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Ask A Cephalon, April 2


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If i may, i have a bunch of questions. And i hope asking several questions isn't against the rules. Of course, if only one of the questions is worth time to answer, you don't have to include any of the other questions.


So Earth has Survival missions... You establish how "Oxygen plentiful" earth is... How exactly is the Earths "plentiful and natural" oxygen suddenly depleted and now us Tenno have to make use of LS to stay alive... and um... what alarm system?


Alad V has been killed so many times for them Nueral Sensors, at what point is there suddenly going to be a new "place" to get Neural Sensors from?


When a Tenno gets disconnected from a mission, not by means of aborting mission. Will there be a fix or craftable item that allows for securing the Rewards earned from whatever mission disconnection was removing the Tenno from? It sucks being at wave 17 of a Tower Four Defense and load in just to get the wave 5 prize at wave 20.


Since Archwings have you in OPEN SPACE with a jetpack... i was wondering.... Why can't we just somehow have the Archwing brought into a Survival mission? LS and breaches to open space don't effect us tenno when our Archwing is on.... Or will there be a new design for establishing need of the archwing for being IN SPACE....? Maybe also a logical explanation to why we can't just bring our archwing to a Survival mission. Not that we can because of... reasons.... But right now we can be IN SPACE without any form of LS.... for reasons....

Edited by MageSkeleton
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I hope at last i might get proper answer to my questions.


1: What is Lotus background and who she is? We only know for now, that she is our survior and guide, but i am the one really. Who wants more about her?


2: it's official? Vay Hek in Law Of Retribution meet his demise? I asking, because Lotus talk in assasination mission on earth mentioned, that he will return. Or Vay Hek is like Palpatine from Star Wars, lots of clones?


3: Any news about Sentients? I still was hyped about thier faction, but i want know more.


4: Mirage Prime pls?


5: Any whereabouts for Twin Queens of Grineer?


6: Sargas Ruk in lore is dead aswell? Or he may back someday? I according this about Tyl Regor rework, and i guess new storyline quests with him. Yes i mean here message from Twin Queens to Vay Hek.


7: Where is Frohd Bek?

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I wonder if there is a way to make a Cephalon happy.


After Ordis chose not to join Simaris at the Sanctuary and instead remained as my ship Cephalon at the end of the New Strange quest, I think Ordis has become a little bit depressed.

It is just my hunch actually. Ordis never told me anything but I feel that he is not as cheerful as before. 

It is obvious that Ordis admires Simaris and has a great deal of respect for the other Cephalon and Ordis was really happy that Simaris was going to allow him access to the Sanctuary and restore his lost memories. But in the end, Ordis chose to stay with me as a loyal companion. However, this means that Ordis gave up almost everything, even the chance to restore memories and work with the Cephalon he so admires! I was deeply moved by this. But Ordis seems to become less happy after this event.


So, as I have asked, is there a way to make Ordis happy and cheerful again? He has saved me countless times during missions and has always prioritized my safety before anything else. I think it is my chance to repay him.


Just an idea. I learnt that Cephalons are extremely complicated, powerful and enormous AIs. I wonder if it is possible for Ordis to create a subroutine to operate the Liset (I mean, for a powerful Cephalon, it would be a waste to just operate a spacecraft and nothing else.) and Ordis himself can have the chance to work with Simaris. I would be proud of him if Ordis could help Simaris with Project Sanctuary. Maybe I could negotiate with Simaris to let him again grant Ordis access to Sanctuary?


I hope to receive an answer soon. Thank you very much.

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Having worked with and endured Ordis' many.. Quirks as we will call them; all minor annoyances aside, what options does a corporal bound entity such as myself for a comparatively incorporeal being to say 'Hey buddy! Doing' a good job! I appreciate you!' without breaking that whole 'code of silence' thing?

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1.  How are the syndicate leaders not aware that they can only give away some items only once?  I'm on my 2nd round of ranking up SM, and I own every reward available at the Defender tier.  When advancing to the next rank, I'm still asked to choose a reward, although I cannot do this.


2.  Have you heard the rumor about an Archwing miniboss?


3.  Why doesn't the solar system show the Sun & Moon.


4.  Are Corpus/Grineer "relations" prohibited, or just frowned upon?


5.  How are Cephalon created/born?  Can Cephalon only "FTP" with other Cephalon?

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If Loki's decoy is a hologram, then why/how would it take damage?  It's only a projection.  I've been using Loki/Loki P since I started playing over a year and a half ago; I still haven't figured this out.  And if it's not "just a projection" then it should do damage.  And if it is "just a projection" then shouldn't it project whatever Loki is using at the time.  Why did Mirage's decoy get it right, but Loki couldn't?  Wouldn't it make more sense for a stationary projection to be proximity based in some way?  Like, if the further you got away from it, the more the projection would fade.  Then you wouldn't have to worry about decoy health; you would just use range mods to increase the distance you could be from the decoy before it starts to dissapear.  Thankyou for any clarification on any of these questions.

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I would assume that to a cephalon like yourself credits would do little to sway your mind, if someone where to want to bribe you, what "currency" would have the greatest effect. And if the answer is "information" please, specifics are greatly appreciated on what kind of information.

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Cordylon, I fear the Cryosleep may have affected me a little too strongly, I cannot seem to keep things clear. This Teshin man, is he one of us? A Tenno?


Followup question on Teshin:


Has he ever had run-ins with The Stalker, they both claim to have been awake all this time, are they aware of one another's existence and have the feuded?

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Considering that the Tenno originated as void spawned monsters that the Orokin learned to harness (as we learned from the codex entries for Rhino, Mag, and Ember), what are we current Tenno? Did we go through the same process of exposure to the void, experimentation and alteration, and mental conditioning and indoctrination that the first Tenno did?

Edited by NobleHawk
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1. When will a new color pack appear?

2. When will the next red text attack?

3. When will the Golem released?

4. When will the Syndicate going to war?

5. When will cephalons make Ordis an unbroken Ordis?

6. When will The Lotus reveal themself?

7. When will the red text winner announced?

8. When will when day appear?

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How can no one see that Cephalon Simaris is EEEEVVIIILLLLL?


He comes lock stock and barrel with a raising army attempt, Big Brother Stare gazing waaaay to close for comfort, and an evil tyrant monologue!


Sol is in danger and Tenno are only worried about merc'ing around doing dirty jobs in exchange for shiny things. 


Tell us about Simaris ulterior motives. 

Edited by -TP-BrazilianJoe
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Considering that the Tenno originated as void spawned monsters that the Orokin learned to harness (as we learned from the codex entries for Rhino, Mag, and Ember), what are we current Tenno? Did we go through the same process of exposure to the void, experimentation and alteration, and mental conditioning and indoctrination that the first Tenno did?

have you played Dark sector its the Warframe prequel the main character (Hayden tenno) gets infested creates the proto glaive and gets the first Excalibur suit and a woman called Nadia is the first  Nyx her suit is made of infested tissues but the void wasn't introduced at that time so the void is irrelevant to the Tennos making but in the time of the Orokin thats how Tenno formed

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have you played Dark sector its the Warframe prequel the main character (Hayden tenno) gets infested creates the proto glaive and gets the first Excalibur suit and a woman called Nadia is the first  Nyx her suit is made of infested tissues but the void wasn't introduced at that time so the void is irrelevant to the Tennos making but in the time of the Orokin thats how Tenno formed (Thats true but the last bit of the orokin time is my mini theory )

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