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Who Writes The Red Text?



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I voted for Skree, but it's probably either

A) nobody on the list

B) RedText is not a single person, but whoever feels like doing it at the time.


Also, I personally suspect DE_Glen. Something tells me that it's him. Maybe the writing style (check his Developer Workshops for reference)?

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One of the people who are supposed to be busy fixing bad spawns instead of fooling around with the red text.


But then again - why would they fix it - if it is your favourite Warframe - you have to buy revives to keep on playing it today!


Some Bugs = money in the pouch - so why fix it?

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From the red text I've read in game, i suspect that at least some of the text is from a male....some remarks around the holiday time frame....anyhow that's my 2k creds...


edit: A married male at that, so looking for the wedding ring leaves Draice!

Edited by Bitle
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Well, due to P2P connection, if the Red Text myth would just join my session, I could figure out the (WAN) IP address and people at the DE office could just match them with the router instance. Each PC has its own unique IPv4 address. Let's test it :P

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Magen is too nice.

Draice ant to same to everything " lame " or " i am bored "

DE_Skree is probably jumping from place to place like a rabbit.

and the last person. well he looks like the worker that cleans the glasses of a building.

i think it is sheldon.

Rebecca or " the lotus " is busy making videos for the next update. 

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