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Raid As A Game Killer


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Anyone feels me?


No, because of this.


All I can say is, the addition of co-op oriented gameplay does not hurt a solo player in any way. You aren't required to run the raids. The loot from them isn't going to change the game for you.


You can still play the game solo just as you have before with no ill effects, so I don't see why this content addition would 'kill' the game for you. Especially when there was also solo friendly content added as well (Synthesis). Why would an addition that doesn't affect your playstyle cause you to not want to play anymore?

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Still, for now raids are avoidable. But if there will be some kind of Raid event with unique weapon or something big like that, I will most likely quit [...]

You said it. They are avoidable.


You know, you sound like me with respect to Archwing. While I can talk to other human beings, I have no passion for the Archwing. I can't stand it.DE has invested a lot in it. DE has been trying to make me play. It has offered me unique weapons and catalysts and reactors and events. It hasn't worked - yet, mind you, I didn't throw a fit and quit.


But please be aware that not playing with people is your choice. Not doing Raids is a consequence of your choices. Your decisions, your responsability. Own them.

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You're lamenting that an online only game is abandoning your desire for solo play because it has one new aspect that requires social, online play. I try to be understanding about these things, but if you're really that much of a schizoid individual, do not play an online game. Seriously. It's more or less a rule of the road that if you want to play an online, multiplayer game, you must at least entertain the possibility that there will be things you cannot access alone. 


And that's what I'm trying to do. I'm avoiding online games and multiplayer content like fire, but with every year it is getting harder and harder. Warframe hooked me up, it looked like a nice, new form of an online game which found proper balance between solo and multiplayer content. However, now it tends to go the classic way with all those PvPs and raids. But since I supported this game since it very start, I guess I have a right to express my opinion now. Calling me a schizoid though... People like you are one of the reasons I don't like to play with other people.


But please be aware that not playing with people is your choice. Not doing Raids is a consequence of your choices. Your decisions, your responsability. Own them.


I can't agree to it. It's like... saying that not buying that Ferrari is my choice. No, it is not. I just don't have money. Kinda like that with people: I just can't stand them.


So if they make a raid specific event weapon, you'd rather quit the game and thereby miss out on the other 99% of the content that is perfectly achievable in solo mode, because it irks you that much that you would miss out on a weapon here or there?


I don't even understand the logic of people in this forum.


Yes. And I hope one day we will understand each other's logic.

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I'll probably never participate in a successful raid as I also play solo or with random people and don't have much interest in using a mic, joining a clan, or making "friends". I don't really see how including raids and a new PvP mode ruins the rest of the PvE experience.


Currently on PS4 the game is the best it's ever been for solo players. Spy 2.0 is fun solo, and the Syndicate mission changes make it much easier to gain standing solo. Also, when I play solo I can hunt for mediallions.


It seems like the Simaris capture thing will also be good for giving solo players another achievable objective.

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Its similar to Destinys idea on raids but that they FORCED you into playing 8 player raids were people demanded mic's just too get in one, even then took hours too find one that wouldent call you "to weak" to even play with them because after a while no one wanted new people they wanted too rush the thing.


I'm sad Warframe is not allowing 1-3 groups of people into Raid missions at the very least, some people like to show off they can do a Raid solo and Warframe should be one of thoses games allowing any number of people and not forced into groups. Hey least its 4-8 and not just 8....that killed Destiny, I'm happy they did that much but...making you allowed too bring how many people you wish without turning down enemies....that would be awsome and I hope they allow that one day.

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They did say you can do the raid with less than 8.  Just it is fairly punitive for less people - though it makes Phase 2 a lot easier.


I only tried the raid once and while chaotic it was a lot of fun.


It however requires too much time commitment so I will just be trading for the items as they become more common.


You don't need to do Raids to have fun with the game.


Just like you don't have to form a clan and do solar sail wars for fun.


The bonus from Raids are marginal - even with fully upgraded to rank 4.  You don't need any of it to enjoy the game.

Edited by Karamethien
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No one is forcing you to play this game. 


You seem to have missed the part where I said I wanted to play _this_ game. Y'know, unique art style, interesting retrograde-empire setting, post-human overtones. What we've had since closed beta.


Most people who play this game are not going to guilt you into playing if you don't want to and to be honest I'm confused on where you would get this idea in the first place


About 20 year of experience with MMOs, clans, drama and all the nonsense that follows. It happens, It's happened to everyone I know, most of them just give up on online games all-together, or only play the one game where they have a critical mass of their real-life friends, but for my sins I like the game that no-one else likes, and I am _not_ doing the clan circus _again_. I mean have you even been paying attention to the toxic nonsense that even a little mechanic like the Dark Sectors has been causing? Trust me, once unique loot gets locked behind "raids" it'll get worse, it always does.


Watching all this happen again to a new game I like, time after time, sheesh I'm starting to empathize with the Reapers.


And to the OP, you can play alone if you want no one is stopping you.  However that does not make you entitled in saying that the game should be  based around your style of play.


And how would it harm _you_ if the "raid" scaled down to one player, if multi-player shenanigans are just so much fun, _surely_ people would be flocking at the chance.


Or its it the typical call of the raid-cheerleader "but if you could solo it, no-one would team..." and that should tell you _everything_ you need to know about people's _actual_ opinion of enforced teaming.


with the lack of a single player story mode it's what the game is based around.


Maybe you missed Starchart-progression, the new player experience and the quests that keep getting added, because that _really_ sounds like a "story mode" to me.


Go play dark souls that's a great solo game.


Actually I can't stand that game, but good try, 100% for effort, trotting out the oldest trope in the book. Man I think they were citing "Baldurs gate" the first time I heard that little gem.


Oh and you know what you'll never hear... You'll never hear solo advocates saying "This content should _only_ be available for soloers, it would lessen the value of the content to allow other players" Think on that.

Edited by SilentMobius
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For a moment, I'm a rare guest in a world of online games, my list is really short and it looks like this: APB: Reloaded, Gotham City Impostors, Warframe. Two of these games already have been left behind.


So, while there are many, many things I don't like in Warframe, Raid looks like the thing that can kill the whole game for me.


The thing is, I just bloody hate have anyone else in my game, especially some random living beings. And thing is, I have only one friend in this life playing Warframe.


I force myself to play with random people when I have no choice, but I really doubt I will be ever able to communicate with them. To find two more people to play with is a titanic task for someone like me.


Warframe - I felt like it can be somewhat unique. It is an online game, but it doesn't force you to communicate with other people, being both MP and solo friendly. It was not a single-player game which requires online connection, no. It was just the opposite: a multiplayer game which actually had a place for solo players.


Starting with the relays stuff began to change. Now there are raids inside... and DE already made a sign that we really should try them out, look at all those credits nerfs. Still, for now raids are avoidable. But if there will be some kind of Raid event with unique weapon or something big like that, I will most likely quit, despite all those money I've dropped into.


I feel like Warframe have no love for players like me anymore.


Anyone feels me?


I understand your feeling and generally solo myself, but raid rewards are such utter garbage that there's no real reason to do them anyway at the moment.

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You're not forced to raid. I don't see why it's such a game killer. What benefit or loss does it really give you if you play it or not? It's endgame content catered to those who asked for harder, more thinking, kind of content. 


And if you're pugging a Raid (which specifically states that it's designed to be challenging for 8 players, i.e. coop), communicate. Just communicate a little. You don't have to voice, typing works pretty well for most of us. I don't voice. I beat my first raid in a PUG because our team communicated. It doesn't require a lot of planning, the most I've ever spent was 5 minutes waiting for others to adjust their builds a little bit. Relax a little, have fun. 


Warframe has always promoted itself as an instanced MMO, but this aspect never came along until Relays. You don't have to communicate with anyone in the raid, only the characters inside. But what's so bad about the social aspect of it? It promotes a friendlier and healthier community and provides a place where people can chat. The only real reason to go to the raid now is Cephalon Simaris and his sanctuary and the occasional Void Trader goods. 

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You're not forced to raid. I don't see why it's such a game killer. What benefit or loss does it really give you if you play it or not? It's endgame content catered to those who asked for harder, more thinking, kind of content. 


If you think there is _any_ thinking required for raids you are sadly mistaken, It's 100% "person A stand at B, not go press doodad C" If you can organize a toddlers day trip you can play a raid.. and it's _just_ as much fun.


Let's address the "catering for" comment:


Oh hey, we just added this new missions to the game, with some unique rewards, we think they're pretty cool.


But yeah, you can't play then because we only made then for female players, yeah, it's geared towards that and we think it would lessen the value to the female players if we let male player do that, I mean there's plenty of other content for them, ok?


See how dumb that argument seems? Why limit new content and unique rewards to the I-like-to-herd-cats-for-fun crowd?

Edited by SilentMobius
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If you hate the game so much just do the community a favor and quit......don't worry you won't be missed.


Again you seem to be missing my repeated statement that I want to play the game, I enjoy the game as it is, I look forward to playing the content.


I don't enjoy having to play A****** Russian roulette with my free time.

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I think the error of your mentality is distilled into this one statement:



You're lamenting that an online only game is abandoning your desire for solo play because it has one new aspect that requires social, online play. I try to be understanding about these things, but if you're really that much of a schizoid individual, do not play an online game. Seriously. It's more or less a rule of the road that if you want to play an online, multiplayer game, you must at least entertain the possibility that there will be things you cannot access alone. 


Reminds me of the Online-only on release games, Diablo 3 and Sim City.  Yeah.


I'd disagree on the latter point.  I think games provide challenges, and defeating challenges designed for multiple people with fewer (or no) extra people can serve as an achievement of sorts.


I recall taking on content meant for 12-person groups in MMOs myself as a duo.  It's allows you to develop unconventional strategies and break-away from what are typically very dull and rote strategies for group play.


I would like it if they removed the restriction on number of people for Raids entirely.  Though, I think it would also require that it not have "stand here now" puzzles in it to be tenable.  Of course, those are asinine "puzzles" to begin with - so, net improvement.

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This vanilla sundae would be awesome if I didn't hate vanilla ice cream...


This party would be great if everyone would just leave...


This pulled-pork sandwich would be delicious if it just didn't have meat..or bread...or sauce...


This multiplayer game would be great except for that I hate players...


I'm sorry, I know I'm being intensive but the overly dramatic tone in the original post is very hard to take seriously.  I recognize that there is possibly a serious underlying issue with the OP or with his or her issue with teaming, but there are different flavors of ice cream for a reason.   You don't have to like them all.  And no one can make you like one you don't like.  Why worry about it?

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This vanilla sundae would be awesome if I didn't hate vanilla ice cream...


This party would be great if everyone would just leave...


This pulled-pork sandwich would be delicious if it just didn't have meat..or bread...or sauce...


This multiplayer game would be great except for that I hate players...


I'm sorry, I know I'm being intensive but the overly dramatic tone in the original post is very hard to take seriously.  I recognize that there is possibly a serious underlying issue with the OP or with his or her issue with teaming, but there are different flavors of ice cream for a reason.   You don't have to like them all.  And no one can make you like one you don't like.  Why worry about it?


Well, the game does feature a solo option.  You can flip it as a switch at any time, and then play solo.  Can you think of any other things in the game that REQUIRE more than one person?  That are completely impossible to even attempt solo?


As far as I know, this Raid would be the first one.


I think we have to admit there's a lot of unpolished features/options in the game as well.  We had the options to go sword-only before we could do directional melee in the air, iirc.  Many things like parkour, stealth, and trading are still a bit on the unfinished side.  If they put a solo option in there for general use, who's to say a person that's been able to partake of every experience from closed beta through to now might not feel cheated for being excluded after being supported (and supporting them) in the past?

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I know that feel, Ross.  I tolerate playing with three other Pubbies on occasion, but there's no way I could force myself to play with seven of them.  Just thinking about it makes me retch.


Which is fine at the moment, since raid rewards are laughably useless.  But is indeed entirely possible for more useful stuff to be made raid-only.

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A raid shouldnot be pugable. The whole point of raid content is to challenge players in a team oriented scenarios.

Quit the whining, op and vast majority of warframe members haven't even experience real raids/challenging content.

Even the toned down easy content in current wow and wildstar, the joke of raiding it is now if your not doing it in hard mode, is more challenging than this raid.

That's with 20-40 players to coordinate and your complaining about organizing 8?

FFS just stfu

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