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Mastery Rank Weapons


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I fell that currently there is no real reason to strive for mastery rank, although i am rank 16. The highest rank that you need to be is 8 i believe to use any weapon.  I think there should be better weapons that require a higher mastery rank to use for a real reason to have a higher mastery rank.What do you guys think?

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I fell that currently there is no real reason to strive for mastery rank, although i am rank 16. The highest rank that you need to be is 8 i believe to use any weapon.  I think there should be better weapons that require a higher mastery rank to use for a real reason to have a higher mastery rank.What do you guys think?


yes, there should be higher lvl MR restricted weapons, because I like to watch the world burn   >:D


although i think this might really prolong the game's life

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Yes, we REALLY need this, they're trying to make the game longer by adding more weapons that require other weapons to make. I would MUCH prefer if they added higher MR weapons that are more powerful. I'm not talking about ultra boltor primes or any crap like that, though, I mean snipers and stuff, things that require actual skill to use, maybe even some difficult new mechanics, like an rocket launcher that allows us to change the direction of the projectile mid air, but have some really annoying method to do it.

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yes, there should be higher lvl MR restricted weapons, because I like to watch the world burn   >:D


although i think this might really prolong the game's life



Yes, we REALLY need this, they're trying to make the game longer by adding more weapons that require other weapons to make. I would MUCH prefer if they added higher MR weapons that are more powerful. I'm not talking about ultra boltor primes or any crap like that, though, I mean snipers and stuff, things that require actual skill to use, maybe even some difficult new mechanics, like an rocket launcher that allows us to change the direction of the projectile mid air, but have some really annoying method to do it.


Yes the needing weapons to make others are fine but it would definitely be better if the added more Mastery Rank weapons that required higher mastery because theres only a handful of top tier weapons

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Hope DE will react about this. Truth is Mastery isn't really usefull (excepted extractors, trades and reput) because a player who is MR 8/9 can get everything one MR 18/19 could have. 

Anyway DE going to care about Mastery if I don't make a mistake.

However I agree. The low level can access to powerfull stuff too early. They needs a progression.

Edited by CGs_Knackie
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Hope DE will react about this. Truth is Mastery isn't really usefull (excepted extractors, trades and reput) because a player who is MR 8/9 can get everything one MR 18/19 could have. 

Anyway DE going to care about Mastery if I don't make a mistake.

However I agree. The low level can access to powerfull stuff too early. They needs a progression.

Being able to obtain everything that really takes away the grind for the highest mastery.

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I stayed mastery rank 9 for a VERY long time, simply because I had nothing I wanted to gain from it, I stayed at around 6 even longer, because I hate throwing away weapons and was poor...er at the time so I couldn't afford to buy more slots. I was an experience player, I simply didn't have cause to rank. This led to some funny/annoying encounters with people assuming I was new. Or on some occasions flatout leaving because my rank was "too low", the rest of us still beat the mission easily, so their loss at the time.


However now that I do have the slots and the cash, I have fallen in love with having more preset loadouts. I mostly do thematic builds for my warframes (not always the most efficient in play) and it saves me time when I have the room to pre-save them.


I'd qualify that as a valid reason to keep ranking. But that's just me.

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While on topic, boltor prime needs a MR 12 restriction, im tired of seeing lil' newbs running with something they dont deserve 


Why don't they deserve it? Because you think they don't isn't a reason. Since there is no mastery rank to actually enter the void your comment just comes across as petty. 


And I disagree the last thing this game needs is more restrictions on what can be used and when.

Edited by f3llyn
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Why don't they deserve it? Because you think they don't isn't a reason.


Had a feeling someone would ask that. 


They dont deserve it for the sake of their own game, they are spoiling them selves with a top class weapon and making all the other weapons dull in comparison and that kills the sense of progression and makes the game boring for them. 


but thats just a personal opinion

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Why don't they deserve it? Because you think they don't isn't a reason. Since there is no mastery rank to actually enter the void your comment just comes across as petty. 


And I disagree the last thing this game needs is more restrictions on what can be used and when.

Its not really a restriction people should have something to work for and not have everything handed to them

Edited by (PS4)Karelxss
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Had a feeling someone would ask that. 


They dont deserve it for the sake of their own game, they are spoiling them selves with a top class weapon and making all the other weapons dull in comparison and that kills the sense of progression and makes the game boring for them. 


but thats just a personal opinion


A silly personal reason. Let people use what they want. Putting a MR requirement of rank 12 on it will cause more problems than it will solve. How many people below MR 12 have it with catalyst and forma and all of a sudden they can't use it? All because you feel like it ruins their sense of progression. Not yours. But theirs. Lets also keep in mind that what other people use has no affect on you directly.


Its not really a restrictions people should have something to work for and not have everything handed to them


Actually what you're describing pretty much exactly fits the definition of a restriction. And you act like people below mastery rank 12 can't enter the void and farm for it themselves. If people below mastery rank 12 can enter the same void every one else can how do they not have the same right to use it as every one else?

Edited by f3llyn
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Need to start making MR 9 to MR 14 weapons, probably clan weapons, so we have something to use for the Tombs of the Sentients update if it has high level content.

I completely agree with you everything is to easy to obtain except for things like the brakk which everyone will soon have with the raids

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Had a feeling someone would ask that. 


They dont deserve it for the sake of their own game, they are spoiling them selves with a top class weapon and making all the other weapons dull in comparison and that kills the sense of progression and makes the game boring for them. 


but thats just a personal opinion


Yes, because that's what kids need these days, a total stranger telling them that what they are doing is "for their own good" and that "they know better", inside a game.


That will work great.

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Just hit MR19 2 days ago, all i got was a slightly different looking mastery sigil that isn't even as cool as rift/stalker sigils that i already wear.


If everyone is free to use whatever they want without requiring high mastery then fine, reward people who actually level mastery.


It's just bad game design to have poorly balanced weapons tied with mastery and having no other reason/goal/incentive to level mastery.


If leveling mastery actually rewarded decent rewards that you cant obtain with plat then it would be sweet. DE would generate more sales for people buying more slots and players would have some goals to achieve which would prolong the game's life.

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Right now , Mastery rank is useless :


- I do not have any weapon that require Mastery 10+ (or atleast did'nt notice) 

- I do not remember last time I was annoyed and feel the need to get highter Mastery rank to own a weapon

- Most of the stronges weapon is MR3

- News released weapon or junk / mastery fodder that require 3/4 days to be build (Thanks for Grindwall)


Now let's see what we have :


- Mastery sigil (I'm MR19 , i got more swag than the 18...) (But this change only every 3 MR so feel old really fast

- Rep is capped a bit highter but way lower than it's used to be 

- Not being annoyed with mastery capped weapon even throught most of them are limited to 3-4 ( How to say this : it's like being on MMO , that a news starter can have all the lastest weapon/item from the most hardes boss withouth any limit... easy Example : let's say you're on WoW (I never played but let go this anyway)  (something like this : 

)  but the news starter have access to everything dropped (including equipping them ofc)

-Well extra loadout...(dunno why this is mastery rank feature...

- some extractor but I farm faster than those extractor...

-that all I think

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Just hit MR19 2 days ago, all i got was a slightly different looking mastery sigil that isn't even as cool as rift/stalker sigils that i already wear.


If everyone is free to use whatever they want without requiring high mastery then fine, reward people who actually level mastery.


It's just bad game design to have poorly balanced weapons tied with mastery and having no other reason/goal/incentive to level mastery.


If leveling mastery actually rewarded decent rewards that you cant obtain with plat then it would be sweet. DE would generate more sales for people buying more slots and players would have some goals to achieve which would prolong the game's life.

Exactly i feel that the people who actually put i the effort to be the highest rank should be rewarded with things that actually mean something i could care less about the loadouts 

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Just hit MR19 2 days ago, all i got was a slightly different looking mastery sigil that isn't even as cool as rift/stalker sigils that i already wear.


If everyone is free to use whatever they want without requiring high mastery then fine, reward people who actually level mastery.


It's just bad game design to have poorly balanced weapons tied with mastery and having no other reason/goal/incentive to level mastery.


If leveling mastery actually rewarded decent rewards that you cant obtain with plat then it would be sweet. DE would generate more sales for people buying more slots and players would have some goals to achieve which would prolong the game's life.

But... but. you can place down far more titan extractors. so you could possibly rake in almost 500 rubedo every 8 hours.

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Im all for higher mastery rank to unlock stuff, however this isnt like any othed game that has a leveling system that unlocks stuff. And thats the main issue here.

Where other games level up is achieved from raw XP, xp in this game is gained from another source of xp through leveling items rather than literally playing

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