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Proposed Starchart Changes [Megathread]


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i created in the times of the former/old starchart my platinum-account and i was glad that was nearly through all planets as the change to this one now was coming


i loved to be invited to whatever planet and after playing it once it was simply open, right now i played the event by invitation with my f2p-player.account and im curious that uranus is not open for me even that i played it


before a few days i created this f2p-player account for understanding warframe in general better and how it feels to be a f2p-player


now i opened 5 planets and if i think about a change again i simply have to share to all players and DE that:



thats all what i have to say for now, i dont wanna share negative feelings about that i wasted my time and money and such things, i wanna keep my mouth shut but not after mentioning once again:

I DONT WANNA HAVE CHANGES IN THE STARCHART ! and if, i wanna see the whole community and DE discussing a star-chart-change which we all agree about ... thx for understanding, DE ! please listen to the wishes of your players ...

Edited by varais
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This sounds like a really bad idea Having RNG just to get the mission types we want or need. It's just crazy to me.I think there's a better/simpler way to handle ghost town nodes without taking away player choice.Just take out node missions that repeat on a planet.  EX. Mercury has 4 exterminate mission nodes.  So instead of mercury have 4 exterminate mission it can have only one. Its literary a win/win scenario. There'll be less ghost towns but there will still be the choice for the player to choose the mission they want. This new star chart system just seems like DE is punishing players.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

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Nope, I'd rather call him insightful

Really? Because it seems to me that if they were really after money, they'd charge a heck of a lot more for those rare component blueprints. The blueprints pay for themselves after just ten uses. So DE's attempt to "monetize" the game actually costs them money, especially if they decide to tank the drop rate.


Anytime DE makes a change, some Chicken Little type starts yelling about how the game is going pay-to-win. And it keeps not happening. So I doubt it's going to happen this time either.

Edited by motorfirebox
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Really? Because it seems to me that if they were really after money, they'd charge a heck of a lot more for those rare component blueprints. The blueprints pay for themselves after just ten uses. So DE's attempt to "monetize" the game actually costs them money, especially if they decide to tank the drop rate.

Anytime DE makes a change, some Chicken Little type starts yelling about how the game is going pay-to-win. And it keeps not happening. So I doubt it's going to happen this time either.

Pay to win is when you buy something that gives you an advantage over non paying players such as an upgraded gun.

Grind walls are put in place to make playing without paying very difficult. Anytime RNG takes the place of player choice it's bad, no real exceptions here.

My theory was based off of what just happened with farming parts, and logical paths to take after introducing those blueprint. If they didn't make the resources harder to get, the blueprints at 100p would be a joke.

I'm as much a DE and Frame fan as anyone else here, which is why I'm gonna call stuff out in hopes of swaying the devs to make the right call on design choices. Critics help you improve, patting someone on the head and giving blind loyalty gets you burned.

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Well, yes. In your scenario, where rare resource drop rates are reduced, someone who plunked down 100P for a blueprint would have an advantage over someone who didn't.


And again, 100P is a joke if their goal is to squeeze money out of players, given that a single rare resource costs 10P. If DE wanted to squeeze players, they'd reduce the resource drop rate without providing an alternative that pays for itself after ten uses.

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Well if 100p is a joke, what can be said about 20p?  Warframe made millions off 20p transactions, such as slots which are not free, and potatoes which were extremely rare until this year. 


If something is available for free, people will not buy it unless there is a wait wall that exceeds their patience.  That is the fear with rare resource BPs.  Will the rare resources become even rarer now that BPs are avaiable? 


When DE created transmutation, a lot of common and uncommon mods became rare, or worse.  Has anyone seen a shotgun spazz mod drop since transmutation came into existence?


Keep in mind that resources are one of the main produces of the Star Chart.  In fact when DE wiped the Infested off the Star Chart, they made neurodes extremely rare at the same time.

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Really? Because it seems to me that if they were really after money, they'd charge a heck of a lot more for those rare component blueprints. The blueprints pay for themselves after just ten uses. So DE's attempt to "monetize" the game actually costs them money, especially if they decide to tank the drop rate.


Anytime DE makes a change, some Chicken Little type starts yelling about how the game is going pay-to-win. And it keeps not happening. So I doubt it's going to happen this time either.

Actually its more profitable set "reasonable" prices than over priced things, especially when its F2P game. People think: "oh it only costs that much? well i dont see problem to pay that" and when you have thousands up to hundreds of thousands to think like that, its big money for something what they did in probably 10minutes. Also lets look about these blueprints... 50k alloy plate is nothing, neither is 50k ferratite but 50k nano spores is quite much, considering team X restores costs thousands of nano spores, so does whole lot of other things and with costs like that.


Even with quite big drops of nano spores it will dry those out really fast. Then you have option buy it from market for plat. With upcoming changes we might have chance that for WEEKS there might not be single mission where you can get neural sensors/orokin cells/neurodes but dont you worry, only for 100p you can get blueprint for those. But wait, there isnt  rotation for nano spores or ferratite. Dont you worry, for 30p you can get those from market. Oh and also, this new shiny frame and weapon costs those too. Drop some more plat. Speaking of shiny frame, rotating bosses.... you want valkyr? sorry salad V isnt coming for longtime, maybe you should just buy it.

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The selling point of this new star chart was "too much choice is no choice at all", if they truely do believe that will they soon remove 90% of weapons from this game too?

If not why is removal of choice ok in one way but not another?

As an aside one decrease of choice has the potential to increase profits the other would not.

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Actually its more profitable set "reasonable" prices than over priced things, especially when its F2P game. People think: "oh it only costs that much? well i dont see problem to pay that" and when you have thousands up to hundreds of thousands to think like that, its big money for something what they did in probably 10minutes. Also lets look about these blueprints... 50k alloy plate is nothing, neither is 50k ferratite but 50k nano spores is quite much, considering team X restores costs thousands of nano spores, so does whole lot of other things and with costs like that.


Even with quite big drops of nano spores it will dry those out really fast. Then you have option buy it from market for plat. With upcoming changes we might have chance that for WEEKS there might not be single mission where you can get neural sensors/orokin cells/neurodes but dont you worry, only for 100p you can get blueprint for those. But wait, there isnt  rotation for nano spores or ferratite. Dont you worry, for 30p you can get those from market. Oh and also, this new shiny frame and weapon costs those too. Drop some more plat. Speaking of shiny frame, rotating bosses.... you want valkyr? sorry salad V isnt coming for longtime, maybe you should just buy it.

Well, yes, you've just accurately described the free-to-play business model. What I don't see is that it's somehow getting worse, or that all this is building up to some big new grab by DE.


And as for rotating bosses, again—they haven't discussed how the reward structure is going to work in the new startchart. So all of this is just conjecture.

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It's a bias born of experience, which is the point. It's more likely that the chances of this being stupidly awful are higher than you want them to be.


I'm not making fun of your mission idea. I'm saying it sounds horrible, which it does. The reward isn't the problem; it's the resultant gameplay. Against nothing but level 60 bombards the only thing to do is ability-spam with meta builds, which is the closest you can get to a fine mix of mind-numbingly boring and infuriatingly frustrating.


Edit: To be a bit more clear, it'd be just as bad if someone were to do an exterminate mission consisting entirely of shield ospreys for a reward. Whether the community puts together ridiculous challenges or easy-mode cash-ins, the lack of engagement and sustainable entertainment is the problem. I'm sick of disposable, low-quality content. 


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Indeed. This is why the group of people I play with, myself included, have really only been playing for events and other exclusives. We've been waiting for two years to see the game grow a bit of substance, and we've seen far too many solid community ideas get completely ignored, far too many important issues go unmentioned in favor of stirring up community hype, and far too many interesting ideas turn into hollow shells when they proved to be a bit of work to flesh out. 


It's disheartening.

Yeah, man, this is another reason I've essentially left warframe except for the events

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Well, yes, you've just accurately described the free-to-play business model. What I don't see is that it's somehow getting worse, or that all this is building up to some big new grab by DE.


And as for rotating bosses, again—they haven't discussed how the reward structure is going to work in the new startchart. So all of this is just conjecture.

Keep on dreaming. But this is heading to downhill quite fast. All these increased walls, lets not even talk how well rewarded you are if you support salad on current event, randomized missions coming soon to add yet again more walls to climb.

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Warframe Star Chart Revamp Proposal

By Aexrael



Planets are divided into 3 Tiers

Tier 1 LvL 1-10

Tier 2 LvL 11-20

Tier 3 LvL 21-30

Resource Distribution

Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3

Mission Selector



Notes to Star Chart

Red Alerts


Planets are divided into 3 Tiers


Tier 1 LvL 1-10



Faction: Corpus

Tileset: Military Installations

Boss: Sgt. Nef Anyo (Trinity)



Faction: Grineer

Tileset: Military Installations

Boss: Captain Vor (Excalibur)


Tier 2 LvL 11-20



Faction: Grineer

Tileset: Moon, Military Installations and Underwater

Boss: Councilor Vay Hek (Oberon)



Faction: Corpus

Tileset: Moon, Military Installations

Boss: Jackal (Frost)



Faction: Grineer

Tileset: Moon, Military Installations, Underwater

Boss: Kela De Thaym (Valkyr)



Faction: Corpus

Tileset: Moon, Military Installations, Underwater

Boss: Alad V (Mag)


Tier 3 LvL 21-30



Faction: Grineer

Tileset: Moon, Military Installations

Bosses: Tyl Regor (Saryn), Lieutenant Lech Kril (Rhino) & General Sargas Ruk (Ember)



Faction: Corpus

Tileset: Moon, Military Installations, Underwater,

Bosses: Hyena Pack (Hydroid), Ambulas (Loki) & Raptor (Ash)


Kuiper Belt

Faction: Infested

Tileset: Moon, Military Installations, Underwater

Bosses: Phorid (Nyx), Lephantis (Nekros), Infested Alad V (Mesa), ?NewInfestedBoss? (Nova)


Resource Distribution



Tier 1

Common materials only

Alloy Plate, Ferrite, Cryotic, Nano Spores, Polymer Bundle, Salvage


Tier 2

Common materials 80%*

Alloy Plate, Ferrite, Cryotic, Nano Spores, Polymer Bundle, Salvage


Uncommon materials 20%*

Circuits, Plastids, Rubedo


Tier 3

Common materials 70%*

Alloy Plate, Ferrite, Cryotic, Nano Spores, Polymer Bundle, Salvage


Uncommon materials 25%*

Circuits, Plastids, Rubedo


Rare materials 5%*

Argon Crystal, Control Module, Gallium, Morphics, Neural Sensors, Neurodes, Orokin Cell


* Numbers can be anything as deemed appropriate, above numbers only serve to illustrate the idea behind their distribution across Tiers.


Mission Selector


The idea behind the restructuring is fewer but more interesting missions.




  • Assassination

    • Boss missions

  • Capture

  • Defense

    • Defense objectives doesn’t have to be static objects, it could be a constantly moving train/object, or even NPC civilians

  • Excavation

    • Add all T1 resources to excavation, so that it isn’t only Cryotic being excavated

  • Interception

    • Merge Deception, Interception and Mobile Defense

    • The mission starts like a existing MobDef/Deception does now, but with 1 or more “Keys” which the Tenno must bring to the first terminal(s). After the key is inserted they must hold the location like an interception point, for a set duration.

    • The Mission fails if a point is not under Tenno control at the moment the given Terminals’ counter expires. Continue this for a set amount of terminals captured this way to complete the mission.

    • Enemy control of a console requires a hack completion in order to turn the control back to the Tenno.

  • Mobile Defense

    • Hijack renamed

  • Rescue

  • Sabotage

    • Merge Exterminate and Sabotage, i.e. you must kill X number of enemies AND cause a sabotage

  • Spy

  • Orokin Vault




  • Interception

    • Change it so that only one or two of the points are active at once, with all enemies spawning split between the two active points or all focused on just the singular point which is active, changing dynamically throughout the mission.

  • Sabotage

    • Merge Archwing Exterminate & Sabotage, i.e. you must kill X number of enemies AND cause a sabotage


Red Alerts



  • Invasions, Crossfires, Alerts etc. belong to the same category from a Tenno’s perspective, they are ‘Red Alerts’, hotspots the Tenno respond too at the request of Lotus.

  • Instead of Invasions/Crossfires appearing at individual nodes, they become Planet wide, requiring 3 consecutive runs for a reward. Credit alerts are subsequently increased to 3 runs as well and others are brought down from 5 to 3.

    • The rewards for Credit Alerts can be adjusted to offset the increased number of runs and are afterwards mailed out by Lotus to the player at the completion.

  • Shovel more keys and resource bundles in alerts, or add new alert types all together such as Priority “Assassination” missions for a particular boss, with double drop% or whatever as reward.

  • Instead of seeing 10-15 invasions/Alerts available at a given point like with the current system, there may only be 2-3 at a time, given that there is only 9 locations where they can appear.


Notes to Star Chart


  • Tiers draws upon the existing difficulty already used in Warframe for mission rewards (e.g. Survival Tiers), just in a bit more obvious manner.

  • Nav Segments are removed and access to Tier 2 and Tier 3 are given upon completion of all Boss assassination missions in the previous Tier. Or it could be a combination of All bosses for the Tier killed and X number of missions completed from the planets in the previous Tiers.

  • Bosses could also require X number of mission completions on a given planet before being unlocked as a selectable mission option

  • Trials become available at Tier 3.

  • Oberon stops dropping in missions and is made available from a boss.

  • Limbo, Mirage and Chroma’s missions are reworked to fit under this setup, with missions starting in Tier 1 and progressing to Tier 3.

  • Vauban is taken off the Red Alerts and gets his own missions in similar style as the others or is moved to the Dojo.

  • Banshee, Volt and Zephyr remains available from the Tenno Lab in the Dojo.

  • Dark Sectors are scrapped in their entirety, they are an awful design through and through.

    • Don’t mix PvP elements in a primarily PvE focused game and don’t let players decide the fate or reward schemes of other players, it has historically never worked well. It doesn’t breed competition, but complacency and finding the shortest route to maximum gain for those involved, rather than benefit the playerbase at large.

    • Focus PvP efforts on the Cephalon Capture feature instead. Capitalize on your Unreal Tournament history.

  • Derelict “space” is scrapped, but content/tilesets are reused for the Kuiper Belt missions.

    • Dragon Keys and Derelict Vaults are scrapped and rewards from the vaults are moved to Infested Spy missions in the Kuiper Belt instead.

  • The Void as is, is the biggest detractor from the Star Chart right now and needs to be addressed.

    • The Void is therefore scrapped. Instead a new mission type is designed called ‘Orokin Vault’, or something cooler sounding.

    • The Derelict Vault mechanics are reused for this mission type, but instead of requiring a dragon key they require a Void key.

    • Void Keys will be reduced to three types

      • One for Warframes/Archwings/Companions

      • One for Guns

      • One for Melee

    • Void Keys are available as ‘Red Alert’ rewards or crafted from components found during regular Star Chart missions.

      • Keys as rewards from regular missions and from Void missions are removed.

    • Inside a Orokin Vault will be one or several Orokin Caches with prime parts, think the caches from existing Void Sabotage missions.

    • Orokin Vaults should target a mission difficulty level around the existing Tower 3 difficulty.

    • Mission type could be a unique mixture of Sabotage/Exterminate/Interception with lots of hacking and automated defenses

    • With the above proposal of the Star chart there is room for at least 9 separate Orokin Vault missions across the solar system.

    • If Blueprints are subsequently moved to a new room in the Dojo or to the Market, that leaves, including those items which were retired in March, roughly ~3 Warframe parts per Warframe/Archwing/Companion Orokin Vault, ~4 items per Gun Orokin Vault and ~3 items per the Melee Orokin Vault. That leaves room for the introduction of several future void items. If Blueprints are kept in the drop tables, the numbers will be still be passable.

  • Matchmaking

    • Players should end up being matched together more often given the more limited selection of missions and the removal of the nodes.

    • With 9 Planets and 9 mission types that makes for 81 possible mission types players are spread out over or 90 missions including Orokin Vaults. While still significant it is far from the 254 mission nodes, 6 Derelict missions and 25 Void mission

Edited by (PS4)Crackle2012
added a spoiler to this post
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Warframe Star Chart Revamp Proposal

By Aexrael



Planets are divided into 3 Tiers

Tier 1 LvL 1-10

Tier 2 LvL 11-20

Tier 3 LvL 21-30

Resource Distribution

Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3

Mission Selector



Notes to Star Chart

Red Alerts


Planets are divided into 3 Tiers


Tier 1 LvL 1-10



Faction: Corpus

Tileset: Military Installations

Boss: Sgt. Nef Anyo (Trinity)



Faction: Grineer

Tileset: Military Installations

Boss: Captain Vor (Excalibur)


Tier 2 LvL 11-20



Faction: Grineer

Tileset: Moon, Military Installations and Underwater

Boss: Councilor Vay Hek (Oberon)



Faction: Corpus

Tileset: Moon, Military Installations

Boss: Jackal (Frost)



Faction: Grineer

Tileset: Moon, Military Installations, Underwater

Boss: Kela De Thaym (Valkyr)



Faction: Corpus

Tileset: Moon, Military Installations, Underwater

Boss: Alad V (Mag)


Tier 3 LvL 21-30



Faction: Grineer

Tileset: Moon, Military Installations

Bosses: Tyl Regor (Saryn), Lieutenant Lech Kril (Rhino) & General Sargas Ruk (Ember)



Faction: Corpus

Tileset: Moon, Military Installations, Underwater,

Bosses: Hyena Pack (Hydroid), Ambulas (Loki) & Raptor (Ash)


Kuiper Belt

Faction: Infested

Tileset: Moon, Military Installations, Underwater

Bosses: Phorid (Nyx), Lephantis (Nekros), Infested Alad V (Mesa), ?NewInfestedBoss? (Nova)


Resource Distribution



Tier 1

Common materials only

Alloy Plate, Ferrite, Cryotic, Nano Spores, Polymer Bundle, Salvage


Tier 2

Common materials 80%*

Alloy Plate, Ferrite, Cryotic, Nano Spores, Polymer Bundle, Salvage


Uncommon materials 20%*

Circuits, Plastids, Rubedo


Tier 3

Common materials 70%*

Alloy Plate, Ferrite, Cryotic, Nano Spores, Polymer Bundle, Salvage


Uncommon materials 25%*

Circuits, Plastids, Rubedo


Rare materials 5%*

Argon Crystal, Control Module, Gallium, Morphics, Neural Sensors, Neurodes, Orokin Cell


* Numbers can be anything as deemed appropriate, above numbers only serve to illustrate the idea behind their distribution across Tiers.


Mission Selector


The idea behind the restructuring is fewer but more interesting missions.




  • Assassination

    • Boss missions

  • Capture

  • Defense

    • Defense objectives doesn’t have to be static objects, it could be a constantly moving train/object, or even NPC civilians

  • Excavation

    • Add all T1 resources to excavation, so that it isn’t only Cryotic being excavated

  • Interception

    • Merge Deception, Interception and Mobile Defense

    • The mission starts like a existing MobDef/Deception does now, but with 1 or more “Keys” which the Tenno must bring to the first terminal(s). After the key is inserted they must hold the location like an interception point, for a set duration.

    • The Mission fails if a point is not under Tenno control at the moment the given Terminals’ counter expires. Continue this for a set amount of terminals captured this way to complete the mission.

    • Enemy control of a console requires a hack completion in order to turn the control back to the Tenno.

  • Mobile Defense

    • Hijack renamed

  • Rescue

  • Sabotage

    • Merge Exterminate and Sabotage, i.e. you must kill X number of enemies AND cause a sabotage

  • Spy

  • Orokin Vault




  • Interception

    • Change it so that only one or two of the points are active at once, with all enemies spawning split between the two active points or all focused on just the singular point which is active, changing dynamically throughout the mission.

  • Sabotage

    • Merge Archwing Exterminate & Sabotage, i.e. you must kill X number of enemies AND cause a sabotage


Red Alerts



  • Invasions, Crossfires, Alerts etc. belong to the same category from a Tenno’s perspective, they are ‘Red Alerts’, hotspots the Tenno respond too at the request of Lotus.

  • Instead of Invasions/Crossfires appearing at individual nodes, they become Planet wide, requiring 3 consecutive runs for a reward. Credit alerts are subsequently increased to 3 runs as well and others are brought down from 5 to 3.

    • The rewards for Credit Alerts can be adjusted to offset the increased number of runs and are afterwards mailed out by Lotus to the player at the completion.

  • Shovel more keys and resource bundles in alerts, or add new alert types all together such as Priority “Assassination” missions for a particular boss, with double drop% or whatever as reward.

  • Instead of seeing 10-15 invasions/Alerts available at a given point like with the current system, there may only be 2-3 at a time, given that there is only 9 locations where they can appear.


Notes to Star Chart


  • Tiers draws upon the existing difficulty already used in Warframe for mission rewards (e.g. Survival Tiers), just in a bit more obvious manner.

  • Nav Segments are removed and access to Tier 2 and Tier 3 are given upon completion of all Boss assassination missions in the previous Tier. Or it could be a combination of All bosses for the Tier killed and X number of missions completed from the planets in the previous Tiers.

  • Bosses could also require X number of mission completions on a given planet before being unlocked as a selectable mission option

  • Trials become available at Tier 3.

  • Oberon stops dropping in missions and is made available from a boss.

  • Limbo, Mirage and Chroma’s missions are reworked to fit under this setup, with missions starting in Tier 1 and progressing to Tier 3.

  • Vauban is taken off the Red Alerts and gets his own missions in similar style as the others or is moved to the Dojo.

  • Banshee, Volt and Zephyr remains available from the Tenno Lab in the Dojo.

  • Dark Sectors are scrapped in their entirety, they are an awful design through and through.

    • Don’t mix PvP elements in a primarily PvE focused game and don’t let players decide the fate or reward schemes of other players, it has historically never worked well. It doesn’t breed competition, but complacency and finding the shortest route to maximum gain for those involved, rather than benefit the playerbase at large.

    • Focus PvP efforts on the Cephalon Capture feature instead. Capitalize on your Unreal Tournament history.

  • Derelict “space” is scrapped, but content/tilesets are reused for the Kuiper Belt missions.

    • Dragon Keys and Derelict Vaults are scrapped and rewards from the vaults are moved to Infested Spy missions in the Kuiper Belt instead.

  • The Void as is, is the biggest detractor from the Star Chart right now and needs to be addressed.

    • The Void is therefore scrapped. Instead a new mission type is designed called ‘Orokin Vault’, or something cooler sounding.

    • The Derelict Vault mechanics are reused for this mission type, but instead of requiring a dragon key they require a Void key.

    • Void Keys will be reduced to three types

      • One for Warframes/Archwings/Companions

      • One for Guns

      • One for Melee

    • Void Keys are available as ‘Red Alert’ rewards or crafted from components found during regular Star Chart missions.

      • Keys as rewards from regular missions and from Void missions are removed.

    • Inside a Orokin Vault will be one or several Orokin Caches with prime parts, think the caches from existing Void Sabotage missions.

    • Orokin Vaults should target a mission difficulty level around the existing Tower 3 difficulty.

    • Mission type could be a unique mixture of Sabotage/Exterminate/Interception with lots of hacking and automated defenses

    • With the above proposal of the Star chart there is room for at least 9 separate Orokin Vault missions across the solar system.

    • If Blueprints are subsequently moved to a new room in the Dojo or to the Market, that leaves, including those items which were retired in March, roughly ~3 Warframe parts per Warframe/Archwing/Companion Orokin Vault, ~4 items per Gun Orokin Vault and ~3 items per the Melee Orokin Vault. That leaves room for the introduction of several future void items. If Blueprints are kept in the drop tables, the numbers will be still be passable.

  • Matchmaking

    • Players should end up being matched together more often given the more limited selection of missions and the removal of the nodes.

    • With 9 Planets and 9 mission types that makes for 81 possible mission types players are spread out over or 90 missions including Orokin Vaults. While still significant it is far from the 254 mission nodes, 6 Derelict missions and 25 Void mission 


You probably took a S#&$load of time to make up this and I think there is lots of good stuff in it, but I stopped reading when I saw the first thing that REALLY bothered me.
No way, it is the warframe tradition that the first enemies a new player faces is grineer. Change that and I might be your supporter

Edited by (PS4)Crackle2012
Removed the duplicate posts
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Disclaimer: Been away from game...only read page 1.


This change sounds terrible.  I can get behind lowering the quantities of nodes to 1 type per planet though (with the tileset changing between spaceship and planet where applicable).

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Keep on dreaming. But this is heading to downhill quite fast. All these increased walls, lets not even talk how well rewarded you are if you support salad on current event, randomized missions coming soon to add yet again more walls to climb.

Man, I'm not the one throwing around conjecture like it's fact. You want to believe DE is about to strangle rare resources, I guess that's your deal, but it's not really compatible with the available facts—including the fact that they just doubled the available drops for the rarest resource, neural sensors (from one boss to two, but still). 

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Man, I'm not the one throwing around conjecture like it's fact. You want to believe DE is about to strangle rare resources, I guess that's your deal, but it's not really compatible with the available facts—including the fact that they just doubled the available drops for the rarest resource, neural sensors (from one boss to two, but still). 

This wouldn't be the first time DE has done something shady with drops. (i.e. the datamining debacle)

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I'm in the more clarification is needed boat at the moment, because at present I don't feel like I have a good enough grasp on what is actually happening for me to have an opinion on it. 


HOWEVER, based on the limited information available, I can't help but feel there are less complicated and less controversial solutions to the problem of node/reward dilution. No one is disputing that much of the star chart is barren - that fact is evidently clear to old and new players alike. But the obvious reason for that is because of a lack of rewards on said nodes, not an overabundance of nodes. I feel as if DE is addressing the wrong side of the issue entirely, and isn't seeing the forest through the trees. 


Yes, much of the star chart is vacant and redundant. Yes, reward dilution is an issue that requires immediate and vigorous attention. But the goal here is to make people want to play the game more, not less.

This. This, this, thissity, this. Every last ounce of my This. 

I do agree a pruning of the star chart would be a good thing, yes. But, Redwire speaks to what I feel is the much bigger reason we have ghost town nodes. 

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The star chart only needs minor tweaks, most of which they mentioned at some point. Remove. All the duplicate nodes, no need to have 3 mobile defense on one planet. Spread the void drops out onto the remaining nodes reducing RNG slightly while giving room to add future new items. Create a void that is special and drops different rewards.

If they can cut the nodes down to say 100-150 and make each one have a reason to visit the game should work fine. Cut really deep and do 50-100 might work. Doing 20 that are pure RNG and that is yet another bandaid to fix a problem without actually addressing the real issues.

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