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Prime Accessories Returning?



So apparently i heard from some guy i was trading that prime accessories will be returning for sale, despite some claims bout prime access being exclusive and never will return.


But this guy i was trading was persistent in telling me that prime acc will be rotated in prime access.


I asked if he was refering to prime stuff from the void trader but he was saying it was in fact prime access.


Any1 know anything bout this? because i am clueless




I was referring to the exclusive Accessories *Such as my Misa Syandana* Being rotated and coming back for sale during another Prime access sale.


This guy was saying that he wanted to buy targis armor set again when it rotates

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To clear the air, Drew's comment is true, and so is the FAQ, they have no plans for the items to return through PA, at this point in time

However, they can still be offered later on despite current plans to continue to provide unique items. 

I personally wouldn't say you should hold faith in their return anytime soon.


Moved to Players Helping Players.

Devoid is correct. 

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Dang, I was really hoping that they would re-release misa prime syadana and prime extractor since there was no prime accessories package for that prime access.


I was wondering why prime access accessories have to be rotated out instead of just adding a new package to be available with the old ones. 

Exclusive items benefit no one. Both DE or players that want to support the game.

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Dang, I was really hoping that they would re-release misa prime syadana and prime extractor since there was no prime accessories package for that prime access.


I was wondering why prime access accessories have to be rotated out instead of just adding a new package to be available with the old ones. 

Exclusive items benefit no one. Both DE or players that want to support the game.

They already do this with Baros o items so I dont see why not with PA
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They already do this with Baros o items so I dont see why not with PA

Easy, one has nothing to do with the other. They aren't even aimed at the same public, with a few exceptions.


PA buyers are likely the buyers of the next PA and so on, offer the same thing in a PA and i guarantee you at least 3/4 of that PA sales is lost.


Fine, you would tell me, offer previous accessories in a standalone pack independent from PA, well, in that case they would lose their charm completely and be seen as quick cash grab and a cheap attempt at drying the cow. Plus, back when misa was released the text was clear as to its exclusivity.


DE would walk on thin ice there with consistent money spenders to please a few.

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I was wondering why prime access accessories have to be rotated out instead of just adding a new package to be available with the old ones. 

Exclusive items benefit no one. Both DE or players that want to support the game.

That would be grand indeed. Sometimes you change your mind about an item or you get some money and decide to dump it on your favourite game for extra bling.


Fine, you would tell me, offer previous accessories in a standalone pack independent from PA, well, in that case they would lose their charm completely and be seen as quick cash grab and a cheap attempt at drying the cow.

Please elaborate.

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Dang, I was really hoping that they would re-release misa prime syadana and prime extractor since there was no prime accessories package for that prime access.

I was wondering why prime access accessories have to be rotated out instead of just adding a new package to be available with the old ones.

Exclusive items benefit no one. Both DE or players that want to support the game.

I agree that old items should still be available, but to answer your question on why... It's just conventional text book marketing. Making items time limited/exclusive and/or rarely available gives these items greater perceived value.

Most of this game is available to anyone who wants to join free and I feel DE is hugely generous for that, but they do need income to keep making this game better, so that's why things are as they are. If everyone knew that all previous prime accessories would be available forever there'd be no rush to purchase the most current pack, etc.

Personally I've kept up and bought all of the packs whenever I could, because with 2000+ hours recorded on Steam I feel this game has more than earned my contributions for the amount of entertainment it has provided.

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If everyone knew that all previous prime accessories would be available forever there'd be no rush to purchase the most current pack, etc.

Hm, on the one hand you might have less people buying PA as soon as it's out*, on the other hand you'll gain people "coming late to the party" and dropping a couple hundred bucks at once to buy all previous PAccessories packs. We had two of those "whales" in our clan who started late last year - if they could have bought every Prime pack from back when they were introduced, they would have.

And you'll still have the people who buy everything as soon as it's out because they always want the newest stuff. I don't know how much DE makes from the other kind of people who go into last minute panic mode and drop their 125€ when they announce another PA ending soon, though.



* Although many will probably still buy it later on, like a friend who recently mentioned that he'd like to have the Sentinel attachments from Loki PA, but can't buy them any more.

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Please elaborate.


Simple, you kow what i mean, but i'll try to 'elaborate' : Every accessory is tied to a PA, every PA is marked by its accessories and r basically what set one PA apart from the other, it's certainly not the farmable, and even worse, tradeable items, that make each PA unique, and what make PA buyers such as myself wait for the next one. It's the accessories that have this appeal, profile pic and discounted plat make people with the money go for the whole package, but the main reason i bought the previous ones, where no accessory pack was available, were the accessories, and their sense of exclusivty.


Start rotating them and they'll lose their appeal, it's simple, people who buy ferraris don't want to see a traffic jam of ferraris. You are human, and you live in a capitalist world, I shouldn't have to explain the obvious.


Keeping that appeal is way more important business wise than a quick cash in à la activision or EA.

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Hm, on the one hand you might have less people buying PA as soon as it's out*, on the other hand you'll gain people "coming late to the party" and dropping a couple hundred bucks at once to buy all previous PAccessories packs. We had two of those "whales" in our clan who started late last year - if they could have bought every Prime pack from back when they were introduced, they would have.

And you'll still have the people who buy everything as soon as it's out because they always want the newest stuff. I don't know how much DE makes from the other kind of people who go into last minute panic mode and drop their 125€ when they announce another PA ending soon, though.



* Although many will probably still buy it later on, like a friend who recently mentioned that he'd like to have the Sentinel attachments from Loki PA, but can't buy them any more.

Same can be said about Excal prime. DE won't release it not because of a few nerds threatening to sue them, jeez, just typing makes me laugh, anyways, they won't release because business wise it's more interesting to keep the appeal of their deal, you can sugar coat it as a vow of honor, as loyalty, founders can sugar coat their human selfishness as a 'matter of loyalty' as well, but at the end of the day ppl are the same, they'll pay for exclusivity if they can, and they'll want to keep that status. I saw a few founders unattached from this pesky feeling but eh, no rule goes without exception.

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To clear the air, Drew's comment is true, and so is the FAQ, they have no plans for the items to return through PA, at this point in time

However, they can still be offered later on despite current plans to continue to provide unique items. 

I personally wouldn't say you should hold faith in their return anytime soon.


Moved to Players Helping Players.

Honestly, variants of the accessories would be interesting, like a prisma Misa, or do what was done with the Hecate and Rakta Syandana.

Also, I'm curious as to if or when the syandanas and sentinel accessories will be PBR'd, so I can use them to match non-primed objects.

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Honestly, variants of the accessories would be interesting, like a prisma Misa, or do what was done with the Hecate and Rakta Syandana.

Also, I'm curious as to if or when the syandanas and sentinel accessories will be PBR'd, so I can use them to match non-primed objects.

Absolutely this. I'm still a bit salty over not being able to get the Pyra Prime (poor, yo), but I'd gladly spend some of my ~1200 Platinum on lesser versions of previous Prime Accessories.

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You'd be surprised how true this is, and how many companies flat-out ignore it.


Yeeep. Or even just the option to forsake the price inflation devices credits / xp boosters, and just buy get the accessories for a reasonable amount.

I'm a MR15 guy with no interest in farming my arse off to get a higher MR, so the boosters leave me cold. But at least one of those accessories packs did interest me. But not enough to dish out the €50 or whatever to also get some boosters I'd probably mostly forsake.


DE really seems to lack a proper economist on their staff (they also seem to lack some proper game designers, but thats another story)

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