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New Warframe Idea! Grendel, The Grineer's Response To The Zanuka Project


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So, after another spree of boredom I came up with this beauty.






And some colour variations to show which parts can and can't be coloured


I just had the idea to create the Grineer's response to the Zanuka project. And while it may be a bit generic and straightforward, I found it a lot of fun to draw and think of.




My queens,


I am pleased to inform you, with great joy, that project Grendel was an overwhelming success. The augmentation of the Warframe chassis we recovered long ago was carried out flawlessly, and it is now fully operational through our superior technologies; this marks the day for the Grineer's complete domination of the system. A perfect amalgamation of Tenno and Grineer, Grendel is an unstoppable force with the strength of a thousand men. With this new weapon, nothing may stand against us. Not the Corpus. Not the Infested. And certainly not the Tenno.


And do not worry, my queens. Its location is kept secret, for I know these wretched Tenno will want to stick their noses into places where they do not belong. Grendel's delivery to a Corpus cargo ship shall be carried out tomorrow. Then they shall know, once and for all, that the Grineer rule supreme.




-Tyl Regor


A message intercepted by the Lotus, from Tyl Regor to his Queens, detailing something known as project Grendel. It caught the Lotus' attention. Grendel would be obtained through a quest.


General Information


"Tainted, but not ruined, Grendel uses the Grineer's brutality to aid the Tenno cause."


Grendel's abilities are:


Rocket Punch: Using the thrusters built into her right gauntlet, Grendel thrusts her fist forward with great speed to send even the toughest foe airborne. (Deals impact and blast damage with a guaranteed impact proc. When used mid-air, Grendel dashes forward slightly before thrusting her fist down to the ground, dealing blast damage in a radius around her. Not as effective as Zephyr's Divebomb.)

Oppression: Grendel lets out a fierce battlecry, significantly increasing the armour of her allies.

Seeking Swarm: Grendel releases a swarm of Latchers that seek out nearby enemies before sticking to them and detonating. (Deals blast damage, releases about 10 latchers at rank 3)

Bombardment: Taking to the skies using the jetpack built into her back, Grendel spins around and releases a violent storm of missiles. (Deals high blast damage across a region of 40 meters at rank 3)


Stats (Base) 


Stamina: 100

Shield: 80

Power: 150

Health: 150

Armour: 250


Random Notes


Random notes:

-Her shoulderpad is a replaceable armour piece.
-Grendel used to be a Tenno. She was stolen by the Grineer from her cryopod and experimented upon by Tyl Regor.
-Grendel would be obtained through a quest that involves battling her at some point. The quest would consist of a Spy mission (Obtaining info about Grendel), Interception (Discovering her whereabouts), a mixture of Assassination and Capture (Battling and capturing Grendel) and a Defense (Defending Grendel whilst she is reprogrammed by the Lotus to remember her allegiance to the Tenno)
-Feedback and suggestions are welcome!



All information here is subject to change as you guys give me input and suggestions!

Edited by Gaevolan
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This isn't directed at you personally, because this is a nice design and concept, but as a giant robot fan I can't help but feel misled when something has an attack called Rocket Punch that involves punching with the assistance of rockets, instead of launching a fist like a projectile weapon. Certain things you're just conditioned for, y'know?


All in all I like it, though Oppression feels too much like Roar 2: Roar Harder. Maybe you could replace it with an armor buff for allies instead of a damage buff or something along those lines.

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It looks really good but id doubt the Grineer have the technology to augment a warframe chasis to make it better. I also doubt the queens would also allow a experiment like this considering their current policy on how to deal with Tenno. looks good though.

Edited by Ory_Hara
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grendel? yes plz


but i dont like that art, its far too 'clean' everything is proportioned to evenly, 'grendel' needs to be monstrous/uneven/unsymetrical


also kinda think grendel should be a boy, not necessarily to line up with lore, but becuz we already have a corpus torture victim frame, having a grineer torture victim girl frame is a bit too much in the same vein IMHO

Edited by CY13ERPUNK
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Thank you all for the feedback and I will most certainly take it into consideration. I will see if I can make Grendel a little more monstrous, but I wanted to keep it a bit clean to keep the 'Tenno' feel about it. I shall also see about tweaking and altering the backstory a bit more to see if it can fit the lore better. I wanted to be a bit bold and have the Grineer take an unexpected turn by creating something quite like this.


For her "Oppression" ability, I initially had multiple different ideas, but me and a few friends could never figure out what to actually use.


The following ideas have been mentioned for Oppression:


Increasing the armour of allies significantly

Decreasing enemy defenses whilst boosting melee damage

Increasing allied Warframe power strength


Anyone else be able to help me out here?

Edited by Gaevolan
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Sounds fun and looks great, although the legs could have a bit more mechanical look to it rather than hoof-like, but still quite nice either way. (Also +1 for making it female :P). I like the name as well, suits her well.

Edited by CapricaSix
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I just don't think the Grineer could do this.


I mean, if the CORPUS couldn't build a Warframe from scratch (Vaklyr was the product of torture and dissection on an existing Valkyr frame) then how on Earth could the GRINEER?


It's a pretty design, though, would like to see it as an enemy or something.

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I've liked Grineer-styled warframes ever since I designed my own (though it revolved more around firing missiles, leadership, a Fomorian laser and a massive self-buff) and that art is exactly what I'd think one is. The powers are good, though I - like the others - am in doubt of Oppression, and the lore is pretty awesome.


I just don't think the Grineer could do this.


I mean, if the CORPUS couldn't build a Warframe from scratch (Vaklyr was the product of torture and dissection on an existing Valkyr frame) then how on Earth could the GRINEER?


It's a pretty design, though, would like to see it as an enemy or something.


It's entirely possible that they simply built their technology around the existing warframe. We don't yet know exactly how void energy and warframes connect aside from the latter using the former, and the Tenno controlling both. Thus, it could be that the chassis is the thing using the energy and the Grineer technology responding with, for example, a rocket punch is the effect. Sensing patterns or frequencies of void energy and responding accordingly, maybe.

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Great idea, but I'll second the sentiment that there's too much Grineer and not enough warframe in the design. The head in particular should be less like a Grineer's. I also think it's reasonable for the second altered frame to be male, since we already have the female Valkyr.

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Thank you for all the feedback, people! I see that you still have your fair share of concerns regarding the concept of Grendel so allow me to clear a few things up for you, to give you some insight into my thought process.


The head looks Grineer simply due to the fact it is trademark to their designs. However, the idea has now struck me that perhaps that mask is worn before she is rescued, and is removed once Grendel has been obtained, revealing the Warframe's head underneath.


I made Grendel female because I found it an interesting idea to have both altered frames be female, and to show that the Grineer are willing to go much further than the Corpus in altering a single Tenno. Yes, the Grineer indeed built -around- the Warframe and it is still underneath the Grineer exterior, but removing this exterior would be lethal to the Warframe underneath. I didn't make anything on Grendel look mechanical because -that- would mean that the Grineer did alter the Warframe directly. Blackout751 explained it very well.


As for Oppression, I am turning it into an armour buff.


Let me know what you think :)

Edited by Gaevolan
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