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Could We Just Get An Augment Slot? Just One?


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Half the augments are borderline or outright bandaids, adding effects that should, by all rights, already be on abilities. And we have to sacrifice a mod slot for them? A lot of them are good enough to want, but not good enough to make you want to use up a slot.


Is an augment slot out of the question? Like an aura slot? If so, why?


In order to use the mod you've worked a buttload for, you have to effectively nerf yourself.

This kinda just limits freedom quite a lot.

Edited by AdunSaveMe
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Yah, Im never using augment mods, nor never have used, not waiting essential mods slots in my builds for these, so specific/restricted only augment mod slots are in demand.


But of course DE is afraid of the OP factor.

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There's only few augments that are actually worth sacrificing a slot for.


Most are a joke.


There's only two ways out of it, either DE adds augment slots or reworks the augments.


What will most likely happen is the augments will be forgotten as new, better, maybe actually useful ones are implemented.

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Bandaid mod = mod that adds an effect to an ability that is underpowered without it, just to bring it in line

I consider a bandaid mod to be a mod that fixes a huge issue in the game, for example back when the infested where even more knockdown heavy you needed some kind of knockdown resist to even do well against infested. 

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The Nekros mods are easily the easiest to use as you really don't need to run efficiency with Despoil attached. And soul survivor has saved my squads many times in long t4sur. And although Mindfreak isn't necessary its fun using it on a bombard and giving him +500% damage. Most do seem a bit lack luster and other are down right useless(well at least not at all wasting a slot for) but there are a few others that add mechanics to stuff that help. 

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I think adding a mod slot for augments is power creep. However you feel about that. I also think the bandaid mods show which frame's abilities need rework. And the other mods are good enough to force us to change the way we think about our play style. In this case, its a lateral move, not a nerf. In any case, they all need to be looked at, now that theyve seen real playtime.

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What about four? One per ability that can only apply to that ability.


But to help with balancing, make them still cost mod points. As more augments come out, and multiple augments come out for each ability, there could be some interesting combinations and the system has massive potential to accommodate that.

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I consider a bandaid mod to be a mod that fixes a huge issue in the game, for example back when the infested where even more knockdown heavy you needed some kind of knockdown resist to even do well against infested. 

You never needed a knockdown mod against Infested, it was the Grineer who begged players to put KD resist mods on because 1/2 of their faction was rollers.  They've changed that a bit, but KD can still get you killed.


If it weren't for the way stamina and run speed works in Warframe, I'd have KD mods on every frame.


Band-Aid mods don't fix major flaws, those get fixed because the game won't survive without it.  The reason why they're called Band-Aid mods in the first place is because they don't fix anything.  They're mods that DE puts out in the hopes that the community will stop complaining about a particular issue.  Like the "Warm Coat" mod.  That never fixed anything and there was never an issue with 'cold-effect' levels.  People just didn't like them; so DE made a Band-Aid mod.


The two biggest factors to stop the complaining that actually worked were the changes to how 'cold-effect' levels are randomized and the Void swallowing up almost all of the player's time now.

Edited by Thaumatos
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Give us 2.

Because we had 10 slots initially :l

There should be one for each skill, and they shouldn't be mods.


Call them something else, give them a similar graphic, don't require players to 'rank' them, and allow for each skill to be "Augmented".  This mod business has been getting out of control for over a year now.


Your "Focus" initiative should be the code-name for a project that slowly does away with a large portion of mods (not all) and turns them into a true progression system on each weapon and frame.

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You all got by fine before Augments. Stop complaining and just don't use them.


Try and focus feedback on tweaking them and tweaking abilities so they work better together and not "just add more magic slots", which does nothing but cause other imbalances to other Frames as suddenly we are putting on even MORE mods.


This expectation that every update should creep up power to all the Frames is getting ridiculous.


We could kill everything fine before and Augments are meant to tweak abilities to work better in certain situations, with the drawback of losing a mod slot, they are not simply meant to creep up overall power with no negatives, which is what an "augment slot" will do.


What next? Ask for every ability to have their own Augment slot?



There should be one for each skill, and they shouldn't be mods.



Oh dear ...

Edited by DSpite
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I want to say "please, yes" because there are a lot of augment mods I want but can't afford to use due to my terrible survivability, though I also want to say "nope please" because it reduces mod diversity (where one uses Quick Thinking, one will use the Iron Skin augment as opposed to both using both) and it'll make some warframes more overpowered than they already are.

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What a ridiculous argument.


We all got by fine before aura and stance slots, let's just get rid of those too.


The idea of multiple Augment slots adds NOTHING to the game, it makes an easy game EASIER for zero added interesting game play.


If you like blowing things away with zero challenge, go to Mercury, no need for Augments there.

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Wait till every power has at least one augment, they will revisit the issue. 


They plan each power to have multiple augments, and until the game is brimming with them they won't do. 


They already stated a 'not right now' in devstreams, very clearly they don't want to touch it yet, and will look again to it in the future. 

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What about four? One per ability that can only apply to that ability.


But to help with balancing, make them still cost mod points. As more augments come out, and multiple augments come out for each ability, there could be some interesting combinations and the system has massive potential to accommodate that.

Lets just start with one for now shall we? :P

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There should be one for each skill, and they shouldn't be mods.


Call them something else, give them a similar graphic, don't require players to 'rank' them, and allow for each skill to be "Augmented".  This mod business has been getting out of control for over a year now.


Your "Focus" initiative should be the code-name for a project that slowly does away with a large portion of mods (not all) and turns them into a true progression system on each weapon and frame.




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One slot for Augments would rock.


Swap the augment depending on the situation/mission/enemy, which would actually be in line with the Mod philosophy, i.e. customization.


Same frames in a mission would behave differently with different Augment installed.

It would also give an incentive to actually use those mods.



Edit: I'm against one for each skill. One is enough.

Edited by Gwenwed
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Would love to have them, although I do think there should be at least 2, for more customization options. For those worried about power creep, it's plain to see not having them is doing nothing at all to stop it. It's an issue that should be addressed regardless of what is introduced into the game. If we're that worried about power creep, we should just remove all efficiency mods from the game to make room for our lovely augments, since that would be far more balanced, wouldn't it?

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