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Most Bug Ridden Game Ever?


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I am trying to like Warframe.. I used to play about 2 yrs ago waaaaaaaay back when it first came out, my god has it changed, and for the better! except the bugs... my god the bugs...


I don't think I've ever seen a game more bug ridden. Everyday I find a new one, and game breaking or nearly. Don't tell me "It's a beta expect bugs"... No, there's a limit to when it just isn't good even for a beta. These are the types of bugs that should be squashed in Alpha.


(I only get to play about 2-3 hours a day)


Day 1:I go in with a Bo Staff as my melee, and find my Bo staff will randomly not hit things in front of me despite the distance not changing. It will refuse to hit ANYTHING until I stop attacking, ok whatever right? 


Alright, this game has really come along! I am loving it.


Day 2: I get a random CTD. No biggie. Restart it up, all's fine. I even play with a friend or two. Oh look I died right as I'm capturing a target, and now he's untargettable, and un capturable stuck in stasis.. I gotta restart the mission, another new bug, no biggie.. Though the Bo Staff bug after a few hours is getting really lame.


Day 3: Oh look even more random CTD's.. huh.. wierd.. my computer more than makes up for the required specs. Whatever. More Bo Staff issues with not hitting targets in range, and oh wait, what ho? Another bug? Now twice in a row a random enemy gets stuck in the ground and I can't hit him... well.. gotta restart and lose all my progress..


Day 4: Even more CTD's (Are they multiplying by the day?! Seems everyday I get more and more per hour). Even more of the same bugs above.. Oh wait! Yet ANOTHER bug! The Enemy is stuck.. somewhere in the map.. yet.. my map marker keeps jumping from location to location, and now that I have an AOE kill ability it stil lisn't hitting him.. damn.. gotta restart.. yet again.. .


Oh wait another bug, 2 for 1! An enemy that died but got shielded immediately, and is still counting as alive but dead and my mission won't end because it's a "kill all enemies". despite me hitting his body and chopping it up... crypes.. .gotta restart yet again.. .


Let's just play with friends that'll work out well..


oh look another random CTD.


ok, gotta get back in the party, alright lets start that mission. oh wait another ctd.. hold on..


I re que, attempt to play again with him, no wait, another ctd..


Ok third times a charm, finally get in.


All's well, we breeze through, we unlock a new planet, oh wait, another ctd at mission select.. (that's where all my CTD's are btw).


Day 5:


I'm getting really fed up by now.. My view and experience of Warframe has gone from epic to down right abysmal with the most rediculous and bs glitches and bugs I've ever seen in a game in such a short time.


It's gotten to the point literally.. I can only play 1 mission before I need to scan my files for corrupt or missing files through steam, re download 5.5GB of files, login, play 1 mission, then have it CTD again on my next mission infinitely until I re download 5.5GB of files again...


Only if I re download does the CTD's at mission select stop...









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Indeed the CTDs seem like something on your end. As for the bugs, while they are around I hardly ever have my progress impeded by them or encounter game-breaking ones.


Also, don't use steam to look for corrupt files, use the launcher. Steam will download the whole game again whether it is broken or not.


Edit: As for the CTD you're experiencing, don't be so quick to blame the game. A couple of months back I was experiencing the same amount of crashing as you, and only in Warframe. Every other game I tested was fine, but I later discovered a faulty RAM stick was the cause. Replacing it solved the issue and now Warframe is almost completely stable.

Edited by Spobbles
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Sounds like the issue is on your end.


Put up some specs, though I have a feeling I know what we'll see.


Personally, I find the game very stable with few issues anymore. There are a few issues, but most center around the peer-to-peer thing. It has improved drastically over the year and a half I've been playing.

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Way to overdramatize, OP. Go and play "the Slaughtering Grounds". Come back to Warframe when you want to play a free game that has enormous production values and a reduced number of bugs.


And, as much as you can say "my computer more than makes up for the required specs"... well. My 4 years old laptop barely makes for the minimum specs, yet the game runs smoothly and beautifully.

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I guess I will comfort you, in a way... 


Bugs in WF get fixed but there is no logic behind what is taken care of in terms of importance, the whole process seems random.

DE does not often enough notice bugs reported in many specific threads as well as "still no fix for" in hotfix comments.


Orokin lockers were breaking camera every time when they got opened. It made my eyes bleed, oh the relief when it's gone.


Melee parry counter made you stuck or fall through the map.


Archwing was unplayable the whole weekend it was released. It taught me not to rush anything with plat ever again. However, during whole xmas event changing host during mission gave you standard loadout stats, including shields=major buff and exploit.


First person view switch bug after hacking is still present. Sounds like fun but it's not.


We lose ability to use melee not only with Mesa. Forget about using Kestrel.


Hopping over specific barriers teleports you few rooms away.


So, depending on your gameplay style and used equipment you will likely encounter more or less game breaking glitches. I often read patch notes in disbelief such bugs exist :) 

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the CTDs are probably your own issue (update your drivers) but yeah this game is incredibly buggy


the new spy vaults have invisible barriers and a broken (mandatory) wallrun. nova's antimatter drop and hydroid's powers have been unreliable since release. matchmaking is just awful. an archwing alert was released based on a mission with an old, known bug that froze the game

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What connection would that have with anything? The only effect that Win8 has on Warframe is that Warframe runs better due to lower OS overhead.

to me this is heretics. you don't even imagine how many issues i had with win8 (WF included)... its beyond simple hate now ...

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What connection would that have with anything? The only effect that Win8 has on Warframe is that Warframe runs better due to lower OS overhead.

Win8 is not a gamer-friendly OS. Heck, I dislike Win10 cause they still kept some designs of Win8. We'll see if Win10 actually solves anything regarding gaming-related issues. If not, I won't upgrade to Win10.


PS: 1 year of free Win7 to Win10 upgrade is not an upgrade at all but a free year of trial. Which actually is a major ploy to 'entice' people to hop over to 10 and then get blocked after that year is over while being told to shell money out. Screw that idea.

Edited by matrixEXO
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