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Void Trader Will Bring Something New


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What did I think of the current Trade set?


3 items for newcomers ( people who didn't visit the trader before)


only one goddamn item for veterans (people who always visit the void trader)


Where is the balance in this?

Something tells me you haven't even seen the current trade set, since there are only 3 items total available.

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 It's all pulled out a hat. I wouldn't be surprised if it was just some weird RNG system deciding his cycle.



That seems highly unlikely.... As it would be little work for someone to pick this manually, making it RNG would be stupid. It could result in the same item appearing for multiple times in a row.... It would also seem unlikely when you considering the semi linear way the cycle has been.


This is just a case of DE not knowing what the players want. Or making a system that had many people happy, and turning around and deciding to only let the whales (who happened to also paly on Christmas) keep the best mods while the rest of us wait desperately.

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We expect one in 5 to be half decent. We've gotten nothing. 

Don't be a blatant fool 


 Thanks to Grey I realize I gave you the wrong response entirely.


 Honestly, I dunno about this cycle crap. I mean, DE DID communicate to us it was slowing down and whatnot. Maybe they ought to throw us a bone next cycle for sure.


 It's kinda hard for me to talk about that part of things with any confidence. I mean, of course I can parrot what DE's response was and yeah I do believe it's silly to expect the cycles to always deliver the goods. But on that same note I don't think they've explained how he picks his stock, I mean it's probably some sort of RNG after all. Without really knowing that it's tough for me to decide whether I think these cycles have just been awful luck or some kink in Baro's design or whatever.

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Something tells me you haven't even seen the current trade set, since there are only 3 items total available.


Sit with me brother.


three new items for newbies = They never had heated charge, or prisma gorgon (veterans did) adn noggle is new for everyone


only one item for veterans = already had primed heated charge or prisma gorgon and only the noggle is new for them

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Sit with me brother.


three new items for newbies = They never had heated charge, or prisma gorgon (veterans did) adn noggle is new for everyone


only one item for veterans = already had primed heated charge or prisma gorgon and only the noggle is new for them


This made me laugh, haha.


It's one thing to give us the same old crap again and again.  It's another thing entirely for DE to tell us how to play this game.  If we want to burn ourselves out griding void for Ducats, then so be it.  It's our time.  Second, how can they give us a new noggle and forget to increase the space available in the Liset to place it (assuming you're like me and have them all)?  Thats just poor form, DE. 


Like most people, I was expecting a new weapon, as we haven't seen one on the void trader in far too long.  But I won't lose my mind over it.  I'll just politely ask DE to give us some love next week in the hopes that they actually read their forums.  Also Primed Streamline....

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Primed Heated Charge

Prisma Gorgon

Baro Ki'Teer Noggle


To the guy who bought my extra Prisma Gorgon this morning... heh... I know I shouldn't, but I do feel a bit bad. I was actually thinking "How funny would be it be if the trader brought the Gorgon back today..."


What can ya do.

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Prisma Cernos. 'Cuz all the Cernos is good for is looking good when not equipped anyway.


Also, I didn't have a chance to snag the gorgon or heated charge last time. So just to add a voice that isn't rife with vitriol... I'm quite happy with the trader's stock right now.

Weeee. :P

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Prisma Cernos. 'Cuz all the Cernos is good for is looking good when not equipped anyway.


Also, I didn't have a chance to snag the gorgon or heated charge last time. So just to add a voice that isn't rife with vitriol... I'm quite happy with the trader's stock right now.

Weeee. :P


I am happy for you :) While I sit in the corner... unhappy.

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So what do you think that he will bring in his next visit?


Focusing on the new things that the trader introduced. I think that they are finally running out of  unique customisation slots so the next NEW thing could be a brand new mod or weapon!!!!

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So what do you think that he will bring in his next visit?


Focusing on the new things that the trader introduced. I think that they are finally running out of  unique customisation slots so the next NEW thing could be a brand new mod or weapon!!!!

another new noggle....

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  • 2 weeks later...

I heard from a very reliable source that he's bringing some of these:



"I started my collection with an Ash frame, and now I have all this."



Personally, I'm hoping for the Prisma Liset skin to come back THIS week. As for something new... I'd imagine Prisma Armor or some less-than-glorious Prime Mod will be the case - and people will complain, as people do.

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