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Never Been So Disappointed By An Update


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Wow.  I just have to say DE....I'm sorry but even with the hype trains in the past, I have really never been so disappointed with an update.  I was just expecting the new Syandana.  I really didn't expect anything else, because it was supposed to be released last week, and it needed some ironing out, I understand.  But really guys?  What happened?  Can we at least get an explanation?


On a seperate note, I was reading through the notes in my launcher while the game was updating, and I saw -OMG A NEW CHROMA HELMET!- (recovers sanity) the uhm, new alternate helmet for Chroma....and upon logging in, I have ot say I was very sorely disappointed.  I love Warframe's art style, being a mediocre artist myself, but I have to say that whoever designed that...needs a good boot in the pants.  I'm sorry Mynky but I think it just looks absolutely terrible.  And if Chroma follows the pattern of other warframes...we won't get a new helmet for him for at least five months.  


So...neat grenade launcher I guess....but honestly this is the biggest let-down for me in a long time.


I say this with love, DE, I'm not just fuming.  You guys could do so much better.

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You're lucky to even get weekly updates or any communication from the devs at all. GIVE DE ALL YOUR MONIES BECAUSE THEY ARE THE BEST!

I'm just saying....their track record for promised things are terrible.  the syandana was nearly ready LAST WEEk, but they needed to iron it out...so after 8 days of extra time....it's still not ready?  They've worked on a "cloth syandana" for the past 8 months.  I've played for two years.  They do this.  All. The. Freaking. Time.  Why can't anything actually ever be on time?

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Even though it is very subjective I love the new Mesa alt helmet without any shadow of doubt, but I will have to agree with you regarding Chromas alt helmet, I like both default and sea horse but goddamn it what have you done with this one?? it's simply horrendous.

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I'm just saying....their track record for promised things are terrible.  the syandana was nearly ready LAST WEEk, but they needed to iron it out...so after 8 days of extra time....it's still not ready?  They've worked on a "cloth syandana" for the past 8 months.  I've played for two years.  They do this.  All. The. Freaking. Time.  Why can't anything actually ever be on time?

The new syandana required a lot of tweaking with the engine, these things...They take time .-.

Edited by EDeN153
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