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Ask A Cephalon, May 1


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question for the cephalon: why is it that upon completing a blue print it is "consumed". blue prints are laid out plans/instructions, so why cant ordis copy them down for safe keeping? i can understand why market place ones might do this (to preserve darvos profits), but void ones i cant understand, what is to keep us from simply catalogging any prime blueprints we find?

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In our quest for treasures from the void, my squad mates and I have done many tower capture missions for the Lotus. After capturing so many targets, I began to wonder how the Lotus dealt with such vast quantities of prisoners. Does she interrogate all of them personally one by one? Is there some kind of torture chamber run by Tenno operatives? Or does the Lotus just need guests for her tea parties?

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i want my Sahasa digging the entire place and avoiding direct combat or my Sunika grab one specific target and hide later, but they keep slashing everything that moves... sometimes I do not want to leave my kubrow dirty with blood before returning to Liset... there's something i can do to my kubrow to give specific order? a hub of kubrow training or try to instigate it with food?


(anyway, you've decided that we need to talk about a specific subject, why you are curious about what we think about our kubrows, cephalon Cordylon? Are you wanting for yourself or have anything to do with us dispatching several kubrows to Lotus?)


comic example:


by Yuikami

Edited by Zeyez
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Despite having repelled multiple Infestation pandemics on the planet Earth, we Tenno have yet to encounter any variety of Kubrow afflicted with the plague. Is this the result of an immunity genetically engineered long ago by the Orokin, the Kubrow packs themselves disposing of infected members before they can mutate into a threat, or purely coincidental?

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Cordy, I love all of my kubrows and I want to get them something nice when I get back from trips all over the system, what should I get them? Also, do you think you could ask Ordis to open up the orbiter so they can stretch their legs instead of being cooped up in stasis all day? I would but Ordis is such a square!

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On the topic of Syndicates: where to the Arbiters of Hexis come from? How could a group that denies the Tenno as being warriors come about when killing is all the Tenno ultimately do?

Let's broaden this.  What are the origins of the known syndicates?  Where do they come from and draw their new recruits?  Can we help undermine the authority of the Grineer and market superiority of the Corpus?  What are the odds a secondary Infested hive grows and breaks off from the main one and makes a syndicate out of that?  How would New Loka feel?

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Greetings, Cephalon.

Whenever I copter, my Kubrow gets left behind. Whenever I parkour up to higher places, my kubrow can't follow.

Cephalon, is it possible to teach my kubrow how to hold a ceramic dagger with his mouth and teach him how to copter? A spinning kubrow would kill me.

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so it's kubrow week,


Which came first, the kubrow or the egg?

Did kubrows evolve from dogs or chickens? What is the origin of kubrow?

Why did the kubrow cross the road?


serious questions really, i'm curious

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Who cleans the crappings of the Kubrow?


Why is the Kubrow doomed to die within a couple of days when the Tenno hatch one?


I think I got an answer for the fee when giving it to the Lotus:


The Lotus is all cats, so you have to pay for her to even look at the wretched little doggie.

Do you have any idea of what is the Lotus doing with our cosigned Kubrows?

I think I don't want to know.

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Dr. Tengus under Concilor Vay Hek has brought too many Tenno to their demise and he is very much a threat as Alad V; however he is way more careful and cunning.


~His current location and location of any of his Labs?

~Will he improve/upgrade the current Grustrag three [G3]?

~Has Dr. Tengus had any contact with Tyl Regor?

~What threat level would the Lotus dim him for termination?


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As I'm sure you are aware, with the current state of the orbiter us Tenno have been currently sealed off from all but the liset compartment when idling through space. This is a rather tight space for any lifeform to be crammed into, no less with a second party in attendance. So when I or my kurbrow feel the need to stretch or do some regular exercise we are almost certainly forced to leave the ship, usually this ends with us in the midst of a combat situation. Now I don't mind the combat myself, but sometimes I feel it'd be more appropriate just to allow my kurbrow to stretch his limbs and run about freely without the looming threat of gunfire overhead, do you know of any nearby planets/nodes that would be apt for such a venture? 


And as a secondary question, with all the years that have gone by since the orbiter was last accessible I can't remember, is there a room somewhere in the orbiter that would be fit for training my kurbrow in?

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I remember the history of Hayden Tenno, how he got the infection that gave him his power and how he got his frame. But it was somewhere around the Earth's Cold War, somewhere in the end of the 20th century, if my memory is good. So it seems inconceivable that Hayden Tenno was the first Excalibur.


And what are we, Tenno? Some say we are energy, other not. We can change into any Warframe, regardless of the shape and seize, so we would be energy. But our Kubrow can smell our body odour, regardless of the Warframe... so we are not energy... Any knowledge you could share with us, please?


Are Kubrow are an evolved spiecies of canine or the are something else?

Edited by LightAlphaRat
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Why does the Perrin Sequence who are Corpus that broke off from the main faction over not agreeing with the Corpus Ideology and want to have trade without violence hate the Steel Meridian? Steel Meridan broke away from the main Grineer faction and fights against the Grineer in the defense of the outer colonies, one would think they would be allies against their common foe.

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