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Void Trader Will Bring Something New


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Baro will become more and more a disappointment for older players. Simply by the nature of what Baro is and what veterans feel like they "need". It's all a sense of progress and when you notice that the something you were working towards (that epic Primed mod that no one has any idea about what it actually is) turns out to be something you already have or don't want. You get frustrated, because you feel all the effort, all the progress that lead up to this moment was for naught. 

Additionally, the more stuff is available in his lists, the less likely it is that you will get something really fancy you want after it came out for the first time. 


I can see what the fuss is about. But I can't really "get" it. Might be because I like to take things at my own pace and try not to farm. People managed just fine up until now with what they have. And now suddenly if you can't have that double-expensive mod you are powerless? Somehow sub-par to some imaginary standard?

Or that new weapon to just powerlevel through. People keep asking for weapons and then leveling them up in two-three missions. Then saying that the weapon is useless or they don't have content. 

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Baro will become more and more a disappointment for older players. Simply by the nature of what Baro is and what veterans feel like they "need". It's all a sense of progress and when you notice that the something you were working towards (that epic Primed mod that no one has any idea about what it actually is) turns out to be something you already have or don't want. You get frustrated, because you feel all the effort, all the progress that lead up to this moment was for naught. 

Additionally, the more stuff is available in his lists, the less likely it is that you will get something really fancy you want after it came out for the first time. 


I can see what the fuss is about. But I can't really "get" it. Might be because I like to take things at my own pace and try not to farm. People managed just fine up until now with what they have. And now suddenly if you can't have that double-expensive mod you are powerless? Somehow sub-par to some imaginary standard?

Or that new weapon to just powerlevel through. People keep asking for weapons and then leveling them up in two-three missions. Then saying that the weapon is useless or they don't have content. 


There are all kinds of people with different expectations from the Void trader and different opinions on the matter, but sadly we were all connected by the inconsistent flow of things which makes the void trader 80% worthless for anyone that visits him actively, because he always brings up 2-3 things you already had & only one new thing.


If you are new, you probably love everything he offers & you will probably farm hard to get it.

When you are a regular visitor you will be depressed by the fact that he has THAT again or THAT again.


DE did this to prevent players from burning, but I have a feeling that they didn't notice the fact that nobody is "new" for long and those people that they have "fixed" they void trader for, will try to farm anyway in order to buy everything & over time even they will get depresed by this, just like we are.

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There are all kinds of people with different expectations from the Void trader and different opinions on the matter, but sadly we were all connected by the inconsistent flow of things which makes the void trader 80% worthless for anyone that visits him actively, because he always brings up 2-3 things you already had & only one new thing.


If you are new, you probably love everything he offers & you will probably farm hard to get it.

When you are a regular visitor you will be depressed by the fact that he has THAT again or THAT again.


DE did this to prevent players from burning, but I have a feeling that they didn't notice the fact that nobody is "new" for long and those people that they have "fixed" they void trader for, will try to farm anyway in order to buy everything & over time even they will get depresed by this, just like we are.

Frankly, the Void Trader has been a pretty failed experiment.  There's no "good" formula that would make him work; it's always going to be either "there's nothing new, he sucks", or "omg I have to get it now because there's no telling when the next opportunity will come".  Introducing new-to-game content through a short-duration, long cool-down event was a bad idea in the first place.  They took event exclusivity and made it a bi-monthly appointment.  They should really just take him back to the drawing board if they haven't already.

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Frankly, the Void Trader has been a pretty failed experiment.  There's no "good" formula that would make him work; it's always going to be either "there's nothing new, he sucks", or "omg I have to get it now because there's no telling when the next opportunity will come".  Introducing new-to-game content through a short-duration, long cool-down event was a bad idea in the first place.  They took event exclusivity and made it a bi-monthly appointment.  They should really just take him back to the drawing board if they haven't already.


and honestly place him in the dojo rather than the relay 

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How about transforming the void trader into the wheel of fortune.


You'd pay in ducats to have a spin & items you can win would be sorted to tiers & you could play as long as you  have ducats or untill he leaves again.

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How about transforming the void trader into the wheel of fortune.


You'd pay in ducats to have a spin & items you can win would be sorted to tiers & you could play as long as you  have ducats or untill he leaves again.

The RNG is enough present in the game (even if in other it's god RNG)

So, no thanks :x

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How? Maxing it would only give you 60% efficiency for a ton of time/money. You'd still need an arcane helm that gives efficiency or Fleeting Expertise to get that 175% efficiency. It just takes a 2-slot efficiency build possibly down to 1 slot.

Actually I was talking about blind rage becoming way more viable, but I understand.


I was just thinking that primed streamline would overhaul most warframe builds completely. For me, no other primed mods that I could think of coming out would affect the standard in warframes as much as primed streamline. Although primed stretch could be nasty... eh whatever.


I'd still prefer max 175% efficiency, still utilising fleeting IF primed streamline did come out, by mixing 10/10 (probably 9/10 really) primed streamline and 1/5 fleeting. But that's a whole extra 30% duration from having a 4/5 fleeting, you know what I mean? It's kinda like killing 2 birds with one stone, this one - while primed continuity added an extra 15% duration total to normal continuity, this theoretically can increase a warframe's duration by 30%, if 4/5 fleeting is your thing.


Idk if I'm an idiot but I think gradually as these mods come out, corrupted mods are going to become more and more obsolete. Juggling between increasing stats but simultaneously reducing stats was something I liked about modding - kinda made each build a bit more unique (although really they aren't, are they?)


Then again not everyone has the time or money to max mods, so... 


Sorry for bringing this up again.

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Brace yourself, prisma skana is coming.

This isn't a bad idea tbh. 

It'd look pretty. 

maybe close to as good as skana prime? 

maybe better.

who knows what the stats could be. 

but then it could have the new loka augment too for +100% more dmg and the burst.

Prisma Skana pls.

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Or troll/joke, can never be sure with Baro threads.

It is coming, sooner or later, as it was leaked accidentally from the codex.


Same as with Prisma Veritux, that was in fact in the rotation after its mistaken appearence; but no, this time the troll was double.



Edited by siralextraffo
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