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Recent Afk Fix Makes It A Nightmare To Play Now


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please play a bit before commenting and what u dont know. EVEN IF u use a power or shoot now if u stand in the same spot for over a minute and a half or 2 u WILL be considered AFK

I may be using a wrong mentality here, but have you tried not standing in a single spot for a minute and a half or two to solve your problem?

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You can stand in the same spot, contributing to the fight, shooting and killing, but once a minute goes by, you no longer get any energy or loot... this is a broken mechanic and punishes even the players sitting at their computer trying to use tactics that don't evolve moving every minute. It needs to be changed to a longer time, like 5 minutes or something! Shame on you DE..

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seems like ur not using the other half of ur brain. mid-high level people are busy on concentrating on the enemies they have to kill. i dont wanna have to think every minute of the mission to keep moving keep moving KEEP MOVING


Honestly... who just STOPS MOVING when they're playing this game? Honestly.


Disclaimer: with the exception being you have to step away from the computer.

Edited by Morec0
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please play a bit before commenting and what u dont know. EVEN IF u use a power or shoot now if u stand in the same spot for over a minute and a half or 2 u WILL be considered AFK

First off, I am rank 18, I believe I have played enough of the game to understand how it works. Secondly, now that the new timer is implemented yes, now move an in game meter and you refresh the timer, my apologies for not including the obvious.

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this is a troll thread if ever i've seen one.

i can't fathom a player running a mission (even with the listed frames) and standing still for that long.


unless you're taking advantage of the game. in which case this modification is specifically to get you to STOP DOING THAT.


ergo, not a bug.


nothing to see here, please tip your waitresses.

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In what universe do you stand still for two minutes in a high level mission? Even if Limbro protects you, you have loot to pick up!

What if.... what if there are players who have something against picking up energy that was pooped from the butts of Grineers? It could be unsanitary! I mean, we really don't know where that energy, health, or mod has been at the end of the day.

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What if.... what if there are players who have something against picking up energy that was pooped from the butts of Grineers? It could be unsanitary! I mean, we really don't know where that energy, health, or mod has been at the end of the day.

Support your local Trinity and Limbo suppliers today, they need your business to keep Warframe circuits running clean.

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While I'm thinking of this, if you were making a macro, it wouldn't be hard to make it "4, 4, 4, 4, a, 4, 4, 4, 4, d" and then you *could* afk while also going around the afk detection. Good stuff, huh?

I have tested to see how much movement needs to be done. You have to move about 5 meters to clear three afk status. You are right though, a macro can do that very easily. That's not what this thread is about though. This thread is about how the current implementation of the afk system impedes on normal gameplay. I haven't had problems with it outside of it bugging out but theoretically the bugs will be fixed eventually. What the poster of this thread is detailing is an example of how the afk system ruined a game he was having with his friends. Why is that so hard to accept? He isn't making this up people, to what end would anyone make up the complaints with the afk system?

Macro's can do anything, if there were macro farmers, they aren't going anywhere because of these afk rules, because adding a little wsda into their inputs is trivial. It's the regularl players who suffer needlessly.

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This doesn't prevent skill spamming. This prevents doing doing nothing BUT skill spamming. Also, if enemies can one shot you, it's a point where you need to decide to either run the risk of failing, or extract. That is the point of missions getting harder.

you are sooooo broken in the head you cant even realize it , my only guess is you never play defense missions especially t4 def , i was just leveling my frost and suddenly get no energy because apperantly i was "afk" , i was shooting , standing on pod and make globe ,after wave cleared i would walk and loot , died on a simple defense mission and you expect us to run a t4 def? do you even realize how broken bombard splash dmg is? nullifiers? even lancers one-shotting you? you are obligated to stay in one place so you get no harm and do your job. But yea im also guessing this is too hard to comprehand for you

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This explains alot, I thought I was just lagging and wasn't picking anything up, but if this is the reason that I couldn't pick anything up, that's really dissappointing. I have to stay near my bubble, and if my friends eliminate all of the enemies before they even get near the globe my FROST can't shoot 'em.

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When I play Mag Prime and I play Tower defense I normally take up a position so that I have a clear line of fire to two areas and I am able to spam Greedy Pull. I am not standing still nor doing nothing, I am constantly shooting and spamming Greedy Pull, though I'm staying in one place, yet I notice after the waves are cleared I would sometimes get a blank reward screen. I happen to mention this to one of my team mates and that's when I learned why I got that. I was under the impression that it was supposed to detect NO MOVEMENT AT ALL. So I think it needs to be modified. Thank You.

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DE's awesome ways to try and fix e-gate style farmers with greedy mags.
Because addressing the issue directly is a no go, so they start to make these very intellectual and 100% well thought work arounds, where instead of removing a mod such as mag's greedy, they build a non-working afk detection system that screws up looting for every each player.

At least they stay perfectly true to the last part of their name, being "extreme".

Edited by Aerensiniac
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DE's awesome ways to try and fix e-gate style farmers with greedy mags.

Because addressing the issue directly is a no go, so they start to make these very intellectual and 100% well thought work arounds, where instead of removing a mod such as mag's greedy, they build a non-working afk detection system that screws up looting for every each player.

At least they stay perfectly true to the last part of their name, being "extreme".

The problem isn't that mod, it's....


Agreed. It should be possible to detect no activity as opposed to just no movement.

...as he said.  Makes perfect sense to me.  AFK means no activity from the player in game, not standing still.

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punishing players for waiting around needs to be removed since after you die, you don't gain xp, or loot, so the whole argument that players are "leeching" is pathetic and false. 


the whole afk system needs to be removed considering i never once had any player afk for nefarious reasons in the entire 2+ years of me playing, so i assume it's a pathetically small minority, and this afk system punishes more innocent players than nefarious players. 

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punishing players for waiting around needs to be removed since after you die, you don't gain xp, or loot, so the whole argument that players are "leeching" is pathetic and false. 


the whole afk system needs to be removed considering i never once had any player afk for nefarious reasons in the entire 2+ years of me playing, so i assume it's a pathetically small minority, and this afk system punishes more innocent players than nefarious players. 

Well, ammusingly enough, i can completely agree with this. Im a founder aswell and during all these years i have seen afk farmers like what... twice?


Mainly this is the reason why i doubt that the afk system is there to reduce the number of afk-ers.

This is just one of those classic DE © workarounds where they try to fix some issue through a completely underhanded method.

I also enjoy the priorities. Instead of doing something meaningful like fixing the match maker so it wont throw off half the party at the start of a game, or allows people to rejoin to a match after they crashed, they added something that is borderline completely obsolete, such as an AFK system.

Lets just be real.

This "afk" system is to screw with the people who came up with way too good frame synergies, such as the egate banshee/greed setup.

Ofc instead of fixing the damn issue at it's root with mag's greedy pull, they walk through the window once again and end up screwing with the entire playerbase.

Edited by Aerensiniac
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