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Is Warframe Slowly Becoming Pay To Win?


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If spending money gives you advantage over other players, its pay to win. not only pvp

'So while some players who pay real money are able to solo missions,you are not.In some games'

Stahp applying pressure on me :(

By that definition Warframe would be pay to win.

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Lel, forgot about Sydicate syandanas. Still, I'm a bit afraid of the future of Warframe now, so no hate, just appreciate. :)

have you even seen how poor most arcanes are? 


not to mention it hard to point pay2win in a game where PVE is bout 90% of the content and you can trade for the paid things.


if this i py2win for you, i've seen games that would make you weep.

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You know, just because you can grind something instead doesn't mean it's not pay2win. Think about LoL or whatever. Either pay or spend 100 hours grinding the same amount.


Mods and some of the ridiculous drop rates that prime parts have are the only things that really stick out... and I guess credit boosters too.

Edited by Moasiac
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man, I always feel like a moron if I dont play with boosters active

and farming for frames instead of buying them as intended


if u have level 22 gear u hardly able to beat level 20-25 missions


if u start fresh its as pay to Play as it can be, if u already payed and

grinded 2 month, it starts to appear not pay2win,

but it is ...



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The thing is, though: those who do not pay aren't really put at a large disadvantage causing the game to be unbalanced (and setting a fine line between those who pay and those who do not), as it is with most pay-to-win games.


LOL!!! I call BS on this, I haven't paid a cent to this game yet (planning to though, eventually) and you know what? I'm perfectly fine I have all the stuff I need (By this I mean I can Solo T4S for 40mins perfectly fine) with help from RNG and Trading. There is NO difference between someone who pays and someone who doesn't. (Unless you count cosmetics, in which case "Deal with it".)

Edited by reptillicus
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LOL!!! I call BS on this, I haven't paid a cent to this game yet (planning to though, eventually) and you know what? I'm perfectly fine I have all the stuff I need (By this I mean I can Solo T4S for 40mins perfectly fine) with help from RNG and Trading. There is NO difference between someone who pays and someone who doesn't. (Unless you count cosmetics, in which case "Deal with it".)

Seeker has a point I've only bought one thing from the market and that was a orikin cell. Everything else I have is from building it.

Edited by (XB1)F8 Ghost Pon3
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LOL!!! I call BS on this, I haven't paid a cent to this game yet (planning to though, eventually) and you know what? I'm perfectly fine I have all the stuff I need (By this I mean I can Solo T4S for 40mins perfectly fine) with help from RNG and Trading. There is NO difference between someone who pays and someone who doesn't. (Unless you count cosmetics, in which case "Deal with it".)

I think you misread my post.

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warframe is pay-to-gain-faster
and it is not problem for me
also you could have like 6 syandanas this year for no plat

Problem are recent nerfs,afk timer that steal your mana and similiar qality of live downgrades 

Now i really want just to afk-farm but it is result of this farm-nerfing that does not seems to ever stop

i think DE needs to take one long looong step back take 1 huge breath and think about 2 minutes about ''is it really best idea to constantly nerf things and make ppl sad without fixing game-breaking bugs''

I think nerfing e-gate was good thing 
but nerfing all game modes , many builds n S#&$?

for example I can not play nyx anymore because of afk timer
some time ago it was cool deffense frame and now She droped from top-tier into low-tier with ember 

this is resulting in this:
ppl want:loki,trinity,vauban and for survival add nekro

leaving all frames ingame behind
not because they were bad but because they were nerfed on the GROOOOOOOUND

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Warframe is not, and will not ever be Pay To Win, without some core gameplay changes.


The way the game is doesn't allow for P2W. First off, you can get anything you want or need just by playing. Second, nothing in the game can be bought and make you more powerful than those who haven't paid. This is due to, again, the capability of buying anything in the game without paying actual money.


Warframe is P4C. Pay For Convenience. Platinum will only ever buy you time. 

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I don't think it's pay to win at all, nor could ever be.
I own every frame, and archwing even volt/odanata primes. 
and like 1/2 the weapons, almost MR 15. 

Selling prime things is cake to buy accessories/rush things/cata/reactor/blahblahblah
Then there's void trader..syndicates.. 

I haven't spent a dime on this game.
Though I'd gladly support it to keep it going, but I don't have that kinda money. 

The only thing is that it takes time.  like ive got over 800hrs atm. 

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pay to skip... pay to win.. whats the difference?

depends on what you consider " winning "

if having the most powerfull gear in the game is considered winning, then yes you can pay to win.

But you don HAVE to pay to win in WF.

You can win through hard work and effort, beat the games systems which actually means somthing... anybody can whip out their debit card.


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Each syndicate has a syandana, so that's six that can be earned with no real money spent.


Right now the game is Pay to Skip.

Most "pay to win" games are "pay to skip".

Actual P2W is incredibly rare in the Western market.


The answer is yes, Warframe is "pay to win" in the traditional sense. Money will get you power.

...but who cares? It's a PvE game. The more you pay, the better off both you AND your teammates are. I have no issues with it. If someone who spent 8000 plat on maxed Primed mods on 6-Forma Potato Weapons and is MR1, then I'd sit back and get carried.

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It is Pay2not2bebored2deathwithgrind.


More like Pay2GetBoredExtremelyFast. Buy buying prime access (with weapon like last one with Soma Prime) or just Boltor Prime from trade chat you severally reduce playtime as you get strait to DPS maximum point instead slowly progressing through market and clan dojo research weapons.


DE should add more cosmetic stuff like different ship cephalons instead of Ordis, color palletes with colors that affect material itself (reflectivity etc.), more skins that are not retextures (like excalibur proto skin)

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