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Void Trader Will Bring Something New


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Funny people complaining still when the void trader brings a new weapon. Looks like this community really can't be pleased.


Orrrr we want primed mods that actually do useful things.  Or a prisma version of a weapon that isn't literally the first weapon everyone uses and tosses.

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Orrrr we want primed mods that actually do useful things.  Or a prisma version of a weapon that isn't literally the first weapon everyone uses and tosses.


So essentially you want things only you like or you'll just complain.


DE could give you a prime mod, people would complain it's not the prime mod they wanted.


DE gives us a new weapon people still whine.

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Excalibur Prime.



Bikini Nova & Saryn Skin - Must Have.


I agree

Please Trinty Nerfs are dead now ..

Excalibur nerf is all the rage at DE headquarters now 

ekhm bFdJgdg.jpg


The question needs to be asked. If PC gets "New" stuff, will console? Or will we still follow in the order that PC got?


On some Live stream was said that console always got things that pc got 3 weeks earlier




source: Reddit


You sir ..... you just made my day....

Prisma Synoid Gammacor Prime


Actually i think this is not impossible.

Bunny Suit Saryn Skin.

Onesie Kawaii Valkyr Skin

Ordis R 18+ Module

Kubrow Bikinis

Mirage BDSM Accessories


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You know, Primed Slip Magazine was ostensibly the most useless mod in the game. Its only two saving graces were to combine it with Ice Storm on an Angstrum, or use it in PVP for the minor clip bonus it gave.



I'm betting Prisma Grakata is going to be next.

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So essentially you want things only you like or you'll just complain.


DE could give you a prime mod, people would complain it's not the prime mod they wanted.


DE gives us a new weapon people still whine.

Why are you assuming it's only him? 

Baro hasn't given a good primed mod in 16 weeks.

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