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the stamina being to low and depleting to quickly when blocking and using melee weapons. i cant use my freaking sword for blocking because the drain is murder.


Just make stamina deplete slower already!

Edited by mr.nuttcase500
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I'm tired of camping, I hope DE nerfs Greedy Pull, Vortex and Peacemaker into the ground so people would learn to appreciate DE's work more. Maybe when people will stop abusing every good ability or mechanic they get maybe then DE will nerf the RNG.

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ive put in 250 hours in Warframe after spending 1000+ in destiny so i'm not seeing anything wrong with this game other than the lack of polish (compared to Destiny). 


RNG is no where near as evil and cruel as Destiny. It's so nice to know where to go to get what you want.


dude knows whats up!

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Typhus thumpers.


Seriously, they always post in every fan-concept about Typhus, when it has nothing to do with it.


"Typhus is better"

"Typhus will happen before this."

"DE Needs to make Typhus happen before anything else"

"When's Typhus going to happen DE?"

"If you think this is good, you should look at Typhus"




BLOODY FREAKING TYPHUS. I'm tired of hearing about the concept. It's not going to happen. Shut up about it.

That gif made my day. For this, I thank you.
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Loki arsewipes that use Swich Teleport on you repeatedly just to annoy you, think that other players are noobs in missions because they keep getting downed by high level enemies while the Loki relies on Invisibility and doesn't help them out and force down your throat the plagiarised sentence that is "Loki Master Race".

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* Going to a mission and feeling useless because my teammates can clear an entire set in 3 seconds flat with their Synoid Gammacores and Boltor Primes... I don't know what DE should do about that, honestly.


* People who vigorously whine about problems with the game without at least having a good reason as to why their complaint is even a problem. I'd like for people to also provide at least one idea for a solution to their problem, but sometimes the solution is beyond their understanding (I really don't mean that in a bad way).


* People complaining about this community. No offense to them, but I don't think they've seen the worse the Interwebz has to offer them. I mean, I've seen much worse from the communities I've seen around. I find the Warframe community to actually have some of the nicest people I've come across in a game community. I guess this is more of a subjective matter though.


* Going to my Liset, knowing that I have so many things I could do, and finding myself fiddling around with my Warframe's colors and mods because I feel like I got nothing else better to do. I feel like I'm in a spot in the game where progressing is too hard to do by myself (because I get crushed by all the enemies) and I really don't want to get a squad because I feel like I won't get a squad at my level to go with me. Either they'll just want to go to the Void, or they'll absolutely crush me with their Prime stuff. I've got to admit that Void missions can actually be pretty fun, and I don't really mind carrying my team too much. But Lotus forbid I get a good squad to do a node that isn't Draco or an assassination. I guess I've gotta try harder to find some like-minded people?

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Two Words: Bullet Sponges

That's four words.


@OP Aholes that extract early when I clearly stated that we were going to a certain time/round/wave.


edit: Also those aholes that get downed a mile away, I barely manage to get to in time to revive. I get downed after reviving them and then they just run off and leave me to die. Always fun.

Edited by Avenwing
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Fearing that enough stupid people repeating the same demands will get their demands implemented, much to the detriment of everyone, merely because DE tries to listen to us, even if what is said is completely counter-productive and empty-headed.


This is a biggie for me at this point

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