Want Female Version Of Wfs.


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i hope they don't because each is build into the lore as single entity. For example Excalibur is Excalibur not someone dressed in an armor called Excalibur.

thats quite wrong, excal is actually someone dressed in an armor called excalibro

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i hope they don't because each is build into the lore as single entity. For example Excalibur is Excalibur not someone dressed in an armor called Excalibur.

That's not quite correct. As seen in the Limbo and Mirage quests, the original frames and their users (in the case of these two frames specifically) were killed. We just made new frames from the blueprints we recovered. The other frames, while their original users may well be alive, have also had their blueprints released so that multiple Tenno can create and use the various frames.

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There is no Lore reasons or otherwise to defend one gender-tenno anymore.

All hints point toward 1 tenno/ many warframes, so the design of the "warframe armor" ( official description btw) is really irrellevant.

I have no problems at all with dual gender if it is only a armor.

There might not be a lore reason, but there certainly is a reason.


DE has openly denied any interest in pursuing this.


They're willing to make similarly themed frames with alternate sexes and powers though.

Edited by Kestral9999
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Amazing idea that has been already somewhat answered by the devs.


Still would love a male/female toggle for warframes. But ultimately I can imagine it would be big workload to make it into reality.


What if they were working on this for an extremely long time, and knowing it would be extremely long and hard to make, they never told us about it to not be hyped for nothing? :o

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I thought they did mention in a dev stream last year that this is something they are trying to pursue. Am I misremembering?

You definitely are. Less than a month ago I saw Rebecca shut down a similar thread saying they will not pursue this.


Again, they're already working to make frames with similar themes to existing frames with alternate sexes and powers.

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DE can do all the designing, programming, modeling, animating and texturing, just to make a opposite gender frame with the same powers. Or, DE can make a new frame with the same theme, but unique powers. I for one prefer a new unique frame with a similar theme, over a straight gender swap. Also, just because we can't prove one or the other, lore wise, about the gender aspect, doesn't mean there is a good lore reason. A good example is that the Orokin-era frames may have represented originals and therefore would have been the basis for the frame. Think of them as fighter jets. Frame x is an F-14, and frame y is an F-15. You can make a F-14 play a similar combat role as an F-15, but they are just different model fighter jets (in this case they are both fighter interceptors). It just seems like a better us of DE's time and a better answer.

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there really is no reason to do this.....the time is better spent making whole new warframes with unique powers. perhaps in the future they could make cosmetic skins that change the gender, but it would also change the lore behind some of the frames like Ember. 


my hope is that people just want female waframes, and that this isnt one of those "feminist" movement people, that would be sorely disappointing as the game is currently gender balanced fairly well and...........well its a video game, and most of the people that play it dont care if you are a guy or a girl, so long as you can pull your weight on a team. 


but as far as making the characters female....there really isnt any reason to. there are more reason to NOT make them female or the female ones male then there are TO make them the opposite gender unless they had significantly different powers...but at that point why not just make a whole new frame? 



i think this is the main reason why DE did not make female iterations of the frames, because at some point the abilities become redundant, and if the frames were different genders with different powers but the same frame, then one could actually argue that its sexism....not that anyone would actually care because its a video game and we have bigger problems in real like than to be worrying about that. 

Edited by ENDER357
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Both possible - to make new frames with unique powers and make gender variations. Not because everyone want female frames personaly I would like to see male variants on female frames and vice verse. Making a frame with same design but different abilities that means almost the same as have now. The problem can be solve an ability swap which able the same designed frames to use their counterpart abilities and also making new skill sets.


This can improve the longverty and also give more freedom to customize. All just skins and models with the same/similar properties.

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as a request  <3 + best suggestion ever! 

These male WF should have Female version. Imagine of Female Frost! OMG! gonna be FABULOUS!

You can 100% leech my wallet dry i can guarantee this!!

I agree and I'd happily pay for it as well


But we've already had a huge thread about this not too long ago, why not show your support there instead? :P




Both possible - to make new frames with unique powers and make gender variations. Not because everyone want female frames personaly I would like to see male variants on female frames and vice verse. Making a frame with same design but different abilities that means almost the same as have now. The problem can be solve an ability swap which able the same designed frames to use their counterpart abilities and also making new skill sets.


This can improve the longverty and also give more freedom to customize. All just skins and models with the same/similar properties.

That was suggested a couple times before and devs liked the idea (including Scott). An "Ember/Blaze" style genderswap as opposed to "fem Ember/male Ember" for all the WFs. Good stuff +1

Edited by CapricaSix
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I still like fem ash more than male ash.

Maximum over-blasphemy!

If you look at this concept you can see how it has been used as a design-startingpoint for the female frames.

As a frame I think it would look great on its own as well.

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If you look at this concept you can see how it has been used as a design-startingpoint for the female frames.

As a frame I think it would look great on its own as well.

I just like how this frame has a lot of detail all over it, whereas IMO male ash is very plain. it has two leather looking arm guards and next to no detail front and back. Whereas fem ash has detailing all over the legs, and something down the back, I also like that helmet much better than any of ash's current helmets.

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