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Proposed Starchart Changes [Megathread]


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Anyone played Skyforge?  I signed up for the beta so have yet to play it but from what I gather it's a hub based game the same as Warframe but they have the system it seems warframe wants to add.  The temporary, changing node system.

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you are assuming a lot of things to be put in there, and assuming a lot of things to not be put in there, i see the manifesto, and i see its well focused on what its


they are talking about taking you out of draco, and show you different options to be efficient instead of doing always the same thing, they were talking about allowing you to stop doing a thing that you dislike, which is playing the same node over and over again, that is what they are aiming to, and by popping up a new mission each day for such regard sounds like a solution towards that problem


its a different thing to assume that when you want to get, by example, Loki P´s systems, you have to wait a month to see a random spawn for that, im pretty sure that the void keys will stay in your hand in order to give you that chance whenever you want to take it, but not always in the same node


If they are not planning to give us that kind of control about rewards, i dont know why they even talked about void chests some weeks ago, and if its at the end a new Pay Day 2 map, im sure that DE will have enough feedback here to discard that bad idea hehe

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this company cracks me up at times.


"we are removing the players ability to choose the game modes they enjoy, hopefully this will be better for the game"



just really, how does that make sense to someone.  this person needs to seek counseling immediately. 

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On a side note to these horrible sounding ideas, did anybody else kinda get annoyed that in the last dev stream some of them seemed more focused on being silly than telling us about some major changes and additions coming to the game?



Just Sheldon being Sheldon but yeah seemed to trying to deflect from Rebecca's concerns. For anyone who hasn't seen the stream they refers to a meeting where Rebecca actually got angry at these proposed changes. That sounds rather ominous to me unfortunately.



Welcome to DE, where being silly is put before giving the playerbase info, or time of the day, or gameplay a damn, and RNG is the only way "forward".



Honestly, the way Steve was acting was ridiculously childish and deplorable to me. 



It was. Normally I'd try and have some respect in my posts, I really would. But after this BLATANT disrespect for the playerbase in the last devstream, they honestly don't deserve it. DEReb is excluded, she seemed to be trying to rein them in, but honestly, one person cannot do it with that group. That group either needs to have everything but water removed, or someone even higher up sitting down there with them watching them, in order to keep them on track and topic.


I'm all for the occasional tangent, and joke, but ACTUAL communication has to come first. They shouldn't need Reb to be trying to keep themselves on track, they should all be trying to stay on topic when someone else starts deflecting or avoiding the question with jokes and what not. I'd much rather hear "We really can't answer that" than see Steve making a pretend beer hat. At least when they say "Can't answer that", they're being honest with us.


Now, by "that group" I mean the group of regulars on the stream, and not EVERYONE on the stream is constantly derailing it, all the time.



Every player complains; but this isn't a case of players just complaining for the sake of complaining. This is going to do more harm than good.

Rebecca knows because she plays the game which is EXACTLY why they need to pay attention.


Reduce duplicate missions. I'd like that; but removing really crucial missions is wrong.



I think the manifesto for the new star chart is focusing well on the things its aiming, and as it was mentioned in the stream, the crafted missions will give the chance to play whatever people prefers


But, If we are still in time, i would ask DE to add to their manifesto:


- when i see the starchart, i understand that there are new places to discover 

- when i see the starchart i dont feel like its just a hud for mission pickers, but a representation of my location in the galaxy and also my tool to traverse it

Thread so far. DE I hope you read this.

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This idea is absolutely disgusting to me.  This game already has way too much RNG in it now.  So now we are going to have mission types on an RNG system and possibly even the resource types dropped in a mission based on RNG?  RNG on RNG with an extra dash of more RNG?  How can anyone think this is a good idea?  This is DE's idea of reducing grind?  By forcing us to play certain mission types only at certain times?  Yes the star chart is largely empty but taking away player choice, especially on something as simple as selecting your mission type, is never ever a good idea.  Remove duplicate missions sure (we don't need 3 exterminates on 1 planet) but there is no reason to remove mission type choice altogether.


Worst thing is I can already see DE creating a special key or item of some kind requiring plat to oh so graciously allow us the option to play the mission type we want. You know, the way we already can on the current system.

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Eh? I'm a vet and I haven't seen one damn reason for me to leave yet, so keep walking pal. Honestly, the amount of Star Chart nodes we have now is ridiculous, and no players are able to find lobbies on normal missions for just such reasons. Newbies will leave now regardless because they'll think nobody is playing.

Look from different viewpoints too, buddy.

I'm rank freaking 16, and I STILL haven't cleared the chart just because I've seen no reason to. Good riddance, I say. People just jump to conclusions and judge things that they don't know a thing about. Want my advice? Wait to see what the change is, THEN you can post this thread.

Otherwise, there's no sense in just jumping ship and judging things that don't exist yet.

I'm prob 70% done the star chart. I other than the small mastery it gives you, I find there to be no point to do the star chart.

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i just really dont think they have any foresight whatsoever.


lets take an imaginary night i get home from work and have maybe 2 hours to play before i go to bed, so i can get up and do it again the next day.


in the current system i like survival the best, so i can come home and play a few survivals and have some fun. 


in the new system i will come home and hit the star chart...  oh it wants me to play spy, so lame.  now it wants me to play defense, ughhh.  now it wants me to do excavation /facepalm....   log off frustrated and saying "gee thanks for making my night so much better de!"


how many nights you think that will last before i just say whatever, this game sucks? 

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DE made Draco the best rep spot.  DE made X the best Y spot.  DE created this problem.


DE could solve this problem, "show you different options to be efficient", right now by making all the nodes on the Star Chart as rewarding as Draco for Rep, as rewarding as X for Y.


Randomizing the missons or foundry walling them doesn't do anything to "show you different options to be efficient".


Random Grind is still Grind.

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It was. Normally I'd try and have some respect in my posts, I really would. But after this BLATANT disrespect for the playerbase in the last devstream, they honestly don't deserve it. DEReb is excluded, she seemed to be trying to rein them in, but honestly, one person cannot do it with that group. That group either needs to have everything but water removed, or someone even higher up sitting down there with them watching them, in order to keep them on track and topic.


I'm all for the occasional tangent, and joke, but ACTUAL communication has to come first. They shouldn't need Reb to be trying to keep themselves on track, they should all be trying to stay on topic when someone else starts deflecting or avoiding the question with jokes and what not. I'd much rather hear "We really can't answer that" than see Steve making a pretend beer hat. At least when they say "Can't answer that", they're being honest with us.


Now, by "that group" I mean the group of regulars on the stream, and not EVERYONE on the stream is constantly derailing it, all the time.

Blatant disrespect.....





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Blatant disrespect.....





What else do you call their evasiveness/deflection/ignoring of issues and topics over and over? Good dev'ing? Proper communication?


F*** no. Players came to see some Q&A, and it wasn't there. There was a lot of the devs screwing around, being silly, and ignoring the questions.

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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Blatant disrespect.....






This was a serious issue, one that many people tuned in to get some answers about.


She was asking and trying to get our concerns answered and they are laughing and acting like 5 year olds.  Nobody minds messing around but when it's time to talk business, do it and don't act silly to deflect attention away.  This is used a lot on these streams and it's annoying when you see it.


It was not only disrespectful to players but you could see Rebecca wasn't taking it too well either.

Edited by Spindle99
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Blatant disrespect.....






Look at it this way... We, the consumers, are DE's investors. Their customers. We put the money in the slot and time on the clock. These devstreams, therefore, are our board-meetings. These devstreams are what DE should rely on, to present their work, and their future direction, to their paying customers. I'm all for a relaxed attitude and a chill vibe, but if you don't answer the darn questions, diversifying my investments starts to look hella attractive.

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I also think they should clean up the dev stream some as well,reb tried but the others was just acting like goofs everytime she tried getting more/clearer info. This is going to have serious effect on the game and they deflect acting like kids. I enjoy playing WF but if this is implemented as it appears to be i will definitely be moving on.

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More change for changes sake.


The idea of bosses rotating at random with random drops is a good idea, so why not keep the system as it is and add the new boss rotation slots on each planet. 


300 nodes to 20 is as much a step too far as the synoid grammacor nerf. Its as if they want to actually alienate the playerbase. 


And let us not consider the Noob Rage that will occur when every alert mission will be filled with noobs doing their first system node visits and dying time after time and relying on the higher ranked players to revive them constantly.

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honestly, id rather have them changing handspring to a innate move dependant on user input, but this is the topic we have now, i hope that those crafted missions are accessible, and a priority in the plan, not just a "perhaps" things

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I also think they should clean up the dev stream some as well,reb tried but the others was just acting like goofs everytime she tried getting more/clearer info. This is going to have serious effect on the game and they deflect acting like kids. I enjoy playing WF but if this is implemented as it appears to be i will definitely be moving on.


It's annoying that warframe is "an adult game" and they only really interact with the kids on twitch.  It's impossible to even ask a proper question cause it's just spam of rubbish.


Imo they should have one twitch stream a month, the other fortnightly dev answers spot should either be answers on the forum or redit or something else where we can get proper answers.  That would be better for us and better for the devs too.

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I support the new start chart with somehow randomized timed missions with random rewards similar to void drop tables.


 - Promotes a more diversified type of gameplay, resulting in less boredom

 - gives a reason to return to the game as the rotarting rewards will eventually please you

 - makes all game types and all tilesets playable, that results in less draco farming as the tileset, the enemy type and the enemy lvl will only appear randomly at times and if it does it will possibly give a reward aswell.

 - promotes trading


Steve, scott, i support the change and i will enjoy warframe more than before, keep up the good work.

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Exactly. It seems like DE is trying to go with the quickest solution instead of the healthiest, something they've done again and again. Here, instead of talking about how to cut out the repeating nodes, add more purpose to the ones left, and then differentiate their missions enough to keep them fresh, they simply swung an axe at the system and cut away everything.

I suppose what they're doing now will get them to their goal much more quickly than thinking through these things, but speed and quality aren't even close to being the same thing.


Indeed. This is why the group of people I play with, myself included, have really only been playing for events and other exclusives. We've been waiting for two years to see the game grow a bit of substance, and we've seen far too many solid community ideas get completely ignored, far too many important issues go unmentioned in favor of stirring up community hype, and far too many interesting ideas turn into hollow shells when they proved to be a bit of work to flesh out. 


It's disheartening.

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I support the new start chart with somehow randomized timed missions with random rewards similar to void drop tables.


 - Promotes a more diversified type of gameplay, resulting in less boredom

 - gives a reason to return to the game as the rotarting rewards will eventually please you

 - makes all game types and all tilesets playable, that results in less draco farming as the tileset, the enemy type and the enemy lvl will only appear randomly at times and if it does it will possibly give a reward aswell.

 - promotes trading


Steve, scott, i support the change and i will enjoy warframe more than before, keep up the good work.

This is the most ridiculous thing I saw today.


Boredom will happen no matter what and limiting what we can do is just plain stupid. Give people a reason to come back? Are you even remotely serious? How the heck a system like this supposed to attract players or even keep them? Draco is farmed like that because the time/reward ratio is good. How the freaking hell does that promote trading in any way?


Seriously i'm tired of people who accept any crap that is given to them. I can't believe that some people enjoy another layer of RNG, it's really sickening. At this point I feel like some players would still enjoy the game if the frames they could use was decided by RNG too.

Edited by Alphafox
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