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Will Warframe Ever Get Any Good Long-Term Goal Content?


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I've been playing about 4 months now and I have every warframe (bar limbo) and prime versions, have all the weapons I wanted, have everything from void that I want, all the mods I want etc  I'm sure anyone that has been playing this for years is probably in the same position I am.


At this point I'm finding stuff to do that I don't really want to do or building things I don't really need to build just to keep busy in the game.


So here is my question, do you think this game could ever add things like legendary weapons (example below) that take a long time to make and if they did do you think the casual players (no offence intended) would complain and call the game even more grindy for adding content they were never supposed to be aiming at anyway?


Warframe seems to try to stick to the idea that everyone should be able to get everything, no matter how casual their playtime is, do you think that's a good thing or a bad thing in that they lose most of their established/long-term players due to having nothing left to do.


Before someone mentions prime mods, those are kinda ok I guess but they don't really have the pull something tangible like a proper legendary weapon would have. 


Example Sword that could be a legendary weapon.



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I literally just maxed out a Syndicate. After 6 months or whatever. I think there is a goal for long term purposes already. It's just that players find the cheesiest way to grind and devour content so unbelievably fast that we're faced with the issue.

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Syndicates were supposed to be viewed as a long term goal.  Gradually acrue points alongside normal gameplay and eventually level up. Yay! Than eventually buy shiny mods and weapons.  Unfortunately they came in and existing players didn't want to have to wait since they've had months of normal gameplay behind them and need a new thing, so rep farming started.  Weapons that require weapons to build could also be viewed as long term goals to a new player, just not to those of us who made, levelled and sold those ingredient-weapons a long time ago.  When Clan tech was introduced it was something that seemed like it would add long term goals.  Now, with clan tech ingredients as rewards for invasions/infestations and from rare containers and my resource piles getting ever larger...  Clan tech is just a formality and time, not a group effort to unlock something special anymore.


Maybe someday we'll get a lasting system for long term goals but if/when we do, be prepared for the cries across the forum of time-wall/grind-wall and moaning about how we 'have' to farm.  People want long term goals but when they get them they try to find the quickest route to them.

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I think DE should implement a tier system or Mastery Rank Requirement to gears.  Hope they try to add it with the upcoming revamp of the Solar System/Quest System.


Rank 5 - Prime Weapons

Rank 10 - Prime Gears/Weapons w/ Passive

Rank 15 - Legendary Prime Gears/Weapons

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Well they're try'ng to do but not yet got something that keep player to stay ingames


Syndicate , and raid was suppose to keep us to this , but reputation farming was boring , and Raid reward quite bad (even if i got nice amount of plats)


Then they did archwing , ok why not but feel like waste of time and try'ng to force us playing that game mode was not good idea (If player's don't like forcing it will not made they dislike it but Hate and rage about it instead)


I hope one day that DE will make something epic that will keep alot of players playing and have again some fun to do it

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The way i see, something is grindy when u need to do the same or similiar thing over and over again to be able to reach your goal, therefore, if what you are doing keeps changing it wouldn't seem as grindy. Something like Vor's Prize quest, which has an introduction to many of the game modes of warframe, while not as unique to experienced players, it is a good introduction to the game and i have to say it feels very dynamic. That, by the way, could be a way to make things less grindy, have dynamic missions, some with multiple objectives or multiple options, multiple ways to be completed, some that would only happen if A, B or C was choosen, or completely random, or even all avaible to the player, that would make a much more unique, and potentially more replayable experience, and as a result less grindy. Character involvment, like darvo's, maroo, or even new ones or old could add to the mixture.


Another thing that needs to be considered is the rewards, you talked about that (awesome) legendary weapon, while i think it is a great idea i must add that a legendary weapon might seem like a necessity to many, as it could become the best weapon of it's class, and as a result those that fail to fulfill this "obligation" (acquiring said weapon) may feel robbed, or upset. To counter this i think the weapon could be exotic rather than legendary, the difference being that as an exotic it would be special, not necessarily the best. Still it has to feel rewarding and unique, but how can this be possible? 


The way i see it, by being something you created. And the systems is already there in some way! You see, there are weapons that require parts to be made, like prime weapons, and there are even weapons that require OTHER weapons. What if depending on the parts/weapons used the final product had a different effect? Like shoting projectiles, being a laser, a shotgun, being able to charge your shoots, having a garanteed/high proc chance, or many things we haven't seen yet, like reppeling your enemies. Another way it could be done is by using the arcane thing you have in the raid(i can't really comment on this as i play on PS4). 

Really, just imagine going into a mission with your friends and having them ask you what the F*** is that kickass thing you just used to wreck thst pesky bombard from across the room, and have you say it was something YOU made, not a regular weapon anyone can get from the market, it was YOUR thing. People could even trade blueprints like they trade kubrow imprints! 

Still, this would need a lot of work, not only to balance and create all the stuff needed to make a weapon and have a quest(or whatever they call it) to get it, but to make it have personality (imagine a weapon frame where you add parts like armor on warframes).


Sorry for the long text and any grammar vocabulary mistakes and thanks for reading! XD

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Well first we had baro and we all know how he turned out. Then we had raid and its rewards are medicore so.....

dude, wtf, how can you really say it's mediocre if you haven't even experienced it? Don't even start talking about how you have seen reviews or gameplay, you can only know how something that involves a mechanic feels when you experience it.

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Well, there's Primed Mods and nerfed R5 core farms, but then people had to go off and complain that they took too long to max. Now we hardly get any, and people get more than enough time to max the currently available ones before the next batch comes.

That completionist whiplash of "this shouldn't take so damn long to complete! it should be a week tops!" is killing any chance for DE to implement truly long-term goals. And I don't know about anyone else, but Warframe is probably the least grindy game out there from an MMO perspective. While it only takes months to reach a sort of "power cap" in this game, it takes many years in other MMOs.

Basically, what ChameleonDude said.

Edited by Sonitorum
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I really don't think the game was designed around that idea. One could establish having all mods at max rank as a personal long term goal (exclusive/no longer obtainable mods kinda makes that impossible for new players but something like current mods could work). 


I don't know how warframe playerbase would react to the introduction of legendary items a la MMORPG style that require the coordinated effort of 25 players during four hours, with a weekly 0.1% chance of dropping one of 3 parts whose winner is chosen by the group leader. 

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Well, we NEARLY had long term goal content with the Syndicates, but then people complained that it took too long so DE made it easier to get syndi rep. While actual long-term content would be nice, previous experience with the subject has shown that the community doesn't really want it and would rather have more short-term content.

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dude, wtf, how can you really say it's mediocre if you haven't even experienced it? Don't even start talking about how you have seen reviews or gameplay, you can only know how something that involves a mechanic feels when you experience it.


The raid rewards really are mediocre, especially compared to the difficulty inherent in herding a team of 7 other Tenno.


The only good reward is the emblem, which to be fair does look pretty cool.




Well, we NEARLY had long term goal content with the Syndicates, but then people complained that it took too long so DE made it easier to get syndi rep.


Syndicate content is neat stuff but it's not stuff that belongs behind a year+ grindwall. If you're going to make me grind for a year just to acquire something, that something had better be utterly amazing. Not a collection of augment mods that should be automatically integrated into the power anyway, not a handful of good augments that I have to work to slot into my build because there's no augment slot, not a collection of guns that are cool but are relatively minor upgrades over guns I already have, and not some cool looking cosmetics.


Problem is, pre-buff syndicates took nearly a year of grinding to max at the rate we were going. The rewards for that level of grind were nowhere near good enough.


Like, maybe an unlimited reusable voidkey would be worth the pain of prebuff syndicate grinding. Maybe.

Edited by Cpl_Facehugger
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The way I see it is that the game plays is as a fast paced third person shooter, that is what many people come here for, and that is what a large portion of the player base is used to experiencing.


Long term goals are nice and all but they clash with this fast paced shooter thing, hence the problem.

De are trying to make warframe a full on mmorpg, and it seems to have been their goal from its conception, but its just not what warframe currently functions as, not what a huge portion of the player base (even if they say they want it) play the game as.





Edited by faiyde
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Syndicates were supposed to be viewed as a long term goal.  Gradually acrue points alongside normal gameplay and eventually level up. Yay! Than eventually buy shiny mods and weapons.  Unfortunately they came in and existing players didn't want to have to wait since they've had months of normal gameplay behind them and need a new thing, so rep farming started.  Weapons that require weapons to build could also be viewed as long term goals to a new player, just not to those of us who made, levelled and sold those ingredient-weapons a long time ago.  When Clan tech was introduced it was something that seemed like it would add long term goals.  Now, with clan tech ingredients as rewards for invasions/infestations and from rare containers and my resource piles getting ever larger...  Clan tech is just a formality and time, not a group effort to unlock something special anymore.


Maybe someday we'll get a lasting system for long term goals but if/when we do, be prepared for the cries across the forum of time-wall/grind-wall and moaning about how we 'have' to farm.  People want long term goals but when they get them they try to find the quickest route to them.

No further comment necessary. DE will never be able to please its player base at the end of the day.

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Hard Challenges


- Try getting your codex to 100% completion.

- Try to achieve every in-game achievement there is. (Except the Mastery one's)

- Make it to Round 4 on a T4 Defense. Solo.

- Get every Syndicate Syandana (this will take you a while)

- Get every Boss Sigil

- Get every Mod

- Max out every Mod (I guess that is impossible)


Fun Challenges


- Put a lot of Forma in your favorite weapon and see it become stronger and stronger.

- Potato and forma "S#&$ty" weapons to see it become pretty decent or maybe even good

- Do a Boss-Marathon (killing every Boss there is)

- Solo hard Spy Missions and try not to get caught

- Kill Vor with just flying kicks to his head

- Speed run a mission or try to complete it as fast as you can (you'll learn new things about flinging and speed)

- Explore the different tile-sets (did you know you can climb the big tower on Draco without nova?)

- Play a frame you haven't in ages

- Choose random weapons

- Try different weapon mod load outs 


Social Challenges


- Join a "noob" clan and help new players

- Look into Recruiting and help people

- Chat with people in Region.. (or at least have a look)

- Try to give people the best idea of how much Platin is worth in Recruiting (Price Checks)


And here's the biggest goal: Have some casual fun and play other games too.


Come back if there's more new stuff.



This game is what you make it to be. It already has a long term goal, you just need to find your own.

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dude, wtf, how can you really say it's mediocre if you haven't even experienced it? Don't even start talking about how you have seen reviews or gameplay, you can only know how something that involves a mechanic feels when you experience it.

Dude, i have been playing this game over 1year and over 700 hours. I know majority of those REWARDS(never said raid is medicore, i said its rewards are) are  medicore, some are not even worth of time. Also yes, it is possible see from reviews and gameplay if something is bad. We couldnt even get raid, and may never get it even.

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