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Why Is The Squad Ui Not Enabled By Default?


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Really hate whenever my settings bug out and it gets turned off.

It really should be there by default, it's not even that obtrusive in the first place.

Also you made me realize my newbie friend probably doesn't have it on, I should remind them. Thanks for this.

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You know the thing on the right side that shows health and shield?


It's been bugging me because I've seen Oberon/Trinity players that NEVER use their heal abilities and I always suspected that they don't have that UI enabled.


Now that I think about it PM a dev or one of the community mods and they might work their magic and actually get it to be on by default. Would definitely be helpful for new players, and that's one of WF's worst problems right now ("The New User Experience").

Edited by Reidmaster
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it really probably should be on by default, definitely due to the fairly likely event that if it isn't on, Players won't know they can turn it on.

the amount of people that play Video Games by pressing Play, and never anything else, is hugely alarming. never even touch the Options Menu.

they don't rebind Controls that they know will be awkward or unfamiliar for them, never adjust Video Settings (like in quite a few games, turning settings up because you can handle it), Et Cetera.

it seems like only a good practice to always fully explore the Options menu in a game before you even press play, but i guess i'm just weird :|

But the one thing about playing Oberon is that after a while, nobody seems to get hurt. When you finally lower your guard on thinking everyone is fine and dandy, everyone suddenly insta-dies.

story of the life of everything in the universe, haha.
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I agree, the Squad health and shield display should be on by default. Because as we've established, it's overlooked by many players who don't even explore the options menu. The ones that only care for themselves are an attitude we don't want to encourage.

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Now if only I could tell their energy.


That was actually in a poll in the previous Community Hot Topics.


The question was: "How often do you wish you could see ally energy bars?"


The winning vote was: "All the time." followed by "Often." as a close runner-up. 


Needless to say, I believe it will be implemented eventually.

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