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Ask A Cephalon, March 17


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John Prodman


I know you know where he is, my Prondal lusts to clash with his Prova.


OKAY need to keep my head cool about this. Perhaps you'd have info on recent sightings or activities regarding John.


I met him on Phobos during the latest Infestation, and he agreed to let me take a picture of us. Apparently he finds killing Skates a lot more exciting than Tenno or Grineer these days.

He still won't tell me his name, though, so I'm just gonna repeat my question and hope Cordylon has something on his database:


What is John Prodman's real name?

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Greetings, Cephalon Cordylon. Since you appear to be the only entity we are able to directly speak to I can't ask Ordis the following question:

Everyone, including fellow tenno refer to Ordis as a single unique cephalon like you, Suda, and Simaris. A small scale inqury confirmed that every, or at least most of the ship cephalons call themselves "Ordis". Does that mean there is a prime Ordis that can split himself across all ships, or "Ordis" is a cephalon class corresponding to ship cephalons, or something completely different?

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Dear Cephalon Cordylon,


I am very fond of you. I would rank you somewhere between "the best" and "the worst" (extremes included). If someone asked me whether you are my favorite Cephalon, my answer would most certainly be a word of either two or three letters, starting with either a letter commonly found at the end of an alphabet, or a letter commonly found roughly in the middle. I hope you can appreciate my discretion - Ordis keeps asking me what I'm thinking about while I type on the Liset's keyboard, and he might or might not decide to censor me CLAIM IT NOW if I were to express myself with less care. Oh, yes, he did that.


I wanted to ask: what is the Cephalon society like? Do you talk often amongst yourselves? Do you get along? Do you have long debates on why the cold affects adversely and not positively Tenno shielding technology? Does C. Simaris tease C. Suda for her preference for hexagons? Do you have poker meetings that are interrupted when C. Ordis gets angry and leaves OPERATOR - I might require maintenance after all.


Next time I will use a keyboard located inside a Relay.


At least partially yours,


A lone Tenno operative

Edited by Dhrekr
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I have noticed that the mod polarities have their names. Madurai, Zenurik, Naramon, et cetera.


I usually just call them the D, V, Dash polarities and so on for the sake of simplicity, but what do their real names mean?

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"Perhaps one day we will be able to administer such immortalization to entire civilizations…"


Woah, hold on now.


Why do I feel like something like this was attempted before?



'to entire civilizations...'






Does that means what I THINK it does?


...The last time there was discussion of the digitization of entire civilizations it was a game called Mass Effect and an enemy called the Reapers and that did not end well.

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Tell us about the Old War so we can finally tell Ordis and he will shut up about it. Even if it's lies.


Actually here's a better question; how to we communicate? I have never heard myself speak in something intelligible. What's the point in having a Cephalon that speaks, asks questions and tries to be your friend when you cannot even respond?

Edited by OriVerda
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Pardon me, master Cephalon, but do you know anything of the reason behind Corrupted soldiers' rather, erm, odd choices in weaponry?  For example, how and why do Corrupted Crewmen possess Struns that fire singular energy bolts, as opposed to, say, Detrons?  And why are Deras issued to Corrupted Lancers?

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Master Cephalon I have a question :  The Hysteria skill used from Valkyr uses his emotional as base ?  Its possible to find out the exact week of his PMS and use this to amplify  the Skills power ?   Thx and I wait a reply ^^

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Yay, i can scratch one of my questions.


Nice to know music still exists in the world of Warframe. Also safety features on our guns? I wonder if there are some limiters we can remove. ... Better try it outside my Liset though. Spares the expenses.



Do the Grineer have any ties to the Orokin like the Corpus do?


What's up with the potted plant in the Steel Meridian room on the relays? I would ask him myself, but you know... Tenno... speaking... the rules.


Where did Naked Nick go after the Tenno canceled his job as cryo pod tester?


Are there more rooms in our home ship behind the Arsenal and if yes, why is Ordis not letting us in?


Do Tenno need to breath or just their Warframes (we can see breath comming from the Warframe in cold temperatur areas).


What unit of measure is used in the post Orokin era? Did meter, liter and kilo survive or did the Orokin come up with their own units?

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My current question is about Lotus background story. We will ever know something more about her? There is only speculations about her, like she as an somekind AI etc. And eventually, she is a ignite to slaughter Orokin by Tenno.

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Just two questions. Answer whichever one you wish to.


1. Given the destructive potential of all Valkyr Warframes, were there any problem relating to the first Valkyr that you are aware of?


2. With the talk of Sentients as of late: do you have any data on the Sentients or the Old War or are your archives relating to that subject empty like Ordis' memories of the Old War?

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hello there!


I was wondering while travelling all around the origin system. I am weary of all the battles, the deaths and the conflicts.

Seeing the Earth have been taken over by orokin engineered forest, i can't go back to vacations anymore, like sleeping on the beach.


Some have whispered to me to go to phobos, but no water to be seen, and you know? the sand, the sea dosn't mix well with iron claded warriors?


Some advice to a worn out tenno longing for vacations in the origin system? (even outside the system is fine too?)

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What do you know about Hayden Tenno, the first?

Right to the important stuff, as usual ^^'


My question : How efficient and fast our transportation devices actually are ? I'm especially curious about our Lisets and solar rails : When I set my Liset to go on a mission, it seems that my Warframe makes me lose almost any perception of time, probably to make the journey bearable. Because of that, I can't estimate anything. Precisions on the Outer Terminus would also be very appreciated.

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