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Atomos Is Disappointing.


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6 forma on mine, I removed the D to make it extra epic. As others have said, this gun is devastating auto-aim death machine of flames. You can hit enemies around corners and through walls, everything melts. Use it to your satisfaction.

Edit: after placing 1 forma on it you can move the D polarity to any other slot btw.

I didn't use as many forma, but yeah, the weapon can be really great without feeling a broken do everything last forever weapon.

It's pretty satisfying when you aim at an enemy and kill 1~xx enemies that were behind cover and that maybe you didn't even know they were there.

The weapon works really well against infested because of that, they rush to you, so range stops being a problem, and they rush, usually, in groups, which makes it kill more than 1 enemy per burst.


Only flaws are NOTSUPAHHIGHDAMAGEOMIGOSH, range (can be modded if you want, still, you should also carry a primary) and low ammo. But all that is fine, because it has nice advantages, and honestly, some weapons could use some flaws, so we have a bigger reason to use the other ranged weapon that we carry around. Rather than having weapons that do everything, it's better for the game if we have to carry weapons that complement each others (burst fire secondary when you carry a bow/sniper/low fire rate primary, lower fire rate secondary with high damage like the Marelok/Lex Prime/etc when you are using a burst damage primary that melts ammo in 5 seconds), else most content just feels useless (still, snipers need a buff, so do other weapons because their flaws aren't related to having other weapons to complement them, it's just that their flaws gimp their functions).



After using the Atomos, IMO, it's not disappointing at all. It's only disappointing if you don't add enough mods (because it's not broken straight out of the box).

Edited by Sorrow0110
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1 forma, and I can hold down the stairs on any Void Defense on my lonesome with this gun.

Atomos is pure hax, but the price of its hax is that it is awkward to use, coz it occludes your POV and you can't really see what you're shooting at. It reminds me of using Acrid, the way the enemies just...fall down.

You want to know what was in the Ark of the Covenant?

It was Atomos.


Edit: When you pull out Atomos, tap 'H' to shift the POV to over your left shoulder, and hey presto! Atomos's hax has no price.

Edited by methodbetween
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Instead of getting a mini plasma cannon thing similar to the Megaman or Samus Aran vibe it gives off, it's just a mini fire based Amprex with nothing particularly stand out.


1) Small ammo pool.

2) Very limited range, even for a continuous weapon.

3) Its zoom could've been a charge up projectile or grenade as there's no reason for a weapon with such tiny range to have such a large zoom.

4) The chain effect also has a tiny range.

5) More to personal taste but it feels like using a super soaker/water gun.


Hopefully we'll see a proper arm cannon in the future.

...remind me the nukor

i hate those kind

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Just because it looks like an arm cannon doesn't automatically make it bad for not being just like Megaman or Samus's.


That said, I would totally dig an arm cannon that was similar to the Ballistica in that a normal attack would be a burst but could be held for a super shot.

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Basics for making this weapon work:

Strategy: high damage "close-and-kill" weapon used with melee.

Basic Mod set-up to get you going:

Hornet strike

Lethal Torrent

Barrel Diffusion

Deep freeze (blast damage) in the polarity slot

Heated/primed Heated Charge

And yes, it is a super-heated liquid death gun with chaining that feels more like splash damage.

It is a hidden Gem of a weapon with a damage curve that skyrockets after you add a catalyst and get it over lvl 20.

And I call your bluff, OP. I think you love this gun so much, like a lot of us, that you are trying to Jedi-mind-trick DE INTO NOT NERFING IT! ;)

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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If you think the Atomos is disappointing then you are either building or playing it wrongly. True it cones with an unhelpful polarity in the first slot, but even at max rank with no forma this is a very effective weapon against lower tier enemies. The bigger bonus is that you can instantly vapourise crowds. Great for an XP farm and it always helps to get the bigger damage dealt stats.

The key to the weapon is use of the Ruinous Extension mod. At max rank this adds 8m to the length of the beam. It also adds to the chaining effect, which is where this weapon becomes a true killer. The ammo consumption is fine, although I have found that at 40 mins of void survival I am using too much ammo and needing restores. For that reason I have started to use an ammo mute mod for longer harder void levels.

The D polarity makes it awkward to mod for corpus, but you can use magnetic and gas which is effective. Alternatively just run a corrosive build and wipe out the crowds a little slower. Hardly noticeable until high levels. Heat, gas and radiation builds stack up nicely.

I have added a catalyst and 4 forma to my Atomos. If you run mutation this is enough forma. Otherwise you may need a 5th dash polarity for an elemental mod to get the most damage. With my current set up even running as a glass cannon frame and not using any abilities I am getting 70% to 80% of damage in squads of mastery rank 10 upwards. Not bad for a sidearm. You do have to get up close and personal to an extent, but no less than with a synoid gammacor, and that didn't have the chaining effect which can wipe out a line of enemies 100 metres long.

Disappointing? No. Fun to use and can be oh so effective. Well worth farming the Jackal for Ruinous Extension. You can't judge this weapon without it.

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Agree with OP that the preview description was a bit misleading and that it was disappointing to get another continuous weapon instead of an arm cannon, but I love the Atomos as it is.  It's hilarious to watch crowds of enemies melt before this thing, and I've only fed it one forma (yeah I got sidetracked by the Mara Detron, sue me).


Goodbye, Synoid Gammacor.  You were missed for about a half-second (I bought my first right before it was nerfed).

Edited by TenguBlade
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The atomos is a beast I put 6 formas on it. It is a powerful secondary. I guess I shouldn't say this though because DE like to nerf weapons and buff nothing. Overall it is a good weapon. Only complaint is ammo consumption but that can be fixed with ammo mutation etc. The thing is super oogly lol. And the shooting mechanic. For some reason the stream shoots to the left directly in front of my warframe so that I cannt even see the stream when aiming down the sight. 

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  • 2 months later...

Firstly, you probably don't want to revive several month old threads with no posts in recently.


And, like most weapons, it can be used for the void. I'd say that it's above average on the tier list, and can work quite well, chaining through null shields.

Edited by Warriorrogue
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