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Mesa's Abilities


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// As fine as it is . No change


Replace with a short range blink/slide (like Lucian's Relentless Assault from LoL ) that get rid of aggro and bombard's missiles

cuz shatter shield feels like a rhino's #2 and a gunslinger =/= tank right?

a short range blink/slide needed for a gunslinger for quick relfexes and better positioning

AUGMENT ==> " %X dodge bonus with Y sec or %X damage bonus with Y sec buff after blink " can be awesome

%95 damage reduction is too OP maybe capped at %70 or less


*** Maybe dodge capped at %60 or %70 chance ? also this chance includes dodge AoE and melee damages

Also can be activated while Peacemaker active


// This change needed im using Mesa and shatter shield feels stupidly OP

* SHOOTING GALLERY : // Energy Lasso

Replace it with a new short range blink/slide move that causes " reduce accuracy of enemies' weapons" or " immobilize enemies with energy lasso " or " both " when blinking in and out


*** Rolling (shift) replace with blink (include effects above) while shooting gallery (will stay same as how it is now) active , also shooting gallery will not shift between allies it will be active for whole squad same time

AUGMENT (CHANGE) ==> " %X damage bonus for Y sec " buff after blink

// This is enough for her mobility i think



Change energy consumption to 10 energy for every " SHOT " instead of 15 energy/sec ( affected by efficiency)

Change Peacemaker's priority to where camera lookin at , it will help us to get rid of most dangerous targets or most nearest targets first

with this change ;

-- She will not clear whole room in a sec

-- Energy consumption will be a bit more to prevent her to be stupidly OP in defenses

-- Energy consumption will be more logical , she will not spent too much energy while waitin enemies to enter her range

-- Players need to turn their cameras for taking out dangerous targets and be more active

-- Prevent ppl to use AHK (autohotkey) its not seem legal even Devs let ppl to use it

// Also love Renkai's ideas for #2 and #4 abilities and inspired from them


How inelegant, her only ability that feels very un applicable is her #2. Since it travels to your teammates and u can't favor using ur peace maker to make it worthwhile. What I mean is, once you are in peacemaker mode you cannot recast any OTHER abilities. So I would love for her to have at least one ability she can use(outside of battery). Which should be a short slide/jump/blink that can allow her to stay mobile while taking energy.

Let me make myself clear :
1. Change Mesa's 2 into a a mobile ability that can also be used in peacemaker mode.

2. Change Mesa's Peace maker into only shooting the place your camera is making, I understand is cool and awesome to make the character switch back and forth. But What I aim for here is shooting by prioritizing the player's target. Meaning, if I want to shoot that infested that is next to me instead of the Infested rushing at me across the map.

Hopefully I made my self clear.

pls comment

hope one of DEs shares his/her idea with me ; _ ; Edited by Aeon94
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Mesa is already stupidly OP in defense and such because everyone can just afk 20 waves (the average pub wave amount before they leave) while you kill it all and nothing will even come close to the defense target.


She doesn't really need a buff or anything.



Also " I don't like that this character is this" isn't a good argument

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How inelegant, her only ability that feels very un applicable is her #2. Since it travels to your teammates and u can't favor using ur peace maker to make it worthwhile. What I mean is, once you are in peacemaker mode you cannot recast any OTHER abilities. So I would love for her to have at least one ability she can use(outside of battery). Which should be a short slide/jump/blink that can allow her to stay mobile while taking energy.


Let me make myself clear :
1. Change Mesa's 2 into a a mobile ability that can also be used in peacemaker mode.


2. Change Mesa's Peace maker into only shooting the place your camera is making, I understand is cool and awesome to make the character switch back and forth. But What I aim for here is shooting by prioritizing the player's target. Meaning, if I want to shoot that infested that is next to me instead of the Infested rushing at me across the map. 

Hopefully I made my self clear.

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god i hate threads like these, DE designs frames to have abilities that have synergy with their other abilites, Mesa's shatter shield is the only thing that keeps u alive so u can use peacemaker. Some don't appreciate Shooting Gallery because they havent seen how good it is with a range build, even if a duration build its incredibly helpful, peacemaker gets extra damage with it active. U can vote to ruin mesa, but i will not, i use her primarily so i know how she works, and she works just fine as is. She's stupid hard to get, and if u pump some league of legends inspired garbage into her abilities then most players would drop her, she doesn't need mobility. seeing as she stands still in her ult. Thumbs down on this thread: +1

Edited by Ocaz
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Shatter Shield is not for tanking. It's for preventing Mesa dying from clusterf.ck of bullets and projectiles. A Butcher can just slash you if Peacemaker's autotarget tend to ignore the nearest A****** that will swipe you.


Peacemaker should stay as it is. She was meant to be stationary.





(also Lucian is a trash champion)

Edited by faustias
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god i hate threads like these, DE designs frames to have abilities that have synergy with their other abilites, Mesa's shatter shield is the only thing that keeps u alive so u can use peacemaker. Some don't appreciate Shooting Gallery because they havent seen how good it is with a range build, even if a duration build its incredibly helpful, peacemaker gets extra damage with it active. U can vote to ruin mesa, but i will not, i use her primarily so i know how she works, and she works just fine as is. She's stupid hard to get, and if u pump some league of legends inspired garbage into her abilities then most players would drop her, she doesn't need mobility. seeing as she stands still in her ult. Thumbs down on this thread: +1

I understand this wasn't directed towards me. But, let me get this... This is my build. Sorry that I can't post a photo so here's a link instead.



Let me also say I have steel charge because my melee gives lifesteal, along with Shatter shield. I can't really die. 95% dmg reduc. Which is why I have steel charge. Now I could easily take it off and give it rifle amp, and place in constitution.

Now, I am still experimenting with Mesa. But, this is currently my build for her. I find No issue what so ever in her. However with the recent upates and patches everyone is getting a look over at and I'm only making suggestions. But I definetly disagree with OP. Sorry for wasting your time, wish you the best of luck Tenno.

Edited by Renkai141
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Mesa is indeed, already idiotically OP. It doesn´t make any sense to buff her up. If anything, I honestly see DE's soon to nerfe her down. I use her as well, when I use a forma and need to lvl something, but it does get, and we all can see it, very frustrating.. Spam 4.. and the rest of the squad can go watch videos on youtube.


So yeah, i don´t really see it getting a power buff, or even changing her skills to anything better.

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Sometimes I just freaking hate looking at the forum because bunch of new players just keep whining how they want the warframes they love/hate to be buffed/nerfed, but failing to realize that sometimes it might just be your own problem. If you don't like some skills of a warframe , that's fine, but there are also people who love it. And sincerely your proposal sucks very much to me.

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I don't have a problem with Mesa's effectiveness. I do have this habit of forgetting that Ballistic Battery even exists, though, and Shatter Shield is kind of uninteresting as well. I like her Shooting Gallery and Peacemaker for the most part. I wish Shooting Gallery could affect all allies at once, though. Basically give her the role of an offense-oriented Trinity.

Edited by KirukaChan
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I really like the idea of switching shatter shield to a "bullet dodge" ability which I personally thinks suits her gunslinger motif more.


Visually, it could resemble the twitch movements of her peacemaker ability.


I think that one way of nerfing Shatter Shield would be that "dodging" (that is, taking a hit with her number 3 power active) would interrupt whatever activity she is doing, including using peacemaker itself. That is, keep the basics of shatter shield (70% max chance of avoiding damage), but instead of a drastic damage reduction and reflection, it would be total damage avoidance but, if successful, interrupts attacks, which would de facto nerf peacemaker too.




tl;dr Change "Shatter Shield" to "Bullet Dodge" which serves a similar gameplay role but has cool animations.

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Mesa shouldnt be touched. She is one of the few warframes with a kit where every ability is good (to some degree *coughcough*shooting gallery*coughcough*) and where they all synergize with the others. DE got it right the first time, so they should leave it alone.


Remember what Excalibur has been through? He has been "touched on" so many times its rape.

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shatter shield is not OP at all, she dies in one hit from scorpions/butchers/powerfists/etc, and it's the only thing keeping her alive when using peacemaker. Also bombards/napalm aoe don't give a damn about shatter shield, also procs etc..

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2. Change Mesa's Peace maker into only shooting the place your camera is making, I understand is cool and awesome to make the character switch back and forth. But What I aim for here is shooting by prioritizing the player's target. Meaning, if I want to shoot that infested that is next to me instead of the Infested rushing at me across the map.

I kinda disagree with this one. why not just let it be a 2nd option instead of a total change? right click is still a free slot for channeled ability keybind.

from 50m radius random-target picking to player cam LOS where you can focus shooting targets on that direction.


And dude, I find Ballistic Battery the useless one on Mesa's kit. Shooting Gallery helps all of your squad even if the damage buff is pass to others. You may have only 40% power range because of Narrowminded (if you constantly cast Shooting Gallery and Shatter Shield) but its disarm still helps around.



shatter shield is not OP at all, she dies in one hit from scorpions/butchers/powerfists/etc, and it's the only thing keeping her alive when using peacemaker. Also bombards/napalm aoe don't give a damn about shatter shield, also procs etc..

Shatter Shield can deflect projectiles... although yes, bombards and napalms are still a danger if Mesa's in tight spaces because she's not protected from area-of-effect like explosions and napalm if those things hit a wall/solid object and near her.

Edited by faustias
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Please don't...I have a quick suggestion to fix these problems:


1. play a t4 mission

2. find out that her #3 isn't op at all by still taking heavy damage with it on in a t4 mission

3. peacemaker is as op and WoF. the damage on both falls like a rock when armor comes in. the only difference is that WoF lets you move and has some cc to go with it.

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Please don't...I have a quick suggestion to fix these problems:


1. play a t4 mission

2. find out that her #3 isn't op at all by still taking heavy damage with it on in a t4 mission

3. peacemaker is as op and WoF. the damage on both falls like a rock when armor comes in. the only difference is that WoF lets you move and has some cc to go with it.

Let's not forget that there is no such thing as OP in a PVE game. If someone is more powerful than you, you still benefit because they are on your team. The terms you are looking for are "balanced" and "unbalanced."


Also, armor shouldnt be a problem because of 4xCorrosive Projection.

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I don't have a problem with Mesa's effectiveness. I do have this habit of forgetting that Ballistic Battery even exists, though, and Shatter Shield is kind of uninteresting as well. I like her Shooting Gallery and Peacemaker for the most part. I wish Shooting Gallery could affect all allies at once, though. Basically give her the role of an offense-oriented Trinity.


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