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Mastery Rank Superiority....


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Funny, how many people take OP's suggestion the wrong way, and feel the need to belittle him over it. Feel better about yourselves because you're not asking for preferential treatment, guys? Guess what: Some of us want to wave our status around in front of other people. That's a common thing for humans, in fact. Hell, it's common in most animals. The powerful show off in front of the weak. There's nothing wrong with that, and you can damn well bet that plenty of rich and powerful Tenno would be showing off, were this a real society.


Yeah, I have my Excalibur Prime, and my Founder badge and such, but sometimes there's that urge to have something else, you know? To do a bit more $&*^-waving, to put it bluntly. I don't see why that's a problem, especially when all it means is that when someone works up to a higher rank, they get to do the same $&*^-waving as anyone else in that elite section of the community. If you don't want to have power and riches flaunted in your face, work toward getting your own, so you can do the same thing. Or not, if you don't want to. Don't act like it's wrong for others to want to be able to flaunt even harder, though.

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One of the massive appeals of this game is the genuinely F2P nature of the game. You can get anything (excluding founders) should you play long enough. You may be new, but you will not be gated. That's a facet that draws players in. Any player that reaches MR(currently)19 deserves every bit as much as you do for reaching MR19. Your age is shown by sigils and emblems, and your skill is shown in-game.

In short, you have everything already that will set you apart as an older player. New players graduate and become old players. That's how progression works.

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Let say DE add the most OP gun for MR 15+, then you'll start to see Hosting T4S 2 hours, MR 15+ only.  Pretty much would just encourage elitism.


What I would like to see with higher MR rank is maybe some extra free item slots lol

Edited by Hueminator
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if you put it that way........it's something like that XD


So basically, people with a lot of spare cash should also be "special"?


Do you seriously think that just collecting weapons and spending 30 minutes on Draco per weapon should give you more things then a player that buys a handful of guns and Frames and just plays for a couple of years with just his favorite things?


That same guy could outscore you by 100 TIMES collected affinity with just the weapons he likes best, but you, with "I'm sitting in a team on a crate and my mates are doing all the work", could have managed to rank everything to 30 and and are now MR18.


Mastery Rank means NOTHING, so it should gain you NOTHING.

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I am pretty sure that everyone want the feel of progression. Currently you can get stronger weapons and MR locks are 1-8. What I think people are wanting the game to expand and be rebalanced. We want mastery rank 10+ not to be about locking guns but the feel of progression though the content and getting stronger.



TL;DR:Players want content expansion (with MR involved) not content additions.

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Guess what: Some of us want to wave our status around in front of other people.


Yea, and if that status actually took some work to obtain, that would be fine.


If you buy your status, then you might as well buy a Diploma. It basically means just as much.

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I think hes trying to say something like


"There should be a reason to be a higher mastery rank, cause we unlock all our stuff at mr8 and theres no point to go higher at the moment."


If it can be obtained by anyone through the tests, its not a bad thing really.

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Let say DE add the most OP gun for MR 15+, then you'll start to see Hosting T4S 2 hours, MR 15+ only.  Pretty much would just encourage elitism.

I can see how you would think that. But if a rank 10 wanted to join in that T4 survival and he cant do damage after an hour and the rest of the squad has to carry them for the other hour, how would that be fair? Saying MR 15+ means people know how strong you are and you could hold your own against them. I also think they do need to rebalance weapons and how MR is earned if a system like this was put into place.

Edited by TriggerHappyWhiteGuy
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I think hes trying to say something like


"There should be a reason to be a higher mastery rank, cause we unlock all our stuff at mr8 and theres no point to go higher at the moment."


If it can be obtained by anyone through the tests, its not a bad thing really.


If that is what I thought he meant, I would not have gotten snarky about it.


What it sounded like was "I'm entitled to stuff other people should not have simply because I own more weapons and Frame slots".

That is my problem with it.


Make ACTUAL REAL tests of skill in this game, and THEN tie MR to it, and then maybe it means something. The MR tests are trivial, and are tied to an affinity gain mechanic that has nothing to do with skill and more to do with knowing which crates you can stand on while hitting 4.


Because the square root is taken of the enemy's level, the actual benefit of facing high-level enemies is minimal. For example, killing a level 100 Napalm would give 1213 Affinity, less than twice the Affinity you would get from a level 3 Napalm (623). Therefore, "farming" Affinity is easier when killing many low level enemies instead of withstanding very powerful ones.

Edited by DSpite
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They are already working on it.  Isn't there a syandana they are making that grows as your MR goes up?


Also weapons are a bad idea to lock behind MR.

I would like if you elaborate on weapons locked behind MR and how its a bad idea (your opinion). Do you think all weapons that currently have MR locks should get removed? Everything should be obtainable at MR 0? I think mastery rank locked weapons is the way to go but I think the MR system need to get a rework first.


Some of the Issues that I have ran into was I am too strong for new players and want to try a speed up the grind as fast as possible. This results into me killing everything and new players lose in fun in the game due to my overwhelming amount of power. If they where matched up with players their own strength then they would have more fun.


My issue is that I like a challenge(people my rank who can keep up with me) I tend to have alot more fun with people my own rank or close to it because its not just me getting all the kills. After thousands of hours playing this game I just dont feel like carrying people anymore and just want to play with people that can hold their own weight when I do a mission.

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Higher MR players should have stuff that lower MR players can't get till they themselves reach a high enough MR.... ;/



But oh well, what I'm trying to state is that, a method/way/something should be implemented into game where it will make it super easy and extremely clear to differentiate BEGINNER and VETERAN players.

mastery sigil

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But oh well, what I'm trying to state is that, a method/way/something should be implemented into game where it will make it super easy and extremely clear to differentiate BEGINNER and VETERAN players.

that isn't necessary nor is necessarily good. creating divides is not particularly engaging.

however, more reasons to want to get Mastery Points - by all means. but not reasons that specifically divide Players.

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I don't like this idea. It encourages people to push their mastery rank up at the expense of learning to be good. Plenty of high MR's are awful, and they should not be rewarded for using Plat + Draco to get a ton of mastery points without ever learning anything about the game. 


Instead, the whole mastery system needs to be overhauled to better reflect skill and true completionism, not the current farce of a system we have. Once it's overhauled, then we should talk about more/better rewards for high mastery. 


I wouldn't say the OP is entitled, I think he just worked really hard to level a lot of stuff and he'd like to see more rewards for that. It's understandable and from a certain perspective I agree, but like I said, I think the current mastery system is a problem because it really isn't a good gauge of anything and doesn't really recognize the right things. It only recognize ranking more stuff up, that's not mastery, that's leveling. That's a completion bar. Mastery is being able to do certain things with that weapon, or that Warframe. Not just using it until it's MR after one Draco run where it sat idle in your loadout while you used a different weapon or pressed 4/3/2/1 over and over (whichever button fits for your cheese frame of choice). 


I'm not saying that's what the OP did, but it's what a lot of people do. That means those undeserving people would be getting rewards that should be only for people who really did master stuff. Who really have committed to the game and proved their skill. So, the OP and others with super high mastery rank should get more and better rewards, in my opinion, but again, only after the mastery system is fixed to reflect something besides leveling stuff. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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The Focus™ system was supposed to work with MR.

The higher your MR, the more Focus Lens you can equip.


Which of course allows you to make your frames even more specialized.


But of course, Focus at the moment is non-existent because DE can't figure out how to make it without absolutely overpowering high MRs like you and I (I am MR 19 too).

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I think Mastery Rank 15+ should get 1 more extractor, and at Mastery Rank 20 again +1 extractor. The Rest is fine with me (also MR 19 myself). I never understood why it stopped at MR10 with the extractors

Edited by _Keniji_
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The dude got his neural sensors. The dude worked his booty off to get them Galliums and the 1200 rubedos. and those 5 more neurodes because, this game is that way.


Veterans : They have accepted the fact taht they wanted to get strong. So they farmed.
Newbies : They are still conflicted that they should farm, or want to upload plat with their lack of experience.

Rank 8 = Dragon Nikana. Rank 6 = Syndicates. Rank 4 = Clan weps(some?). Rank 2 = Trade. Any rank = any planet that you have successfully fought the boss and won, along with making it out.



That is literaly the only thing that separates us from them. Yea we can go to the void, and know really strange things from day 1 we start in the game(alerts & events). Which means it can be very overwhelming, because we are not sure in which TIERS of weapons list off. Small example is Akvastos and Akmagnus, clearly akmagnus is better. Yet the player will still progress through the akvasto because of style, this is one of the things that this game needs to separate us from. Along with PRIMES and certain weapons to divide itself.
However if it was like this, the game would be linear and boring.
MR ranking? needs work, how? Dunno. Just give us good mods every rank, Aura mods are obtained only through alerts. Loadout slots are given but we don't get any more WF or weapon slot. Catalyst and Reactor are impossible to get, only if u use them from the shop.(u get a catalyst from one of the quest).

Edited by Renkai141
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mastery sigil


  This sigil represents the pinnacle of mastery within the Tenno.  

–In-Game Description

The Mastery Sigil is a limited-edition Sigil granted to players from November 14, 2014 to November 26, 2014. This Sigil dynamically changes design based off the player's Mastery Rank."

i really dont know HOW it was gained, as I have it but some of my clanmates dont.

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